My Super Farming System/C41 Old Mr. Hu's Complaint.
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My Super Farming System/C41 Old Mr. Hu's Complaint.
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C41 Old Mr. Hu's Complaint.

He had seen it all, both what he was and wasn't supposed to see.

Zhao Yuegu found himself in a bit of a bind.

Should he just leave and act as if nothing had happened?

But he was already inside...

His skin, albeit a tad small, was impeccably maintained, seemingly flawless.

And unlike Ma Yabei's lacy underthings, there was a cute Pikachu-themed one...

While he pondered his next move, Sun Ying sensed something and groggily opened her eyes.


"Leaving so soon?"

"Just a bit more sleep."

She then snuggled deeper into the covers.

Zhao Yuegu couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

Even now, she was thinking about sleeping?

But quickly, Sun Ying realized something was off. She let out a startled yelp and sat up, clutching the blanket tightly around her.

"What do you think you're doing? I'm off-limits for the next couple of days!"

It was as if a crow had flown over his head, leaving behind six little black marks.

"I'm just waking you up, what else?"

"A girl needs to protect herself, especially when she's nearly bared it all."

He tossed Sun Ying her clothes and made his exit.

"Get up and meet me in the cafeteria."

Skipping breakfast wasn't an option.

It's not good for your health.

Zhao Yuegu was too hungry to entertain any other thoughts.

Sun Ying opened her mouth, watching his retreating figure, and finally let out a long sigh.


Why did her period have to start now?

Otherwise, she might have had a chance with the boss.

What a shame.

But being seen like that didn't bother her in the slightest.

If Zhao Yuegu were unattractive, it would be indecent.

But his good looks and physique had Sun Ying entertaining thoughts of her own mischief.

It wasn't until after eight that they finally got on the road.

There was no helping it; Sun Ying simply lacked the sense of duty of a driver.

Everbreach wasn't far from Zeffari County, and the highway made the trip relatively quick.

Even though Sun Ying was a woman behind the wheel, she drove with remarkable steadiness.

"Boss, I need to stop by my house to pick up some clothes."

"No problem."

"Long live the boss."

Unbeknownst to the pair still en route, Zeffari was on the cusp of upheaval.

The arrival of Old Mr. Hu and Old Mr. Ma had everyone up in arms, eager to make their acquaintance.

Countless individuals were vying to forge connections with the two elders.

Even a mere acquaintance could potentially pave the way for a brighter future.

Those with a shred of ambition gathered, hoping to make a favorable impression.

Meanwhile, Old Mr. Ma was eyeing the road under construction with astonishment.

"They're using a large shield machine for a village road?"

"The cost of this road is astronomical. Your county must be flush with cash."

The irony in Old Mr. Ma's voice was palpable.

It was clear to any astute observer that the road held little value.

Ma Yabei, however, pursed her lips and interjected,

"He's funding it out of his own pocket."

Old Mr. Ma immediately understood who his granddaughter was referring to.

"A construction cost in the hundreds of millions? That kid is loaded. What's he doing investing in this backwater?"

This incident only deepened Old Mr. Ma's perception of Zhao Yuegu as an enigma.

His previous attempts to investigate Zhao Yuegu had yielded scant information.

Yet here he was, driving a luxury car and lavishly funding road construction, a clear sign of his substantial wealth.

But the rationale behind digging into the countryside was baffling.

Why farm here when there were countless other places?

However, recalling Old Mr. Hu's high praise for the rapeseed, Old Mr. Ma's skepticism waned, recognizing that Zhao Yuegu was likely on the brink of great success.

With crops that could significantly boost yield per acre, he had the potential to secure his standing in the nation, earning the title of a promising young talent.

Such an endeavor was a boon for the prosperity of the people.

"Well, as long as the kid's character checks out, I wouldn't object to Yabei marrying him."

Despite his stubbornness, Old Mr. Ma couldn't help but start to see Zhao Yuegu in a positive light.

As for Old Mr. Hu, he had barely slept two hours the night before, rising before dawn with an eagerness to head into the mountains.

"Hasn't the car arrived yet?"

"Why are the road conditions so bad?"

"Old Su, can you call in some engineers to clear the path?"

Old Mr. Ma rolled his eyes at the request.

"I've been retired for years!"

"Besides, using public resources for personal ends is against the rules."

"We can't afford to wait."

Old Mr. Hu was visibly distressed.

The second-generation engineers might know the route, but knowing it and accessing it are two different things.

He had used numerous instruments to pinpoint the location.

But how to operate these instruments in an off-road vehicle?

And after last night's rain, with reports of landslides and mudflows ahead, what kind of skilled driver could navigate through?

They had no choice but to wait for a helicopter, which would make things much easier.

An impatient Old Mr. Hu kept venting his frustrations to Old Mr. Ma.

"This is all because of you. If you had been nicer yesterday, that young man wouldn't have left."

"Now look at us, chasing after him and not even knowing where to find him."

Old Mr. Ma just had to bear it.

For the good of the community, he'd swallow his anger no matter how great.

Thankfully, the county's response was swift, and soon a helicopter was dispatched.

Old Mr. Hu couldn't wait a moment longer; he was the first to board, with everyone else following.

They scoured the skies for Walden Village, guided by the rough directions.

The road workers gazed upward, filled with awe.

"It seems Walden Village might just produce a real dragon."

"Who would've thought such an isolated place could stir up such a sensation?"

"That must be the C-20 helicopter from the reports. It's incredibly cool. I never imagined I'd see one up close in my lifetime."

"Enough chatter. We're not in their league. Let's focus on the roadwork."

Aircraft, after all, travel faster than any vehicle on the ground.

The thunderous sound of the helicopter drew the village residents' attention skyward.

Every elder craned their necks, curious.

"What's that thing flying up there, making such a racket?"

"Don't be so surprised. It's an airplane. I saw one twice during my military days, though this one's much larger than those I've seen."

"I never thought I'd live to see such a sight before I'm six feet under," the elder remarked.

The villagers were utterly astonished.

Their mountain village was so isolated, it might as well have been a different world compared to what lay beyond its borders.

Many of the elders couldn't even recognize letters, let alone understand what a helicopter was.

"Look, that thing's coming our way."

"It's not going to crash into us, is it?"

"Should we take cover inside the house?"

From high above, Old Mr. Hu took in the full view of Walden Village.

Nestled between mountains and rivers, with wisps of smoke curling up from the chimneys, it was the epitome of tranquility.

"This is a remarkable place, blessed with both natural beauty and exceptional people. It's rare to find such traditional charm these days."

Old Mr. Ma slowly nodded in agreement as he peered out the window.

"Apart from its remote location, the natural setting here is quite impressive."

The village was too small for the helicopter to land within its confines, so it had to touch down in a field that had been cleared after the harvest.

One by one, the passengers disembarked from the helicopter. Village Chief Yang, advanced in years and leaning on a cane, was visibly moved.

"Remember, no idle chatter later. We've got a VIP visiting this time."

Old Mr. Hu could barely contain his excitement upon greeting Village Chief Yang.

"Where's Zhao Yuegu?"

Village Chief Yang scanned the crowd of villagers and bellowed at one of them.

"He hasn't returned since he left yesterday."


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