My Super Farming System/C43 [crossing the Mountain with a Horse]
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My Super Farming System/C43 [crossing the Mountain with a Horse]
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C43 [crossing the Mountain with a Horse]

When Zhang Xuan caught Zhao Yuegu's eye, she readily agreed.

"This foal is named Crested Horse, a standout among domestic breeds."

"The Three River Horse is renowned, on par with the Ilyan Horse and the Riverqu Horse—it's one of the finest in the nation."

"Even Premier Zhou once commended the Three River Horse."

"In both domestic and international competitions, the Three River Horse can hold its own against foreign breeds!"

"Sadly, fewer than a thousand remain nationwide, making them incredibly rare."

Lin Yinan was impressed with Zhang Xuan's expertise.

Sun Ying, however, was visibly miffed.

She couldn't shake the feeling that Zhang Xuan harbored ulterior motives towards Zhao Yuegu.

It seemed to her that Zhang was flaunting her knowledge.

Zhao Yuegu, meanwhile, was contemplative.

"How much?"

Zhang Xuan paused, caught off guard.

"Its coat is exceptional, and it has the potential to be a professional racehorse. It's priced around two hundred thousand yuan."

Sun Ying's eyes widened in shock.

"That much?"

"You could buy a car for less."

Zhang Xuan remained unfazed.

"That's the price before training. Once trained, its value is incalculable."

"A top-tier horse can fetch tens of millions."

Zhao Yuegu just chuckled.

A horse worth tens of millions carries more symbolic value than anything.

Even standard racehorses don't command such figures.

In this industrial age, horses don't hold the same significance to humanity as they once did.

They're more for entertainment now.

"I'll take it."

Sun Ying pouted again.

"Must be nice to have money."

Spending two hundred thousand yuan on a domestic horse seemed like folly to her.

"Is it fully vaccinated?"

"All done."

Zhao Yuegu stroked the Crested Horse's muzzle and swiped his card without a second thought.

The horse's spirit surprised him, but he was drawn to its fiery nature.

He relished the thrill of taming such a creature.

But what truly captivated him was the intelligence in its eyes—that's what caught his attention from the start.

Once the payment was settled, the horse farm would arrange delivery for Zhao Yuegu.

"Brother Lin, let's exchange contact information. If you ever need anything, just reach out to me."

Zhao Yuegu couldn't help but smile at her sweet laughter, and without hesitation, he added her on WeChat. Casually browsing through her Moments, he noticed not only equestrian photos but also swimsuit shots showcasing her incredible figure. It made sense—girls who were passionate about horseback riding took their fitness seriously. Otherwise, they'd never manage to handle those wild horses.

"Alright, time to head back," he said decisively, ready to leave before it got too late. His car led the way with the horse trailer trailing behind. Sun Ying, however, was sulking.

"This horse is barely a year and a half old; it's not ready to plow fields," she protested. "And it's way too pricey."

Despite her wealth, Sun Ying was far from frivolous with her spending, though she was never short on cash.

"A year and a half is perfect for training. By this time next year, it'll be ready to work the land," Zhao Yuegu explained. "Plus, I've got my eye on the Crested Horse. It's jet black with snow-white hooves. Once it's fully grown and galloping, riding it will feel like soaring through clouds and snow—a superb experience. And let's not forget, it's the same breed as the steed of the mighty Western Chu overlord, Xiang Yu. You can't put a price on that."

Sun Ying was at a loss for words.

"You're using it to pull a cart?"

"That was the initial plan, but in a year's time, the roads will be better, and we might have other options. I simply fell for this horse," he admitted.

"Money lets you be capricious," Sun Ying sighed, continuing down the county road. Perhaps due to the high cost of the vehicle, other drivers gave them a wide berth, not daring to risk an expensive accident. This caution made their journey smoother.

Seizing a moment of calm, Zhao Yuegu checked his phone for devices that could get a signal in the mountains. His search led him to an international headline.

"Starlink Project? 12,000 satellites to envelop the Earth, providing global signal coverage?" he read aloud. "It's even available for civilian use, with equipment priced at $20,000. Too bad it's not an option back home."

The scale of the project left Zhao Yuegu in awe.

The world's wealthiest individual certainly has a unique perspective. He's even contemplating colonizing Mars. Unlike him, I prefer the steady, reliable work of farming. It's the most secure way to make money, and it offers more freedom. Planting in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in autumn, and storing in winter—it aligns perfectly with nature. "Who knows, maybe one day while I'm farming away, I'll end up becoming the richest man myself," Zhao Yuegu mused as he checked his account balance, which was a mere fraction of the other's wealth. "Better to stick to the solid ground of farming."

Traveling on a county road allowed for a quicker pace. In under two hours, they were back on the mountain road under construction. Zhao Yuegu was delighted to see the first tunnel had been fully pierced through. This would effectively prevent landslides and other issues from impacting the road. Even though the tunnel wasn't yet reinforced or fully equipped, it was still a cause for celebration. Driving through the incomplete tunnel evoked an inexplicable emotion. Sure, it was dark, but that was a temporary issue. Solar panels would soon be installed for independent power supply. Plus, Second Construction had already arranged for the power company to lay cables along the road, which would eventually support streetlights.

But at the road's end, they'd have to leave the main path and tackle the off-road stretches. Zhao Yuegu pulled down Little Crested Horse and secured it to the vehicle. "This rough road is no match for the horse—it can keep pace easily."

"What about when we get to the cliff? The horse won't be able to climb that," Sun Ying pointed out.

"You'll see when we get there," Zhao Yuegu replied cryptically.

After securing the vehicle, Sun Ying watched in amazement as Zhao Yuegu grabbed the horse's hooves and hoisted the entire animal onto his back.


"Are you riding it, or is it riding you?" Sun Ying asked, her shock making her forget to question where Zhao Yuegu had found such strength. For him, the weight of Little Crested Horse was manageable, though the animal's restlessness required extra effort to control. And with the added challenge of climbing, Zhao Yuegu's strength was put to the test even more.

Fortunately, after ten minutes, he managed to get up there.

When Zhao Yuegu set down the crested horse, he could distinctly feel it had become far more compliant.

Clearly, Zhao Yuegu's strength had left a profound impression on the animal.

Instinctively, a look of awe shone in its eyes.

Sun Ying had exerted a great deal of effort to climb up and, after taking a brief rest, she set off again.

The remainder of their journey would be on foot, after all.

They hadn't notified the villagers, so there was no one to greet them.

The afternoon weather was pleasantly cool. Zhao Yuegu, leading the young stallion, with Sun Ying panting at his side, strolled along as if they were leisurely sightseeing—quite the enjoyable excursion.

Country living lacked the frantic pace of the city.

Only as dusk approached did they finally catch sight of the small mountain village in the distance.

But it was the helicopter parked beside the village that completely captured their attention.

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