My Super Farming System/C46 Free Labor
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My Super Farming System/C46 Free Labor
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C46 Free Labor

Under Sun's father's strong endorsement, Zhao Yuegu finally relented and brought out the watermelon. There wasn't much left at home. Old Mr. Hu initially seemed indifferent to the black-skinned watermelon. It was pricier than the regular kind, but he didn't expect anything extraordinary. Yet, once he tasted it, his eyes sparkled with delight.


"How can it taste this good?"

Old Mr. Hu savored it meticulously, even hesitating to discard the seeds he spat out. "This watermelon is unusual; I've never encountered this variety before. The flavor is exceptional. I need to test a piece of this."

After declaring his intent, Old Mr. Hu handed a slice to a student. The professor, well into his fifties, began collecting samples to analyze later.

Old Mr. Ma's eyes also shone after trying it. "This watermelon is certainly impressive." His advanced age often diminished his appetite, a common issue among the elderly. But this watermelon was irresistible. It was so delicious that he couldn't stop eating. It whetted his appetite, and before long, the large watermelon was devoured in no time by the small group.

"Is there any left?" Old Mr. Ma asked, wiping his mouth, still craving more.

Zhao Yuegu looked visibly distressed. What to do? They were eating him out of house and home. Sun's father, however, was quite considerate. "Don't worry, I'll pay for it. Just take what you need."

Zhao Yuegu shook his head; money wasn't the issue. The problem was the dwindling supply. He needed to keep some for himself. "This is the last one," he said nonchalantly, bringing out a smaller one.

The two elders ate with gusto. Meanwhile, Sun's father, a watermelon enthusiast himself, showed remarkable restraint, clearly aiming to make a good impression.

As Old Mr. Hu enjoyed his share, he inquired, "This watermelon variety is truly unique. Do you have seeds?" "You can plant the seeds directly," he was told. "Make sure to save some. Next year, let's plant two acres in the experimental field."

Zhao Yuegu shook his head.

"Growing watermelons can be quite complex."

"No problem. I'll request funding from the school—five million yuan should suffice, right?"

Zhao Yuegu's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Educators back then really had deep pockets!

It wasn't until after some casual conversation that Zhao Yuegu came to a realization.

The University of Everbreach, ranking among the nation's top three agricultural universities, wasn't just flush with cash.

They had an abundance of land, too!

Experimental fields were scattered throughout the country, primarily focused on improving crop varieties. And every year, the nation poured substantial funds into these efforts.

In a food-centric empire, the cultivation of the land was a matter of national importance.

Agriculture was ingrained in their DNA.

Otherwise, why would they be the first to explore the possibility of growing crops in lunar soil upon its return to Earth?

To the rest of the world, this research was unparalleled domestically.

Naturally, with the University of Everbreach's endorsement, Zhao Yuegu's future farming endeavors were bound to be much easier.

Following a hearty meal and drinks, Zhao Yuegu and Old Mr. Hu became fast friends, despite their age difference.

But that two-century-old wine proved to be quite potent.

Upon waking, Zhao Yuegu couldn't recall what he had said to Old Mr. Hu.

Which explained the eager look Old Mr. Hu gave him the next morning.

After piecing together his fragmented memories, Zhao Yuegu turned to Ma Yabei for answers.

"Why is Old Mr. Hu looking at me like that?"

Ma Yabei covered her mouth, laughing.

"You had a bit too much to drink yesterday and ended up discussing farming with Old Mr. Hu."

"I couldn't grasp all the terminology, but Old Mr. Hu was impressed with your insights on agriculture, saying they were even sharper than those of professors who've dedicated years to the field."

"He was so taken aback that he nearly knelt down to call you 'teacher'..."

At this point, Ma Yabei took a sharp breath.

"How did you come by such extensive agricultural knowledge? You seem to surpass even the dedicated agricultural professors."

Zhao Yuegu took a big gulp of water, finally starting to feel a bit more clear-headed.

"Just from farming," he replied nonchalantly.

As for the cosmic-level knowledge bestowed upon him by the system, he had no idea how to even begin explaining that.

Especially since many of those concepts were unattainable on Earth.

In the vastness of space, experiments could be conducted that were not possible on Earth.

Humans have always excelled at domesticating plants, and Zhao Yuegu was no exception. His ability to tame flora far outpaced the seasoned professors in their labs, who relied heavily on sophisticated equipment to conduct their experiments. Zhao Yuegu, on the other hand, could intuitively understand plants with just a glance, thanks to the wealth of experience stored in his mind.

Ma Yabei, of course, wasn't convinced by Zhao Yuegu's offhand remarks. "If you're not going to explain, forget it. I'm off to see my grandfather," she said dismissively.

"Sure," Zhao Yuegu replied, glancing at the sun. It was nearing seven or eight o'clock. He couldn't recall the last time he had slept in so late. The potency of two-century-old wine was not to be underestimated.

Old Mr. Hu's presence, however, felt a bit intrusive as he shadowed Zhao Yuegu, who still had farming chores to attend to. "Old Mr. Hu, if there's something on your mind, feel free to speak up," Zhao Yuegu said.

"It's nothing. I'm just reminded that the younger generation will always surpass the old," Old Mr. Hu replied with a hint of nostalgia.

"You're still vigorous and active on the front lines, Old Mr. Hu. I have much to learn from you," Zhao Yuegu offered respectfully.

"It's I who should be learning from you. Besides, I've been considering settling down in this village, if that's alright," Old Mr. Hu inquired tentatively, then quickly added, "Don't worry, I'll find a place to stay. There are vacant houses here that I can fix up and move into. And if you need help in the fields, count me in. I'm quite handy with farm work."

Zhao Yuegu turned his attention to the two students following Old Mr. Hu. Both were well into their fifties, their honest faces and weathered skin making them look more like seasoned farmers than academics. It would surprise many to learn that they were renowned agricultural professors back home, where a Ph.D. in agriculture was a prerequisite to work alongside Old Mr. Hu.

Watching them handle the vegetable seeds, Zhao Yuegu noted their professionalism. "When I press the seeds for oil, some is inevitably lost, but their technique is flawless, yielding a higher extraction rate than mine," he mused. "The expertise of an agricultural Ph.D. is truly remarkable," he thought, with a mix of admiration and a touch of playful critique.

They were a bit slow at the task, sure.

But free labor is too good an opportunity to pass up.

And now I'm starting to see how the University of Everbreach rakes in the cash.

They own the land, and the students don't cost a dime. They work the fields without wages and call it 'hands-on learning'...


Those students are still forking over tuition.

Zhao Yuegu suddenly realized just how tough it is for agriculture students.

They're breaking their backs with this grueling work, and they're actually paying for the privilege...

It's got me thinking about starting my own agricultural university.

It's a surefire moneymaker!

The land is there for the taking.

With these thoughts, Zhao Yuegu inevitably turned his attention to Old Mr. Hu.

"Old Mr. Hu, take a look – my Walden village has over 800 acres of land..."

Old Mr. Hu cut him off with a gesture.

"No need to go on, I get the picture."

"Just let me know when you're ready to start planting."

"I'll send some students from the university for fieldwork, but we'll need a clear road first, and they'll need meals provided."

"That settles it."

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