My Super Farming System/C48 The Old Mr. Ma Who Was Slapped in the Face
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My Super Farming System/C48 The Old Mr. Ma Who Was Slapped in the Face
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C48 The Old Mr. Ma Who Was Slapped in the Face

East Scene, the young and already illustrious heir to the Oakroe Group, was a figure of renown. To those who knew him, he was affectionately referred to as Young Master Jing. Within the Oakroe Group, his popularity was unparalleled, commanding legions of subordinates. Yet, as he traversed the freshly constructed mountain road, his mood was anything but serene.

"What was the old man thinking, tasking me with this project as if it's some golden opportunity?" he grumbled. "Do I really need to be here in person? Ridiculous. And after asking countless people, no one seems to know where this godforsaken place is! What a colossal waste of my time."

In a fit of irritation, East Scene rolled down the car window. His frustration was palpable, and he took it out on his female companion with a harsh pinch that drained the color from her face, though she dared not utter a sound. To be in Young Master Jing's presence was a privilege she considered a stroke of incredible luck. A little pain was a small price to pay for a life of luxury, as long as she kept him satisfied.

Whether East Scene saw her as a person was irrelevant. Money was all that mattered.

"Young Master Jing, please, don't be so upset. That insignificant place isn't worth your anger," she soothed. "Here, let me ease your frustration."

With that, the partition to the driver's seat was firmly shut. The driver could only sense the car shaking intensely as he drove on.

How was this road even constructed? The ride was so rough that it made even a high-quality car tremble. Thankfully, the journey was brief, and they soon reached the road's end.

East Scene slumped into his seat, spent. "Damn, it's been ages since I've had that much fun," he said, a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration in his voice.

His companion wore a look of silent grievance. East Scene took a long drag on his cigarette before donning his suit and surveying the construction crew.

"Have we arrived?" he asked.

"Not quite... There's still a stretch of mountain road ahead," came the reply.

"The car can't make it through?"

"We'll have to go on foot."

"What a dump. There's no developmental potential here whatsoever. What on earth was the old man thinking?"

East Scene's temper flared anew.

"Young Master Jing, since we've made it this far, the path must be close," someone reassured him. "Surely, there's someone who knows the way."

"We've found a local hunter skilled in tracking. He'll be able to lead us to Walden," they informed him.

"Alright, let's go."

But twenty minutes into the walk, Jing Yonghe's legs turned to jelly.

His female companion simply collapsed onto a rock, unable to go any further.

"How much longer?"

"We're almost there," the guide assured, his voice dragging.

He wouldn't have agreed to this gig if it weren't for the hefty payment. These clients were a handful, especially the young leader who acted high and mighty, as if he was above everyone else. It was infuriating.

But the money was worth the hassle. Or so he told himself.

For a hunter, a two-hour trek was nothing. But for Jing Yonghe, who was already running on empty, it was sheer agony.

"Are you kidding me?" Jing exploded. He'd never endured such misery. His million-dollar suit was ruined, torn to tatters in the underbrush. He was beyond cursing.

He wouldn't have bothered with this trip if it wasn't for his grandfather's insistence on securing that contract. How could such a destitute place even exist? The locals seemed like monkeys that could be easily tricked with bananas and dates.

He had braced himself for the journey, but nothing could have prepared him for the reality of this dilapidated trail that made him nauseous with every step. He was done walking.

The hunter pointed ahead. "See that field? We're close now."

"If you're screwing with me again, I swear I'll leave you for dead in these mountains," Jing threatened.

The hunter eyed Jing's frail figure. In these woods, it was anyone's guess who might not make it out alive, bodyguards or not. But killing a man as wealthy as Jing would only bring trouble.

Just a little longer...

And then, there it was: the ancient village of Walden. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Without this find, there was no telling what kind of chaos the young master might cause.

Meanwhile, the real negotiators were already pondering their next move should the Oakroe Group fall into the hands of such a capricious heir. No one with real talent wanted to play second fiddle.

Upon glimpsing the mountain village, Jing Dong's eyes sparkled with sudden brightness, reminiscent of a ravenous wolf eyeing a succulent morsel. The newcomers' arrival piqued the interest of the villagers, prompting Zhao Yuegu, Old Mr. Ma, and others to jovially make their way to the village entrance.

"You've made quite the trek to get here; make sure you extend a warm welcome," Old Mr. Ma advised Zhao Yuegu in a mentoring tone. "Even if negotiations with Oakroe Group don't pan out, we must still make a lasting impression. They're a leading conglomerate, after all."

"I've met Yang Guang before—he's a formidable and shrewd figure domestically. Befriending him could reap untold benefits." Old Mr. Ma clapped Zhao Yuegu on the shoulder, his every word laden with wisdom and significance.

Sun Ying looked on, her face a canvas of admiration, convinced that Old Mr. Ma truly had Zhao Yuegu's best interests at heart—unlike her father, who revered those wooden logs as if they were sacred relics, almost wishing to cradle them in his sleep.

Meanwhile, Old Mr. Hu was unfazed by the commotion, engrossed instead in examining Walden's natural habitat. For someone like him, accustomed to academia, such research was practically second nature, especially in a locale as unspoiled as this.

Before long, the group approached, weary as panting dogs, save for one plainly dressed individual who still seemed sprightly.

"Little Six," greeted Village Chief Yang with evident delight upon spotting the hunter. "Uncle Yang, you're as robust as ever. These folks are looking to invest, so I've brought them over."

Yet, as he drew closer to Zhao Yuegu and the rest, he whispered a cautionary note, "Be wary, they're not the easiest to engage with."

Zhao Yuegu's brow creased ever so slightly, sensing an undercurrent of tension, particularly from the ashen-faced young man at the forefront, whose gaze clung to them and whose neck stretched oddly long.

Before the villagers could utter a word, the young man erupted in complaint, "I've never seen a project conducted like this. Everywhere I go, I'm met at the airport. If not in a Bentley, then at least in a Maybach."

"You all just loiter at the village entrance without even offering the courtesy of a damn cup of tea."

Zhao Yuegu had intended to greet them with a smile, but those words wiped it clean off his face.

Could a person even say such a thing?

It was outrageously over the top!

Who asked you to come here?

And you expect tea with that kind of attitude?


The villagers certainly weren't looking for any favors.

Their faces were etched with displeasure.

Yes, we might be poor here, but we still have our pride.

Where did this jerk come from?

What kind of nonsense is he spouting?

Yet, the associates of Yang Guang were quick to interject, "Master Yang, please, calm down. These folks just don't get it."

"You're above this, no need to stoop to their level."

But Yang Guang just scoffed.

"You know nothing."

"We've come here to bring them prosperity."

"Listen up, I'm offering you ten million. From this day forward, this village is under the wing of Oakroe Group."

Zhao Yuegu couldn't stand it any longer and shot Old Mr. Ma a look.

"So this is the renowned Oakroe Group you spoke of?"

Old Mr. Ma's face flushed with embarrassment, and he cleared his throat.

"Let me speak plainly. If there's to be development, shouldn't there at least be a discussion about the plans?"

However, Yang Guang's gaze had already shifted to Ma Yabei standing behind.

"Do you really think your words carry weight?"

Old Mr. Ma was taken aback, his eyes reddening with anger.

"Young man, I dare you to repeat that."

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