My Super Farming System/C49 [reward: Medical Skill Guidance]
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My Super Farming System/C49 [reward: Medical Skill Guidance]
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C49 [reward: Medical Skill Guidance]

When Zhao Yuegu learned that Jing Dong was bad news, he pondered his next move. The easiest solution? Toss him out—let him roll back to wherever he crawled from. After all, Jing Dong was no match for him alone, let alone with backup. But what Zhao hadn't anticipated was Jing Dong's sheer lunacy; he went and picked a fight with Old Mr. Ma. That was no small insult—Zhao figured it was akin to telling someone to get lost. And just after Old Mr. Ma had put in a good word for the Oakroe Group, he was metaphorically slapped across the face, leaving him with no place to hide his embarrassment. If word got out, he'd be ruined.

Yet Jing Dong's madness persisted. "What's it gonna be, old timer?" he taunted. "I'll whip you!" Old Mr. Ma's cane sliced through the air, striking Jing Dong's companion before he could even react. "Ah! How dare you!" Jing Dong's scream trailed off as he stumbled backward. "Hold down this old cur!" The outsiders dared to raise their hands to fight. Zhao couldn't stand idly by, not with Yabei present, and certainly not with Old Mr. Ma at risk.

But before Zhao could intervene, the soldiers behind Old Mr. Hu sprang into action, swiftly taking down everyone. Jing Dong, in particular, received special attention, his head pinned to the dirt. "You're finished," they declared. "Do you know who I am?" Jing Dong continued to bluster, despite his predicament.

Zhao shook his head in disbelief. The guy was clueless, his modest wealth making him lose all sense of direction. A cautionary tale, indeed. Meanwhile, Zhao couldn't help but admire the soldier's combat prowess—it was something to aspire to, compared to his own reliance on brute strength.

Then, Zhao noticed the soldier pressing a red button. A signal was sent, and by the time the fully armed soldiers parachuted from the helicopter, the Oakroe Group's men were already trussed up like dumplings. Zhao squatted next to Jing Dong, "Why stir up trouble with him? Even your own father wouldn't dare cross him. Tsk, you're in for it now."

"Let me make one thing clear: there will be no tourism development in this area, period."

"Boring," Zhao Yuegu remarked before turning on his heel and walking away.

Whatever Jing Dongming was blubbering about didn't matter in the slightest.

He was going to be taken away regardless.

Still, arriving on foot and leaving by helicopter wasn't too shabby.

"What should we do with that kid?" someone asked Old Mr. Ma.

A sinister chuckle escaped Old Mr. Ma. "Toss him into the military and let them strip him down to the bone."

Zhao Yuegu shuddered at the comment, sensing the lethal intent radiating from Old Mr. Ma. His methods seemed excessively harsh.

Whether Young Master Jing's father would intercede was irrelevant. If he had any emotional intelligence, he'd consent to Old Mr. Ma's handling of the matter. Insulting a retired elder was a grave matter, and Zhao Yuegu knew that the military had ways of dealing with arrogant types like Jing Dongming.

He didn't want to contemplate the potential for injury or worse in the army, where such outcomes were commonplace, and even expected to a certain degree.

He shuddered at the thought.

Old Mr. Ma, meanwhile, refrained from discussing any advantages of the Oakroe Group. In contrast, Old Mr. Hu was visibly amused. "After all these years, I've never seen you take a hit like that."

Old Mr. Ma's expression darkened. "If word of this gets out, you and I will have issues."

"I wasn't the only witness," came the retort.

With a cold huff, Old Mr. Ma retreated to the courtyard, choosing silence over conversation.

Zhao Yuegu gave Ma Yabei's hand a gentle squeeze. "Your granddad's got quite the temper."

"That man was out of line," she replied.

"Aren't you going to try and calm him down?"

"Oh! I completely forgot," she admitted with a start.


How could she forget something like that? It made one wonder about their familial bond.

But it was Old Mr. Ma's intervention that had saved Zhao Yuegu from a major headache. Given Jing Dongming's obstinate nature, Zhao Yuegu feared the village elders might have been pushed too far by his insolence.

He arrived with a charitable mindset.

Pfft, who's in need of such handouts?

Zhao Yuegu took a quick look at the system.

There was still a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars sitting there.


"Did I just trigger a mission?"

Preserve the pastoral ecology, say no to tourism development.


A twitch formed at the corner of Zhao Yuegu's mouth.

He had no idea when this mission had popped up.

And now, he had somehow completed it without even trying.

"What's the reward?"

Zhao Yuegu flipped through the details.

"Ten million dollars? That's almost seventy million yuan."

"A nice little windfall."

"But it pales in comparison to the thousand-year-old ginkgo biloba."

"Huh, is this a medical skill guide?"

Zhao Yuegu was momentarily taken aback.

After using the Medical Skill Guide, his mind was flooded with countless medical cases.

They were mostly traditional medicine, resembling a compendium of knowledge.

It made Zhao Yuegu feel fully qualified to take on the role of a village doctor.

"I've turned into an old-time physician in the blink of an eye."

He shook his head in disbelief.

The breadth of knowledge from the system was overwhelming.

He was hesitant to treat people.

But with this newfound medical knowledge, Zhao Yuegu realized he could identify many medicinal plants.

He also gained a deeper understanding of their properties.

Now, even while farming, he could discern the potential medicinal benefits of his crops.

Then there were insights on wellness.

Sure, he was young and wellness wasn't a concern...

But who wouldn't want to extend their life?

"Now, if the village elders fall ill, maybe I can be of help."

"They won't have to just sit at home and wait out their illness."

Zhao Yuegu shook his head.

These days, too many people can't afford to fall ill.

Before any treatment, they're subjected to costly tests that drain their wallets.

It's not as straightforward as taking a pulse.

The real challenge is that mastering the art of pulse diagnosis, a traditional practice, requires extensive hands-on experience to become accurate.

Who in today's fast-paced world has the time to dedicate decades to such a craft?

Thankfully, the system's guide came packed with a wealth of experience.

Zhao Yuegu always believed that with a multitude of skills, one would never starve. His primary duty, however, was to tend to his farmland diligently. He couldn't afford to become complacent just because the population had increased.

"That thousand-year-old ginkgo biloba tree does pose a problem," he mused.

"I can acquire this ancient tree if I just choose the right location."

"But its exact purpose remains a mystery."

"Still unknown."

"Perhaps we should wait until Old Mr. Ma and the rest leave before moving it to the backyard?"

The family's three-sectioned courtyard was, for the time being, completely sealed off in the rear. Given the high walls, the ancient tree should go unnoticed if placed there. The ginkgo biloba stood as a veritable cornucopia of medicinal wealth. Every part, from its leaves to its fruit, held immense therapeutic value. On the market, it would indeed be an invaluable asset.

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