Unbeatable Martial Emperor/C41 Eternal Demon Body.
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Unbeatable Martial Emperor/C41 Eternal Demon Body.
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C41 Eternal Demon Body.

Staying within the confines of his family would only make Min Zhenkang a hothouse flower, incapable of achieving greatness. With unwavering determination, he trekked on foot toward the Fang Sect, pressing forward both day and night.

As he journeyed, Min Zhenkang's mind was a whirlwind of activity, constantly scouring for cultivation techniques suitable for his current level. His earlier cultivation had been too weak, limiting the techniques available to him. Now, with a slightly improved cultivation, he found himself without the time to seek out new methods to practice.

This moment, however, presented the perfect opportunity to both stabilize his cultivation and identify the right technique for his advancement. Min Zhenkang was, in essence, a walking treasure trove and a mobile alchemy lab!

After much contemplation, he settled on two cultivation techniques that were appropriate for his current level. The first was the Heaven Holding Seal, a middle-level Profound Rank technique. Its opening line, "Heaven and Earth Great Seal, to control all things in the universe," was a testament to the ambitious spirit of its creator. Despite the hyperbole of its introduction, the technique's potency was undeniable.

While the most common weapons included sabers, spears, swords, halberds, and staffs, the Great Seal was a rarity. Techniques associated with it were either overwhelmingly powerful or merely for show. Min Zhenkang, of course, had no interest in the latter.

His choice was also influenced by the presence of a large seal in his Bag of Heaven and Earth. The other technique he discovered was the Body Tempering Method. His journey on foot to the Fang Sect served multiple purposes: it honed his mental resilience, deepened his cultivation, and provided a mild form of physical conditioning.

The benefits were modest only because he hadn't yet practiced a specific Body Tempering Method. Should he combine his journey with the actual technique, the results would be vastly superior.

In the land of Suanikos, where martial arts reigned supreme, there were many who focused on cultivating their physical form. For these cultivators, a shattered body was not the end, as long as the Primordial Spirit remained intact—they could simply find a new body to inhabit, a process akin to possession.

Those with profound cultivation levels didn't even need to seek a new body; as long as their flesh wasn't completely obliterated, they could regenerate from the smallest remnant of blood and flesh.

For cultivators, the physical body serves merely as a vessel to house the Primordial Spirit and to execute their cultivation techniques. As long as their Primordial Spirit remains intact, they possess the potential for endless rebirth.

Yet, the Primordial Spirit is exceptionally vulnerable. Should the body perish and the Primordial Spirit fall into an adversary's clutches, the chances of survival are slim.

Furthermore, even if the Primordial Spirit manages to flee, restoring the body demands an immense expenditure of energy and time.

Reincarnation through another's body is an even more arduous process, requiring significant time to adapt to the new vessel.

As a result, Suanikos has gradually seen the rise of individuals who focus primarily on physical cultivation. These practitioners may not boast high levels of cultivation, but their physical strength is extraordinary, along with a robust resistance to blows.

Among peers, a cultivator's strike might barely register to a body practitioner, yet a single punch or palm strike from the latter could leave a cultivator severely wounded, if not worse.

Hence, cultivators tend to engage body practitioners with long-range attacks or by wielding weapons.

There are those with cultivation talents so prodigious that they are particularly vexing; their physical bodies are honed to such formidable levels that without significantly higher cultivation, one would lack any inclination to battle them.

Min Zhenkang, in his past life, was one such individual.

In that life, only a handful on the entire Suanikos could rival Min Zhenkang's cultivation level, yet none could truly challenge him.

And none dared to attempt the ascent to the higher realms, for the tribulation lightning was not to be trifled with—a moment's carelessness could result in obliteration.

Cultivation is, by its nature, an act of defiance against the heavens. Each realm has its laws, and those who seek to transcend these laws invite the world's retribution.

The most immediate form of this retribution is the scourge of heavenly lightning.

The body refining technique Min Zhenkang discovered is known as the Indestructible Demon Body.

It is said that before the heavens bestow a great task upon an individual, they must first temper their will and fortitude.

The Indestructible Demon Body is a middle-level technique within the Profound Rank. Mastering it can transform the body into a demonic form, impervious to blades and spears, unbreakable by any means at its level.

"Little friend, where might you be headed?"

Min Zhenkang was deep in thought, reviewing the cultivation methods of two techniques, when a voice interrupted his reverie.

Turning around, he saw an elderly man on horseback, with three young men and two women following on their own steeds.

It seemed the elder was guiding these youths somewhere, and judging by their expressions—full of wonder—it was clear they had just ventured out from home for the first time.

"Old sir, I'm on my way to the Fang Sect," Min Zhenkang replied.

"Oh? Are you also headed to the Fang Sect to seek apprenticeship? You should join us. There are many Demonic Beasts and bandits along the way; it's quite perilous to travel alone."

"Besides, at your current pace, you might arrive after the Fang Sect's disciple recruitment period has ended, and that would be a wasted journey."

"Thank you for your concern, sir, but I prefer to make my way there slowly. If I miss the recruitment, I'll consider it part of my training."

"Master, why bother talking to this fellow? He's clearly a pauper without a penny to his name, not even enough for a horse, and yet he talks of training."

One of the young men stepped forward, addressing the elder with a tone of impatience.

"Silence," the elder chided the young man, before turning to Min Zhenkang with an apologetic air. "Please forgive my disciple's blunt words. If he has caused any offense, we hope you'll overlook it."

"No harm done," Min Zhenkang responded, uninterested in holding a grudge against the youth.

"If you're set on this self-imposed training, I won't keep you."

"Here, take this silver. When you reach the town, you can buy a horse. That way, once you've completed your training, you can ride to the Fang Sect and not risk missing this year's recruitment."

The old man produced some silver coins from his Bag of Heaven and Earth and offered them to Min Zhenkang.

"Your generosity is appreciated, sir, but I truly have no need for it," Min Zhenkang politely declined once more.

"Hmph, some people just can't recognize a favor." The man who had been halted by the elder couldn't stand Min Zhenkang's stubborn pride.

He rode up beside the elder and forcefully took the silver.

"If you're going to be ungrateful, then you don't deserve this silver," he declared before riding off into the distance.

"My apologies, my disciple is a bit blunt, but he means no harm. I hope you won't hold it against him," the elder said to Min Zhenkang.

"Well, I won't impose on you any longer. We'll meet again at the Fang Sect." With that, the elder quickly spurred his horse to catch up with the young man, followed closely by the other four.

Min Zhenkang watched them disappear into the distance, a smile playing on his lips, the incident already forgotten.

He had begun practicing the Indestructible Demon Body technique. To enhance his training, he had taken the extra step of retrieving a mid-tier Profound Grade spirit weapon from his Bag of Heaven and Earth, strapping it to his back.

To avoid drawing attention, Min Zhenkang had carefully wrapped the weapon in black cloth, making it impossible to discern its nature or level at a glance.

A Profound Grade Spirit Weapon, when wielded with Profound Qi, feels as light as a feather, perfectly obeying the wielder's intent without any sense of weight.

But without the aid of Profound Qi, bearing the weapon's weight with mere physical strength, even the lowest Profound Grade Spirit Weapon would weigh several thousand kilograms.

To recklessly place such a weapon upon oneself without preparation would surely result in being crushed.

Thus, non-cultivators wield only ordinary weapons, while cultivators alone have the ability to handle treasure artifacts and spirit weapons.

Naturally, not just anyone can wield weapons of any grade. A novice martial artist, with only the most basic level of cultivation, would be overwhelmed by even a low-tier Profound Grade Spirit Weapon.

Now, Min Zhenkang, who was already finding it challenging to manage a mid-tier Profound Grade Spirit Weapon with his Profound Qi, was preparing to test his limits by bearing its full weight without any mystical energy support.

To onlookers, it seemed like a surefire way to court death.

Yet Min Zhenkang persisted, the weapon strapped to his back as he trudged forward, one laborious step at a time.

With each step, he had to muster all his strength, managing to cover only a fraction of the distance he intended.

His footfalls left deep impressions in the earth, each one several inches deep.

Lifting his foot for the next step required a considerable rest, as if gathering the will to continue.

The Profound Qi within him was so suppressed it nearly ceased flowing.

Still, Min Zhenkang paid it no mind, resolutely taking one step after another.

After an arduous two hours, his body succumbed to the strain, and he collapsed to the ground.

But Min Zhenkang didn't remove the spiritual weapon from his back; instead, he seized the moment to rapidly cycle through the cultivation technique of the Indestructible Demon Body.

Even though he constantly practiced the technique, the spiritual weapon's suppression slowed the process to a crawl.

In two hours, Min Zhenkang had advanced only a few hundred meters—a pace that could hardly be considered slow.

Behind him, a trail of deep footprints bore witness to his grueling journey.

To the uninformed, it might seem as if a mighty cultivator had passed through, flexing his physical prowess.

After a brief respite, Min Zhenkang resumed his trek to the Fang Sect.

Carrying the spiritual weapon, he continued on, step by deliberate step. Along the way, he encountered several parties also bound for the Fang Sect, all of whom gave him a wide berth.

One must never casually approach strangers on the road; an encounter with a malevolent soul could spell disaster.

Few were like the elder accompanied by three men and two women—those who either possessed no treasures to tempt thieves or were so confident in their cultivation that they feared no evil.

But who truly possesses such self-assuredness? It's a common understanding that there's always someone stronger out there.

Day and night, Min Zhenkang trudged along the road, a spiritual weapon strapped to his back. He only paused for rest when his body could no longer bear the strain, using these breaks to accelerate the cultivation of his Indestructible Demon Body.

This was his routine for one day.

And for two days.

Even after five days, nothing changed.

By the tenth day, on a narrow path, a young man with an object shrouded in black cloth on his back made his way steadily forward. Each step left a deep imprint on the earth, yet he continued at an even pace.

This young man was none other than Min Zhenkang, boldly heading to the Fang Sect. With ten days behind him, he had covered just over a third of the distance. Time was pressing; less than fifteen days remained before the sect's recruitment period closed.

At his current rate, Min Zhenkang would surely miss this year's opportunity to join the disciples. Missing out meant waiting several more years for the Fang Sect to open its doors once again.

Despite knowing this, Min Zhenkang maintained his calm and consistent stride.

Over the past ten days, he had progressed from needing to rest every hour to only two or three times a day. His footprints, once several inches deep, were now noticeably shallower.

Along the way, many had caught glimpses of Min Zhenkang on his journey.

While Min Zhenkang pressed on relentlessly through the night, others racing to the Fang Sect would seek out inns for rest or camp in the woods or by the roadside come evening. Consequently, it was not uncommon for some to spot Min Zhenkang one afternoon and then encounter him again on the following day's travel.

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