Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C42 I Haven't Challenged You Yet.
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Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C42 I Haven't Challenged You Yet.
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C42 I Haven't Challenged You Yet.

A piercing shriek erupted from the Iron-armored Dragon Snake as the Wind Slasher Mantis delivered a sudden and devastating strike, nearly severing it in two. The wound hung by mere scales and a thin layer of muscle, with blood spurting out like a fountain. Even from afar, the severity of the injury was unmistakably clear.

The Wind Slasher Mantis withdrew its sickle blade, coated with fresh blood, and returned to Luh Qiu's side after inflicting a crippling blow on its adversary. The Iron-armored Dragon Snake collapsed, its form sprawled in a growing pool of blood. Though not yet dead, it had utterly lost its capacity to fight.

"You've lost," Luh Qiu declared with a smile, his gaze fixed on Yun Ye.

Yun Ye's complexion had turned deathly pale. In that moment, he realized he had been thoroughly outmaneuvered by Luh Qiu. The Wind Slasher Mantis had possessed the means to penetrate the Iron-armored Dragon Snake's defenses all along, yet it had concealed its true power, waiting until its guard was completely down before striking fiercely.

Grasping this, Yun Ye was consumed with frustration. But he couldn't fault Luh Qiu—employing strategy in battle was par for the course for any Beastmaster. Minimizing one's own losses while defeating an opponent was a hallmark of excellence in their field.

With no other recourse, Yun Ye retracted the Iron-armored Dragon Snake into his pet space and retreated into the crowd, his expression dark and stormy.

"Does anyone else dare to challenge me?" Luh Qiu called out, his eyes sweeping across the onlookers.

This time, the response was immediate. No sooner had Luh Qiu's words faded than Han Xuemei emerged from the crowd, boldly accepting the gauntlet.

"I will!"

She marched into the arena, her eyes briefly meeting Xie Yang's in the crowd. Han Xuemei didn't truly believe she could conquer the stone tablet challenge, but her pride as a genius spurred her on. The more exceptional the talent, the greater their confidence—and their desire to shatter the bounds of the impossible. Thus, Han Xuemei was naturally compelled to take on the stone tablet challenge that had yet to be bested by anyone.

On the flip side, if she were to succeed in the challenge, the 500 points she'd earn would be more than enough to reclaim her top spot.

By contrast, the cost of failure was merely a month's worth of training resources—a trivial matter for Han Xuemei, hailing from a prestigious Beastmaster family.

"Junior sister, what should I call you?"

Luh Qiu appraised Han Xuemei with a curious gaze.

It wasn't often that one encountered such beauty within the academy walls.

"Han Xuemei."

"Ah, the third-ranked newcomer. Your pet is the Steel Striped Dragon, I see."

Han Xuemei had already summoned her Steel Striped Dragon. Noticing Luh Qiu's lingering gaze on her pet, she arched an eyebrow.

"Something on your mind?"

"If I'm not mistaken, your Steel Striped Dragon is at the third rank, third layer, correct?"

"And what of it?"

Luh Qiu gave a nonchalant shrug. "A Dragon Department pet's combat prowess is easily top three in its class. A third rank, third layer Steel Striped Dragon should have no trouble defeating an ordinary pet at the third rank, fifth layer. My Wind Slasher Mantis wouldn't stand a chance."

With that, Luh Qiu surprisingly withdrew his Wind Slasher Mantis.

Han Xuemei paused, a flicker of confusion crossing her eyes.

"What's this about? Are you conceding the match?"

"Of course not."

The grin on Luh Qiu's face deepened.

"I simply want to switch to a different pet for our battle."

No sooner had he spoken than a bright light flashed beside him, and a massive lion materialized from nowhere.

The Wind Lion was a formidable fourth rank, wind attribute pet.

Han Xuemei was taken aback.

Murmurs of astonishment rippled through the onlookers.

"A second pet!"

"Is that a fourth rank pet?"

Luh Qiu having a second pet was hardly a shock.

Anyone who cleared the higher level Apprentice Assessment was entitled to one.

There were easily dozens present who had done so.

Yet, most had only recently passed the assessment and hadn't found the time to bond with a suitable pet.

Others preferred to dedicate their efforts to their primary pet before seeking a new companion.

For a sophomore like Luh Qiu, there was ample time to nurture his pets. Owning two formidable creatures was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

Yet, what no one expected was that Luh Qiu's second pet was a fourth-rank beast, far surpassing the strength of the Wind Slasher Mantis.

In the crowd, Yun Ye's face twisted with rage.

He had convinced himself that his defeat was merely a result of oversight.

But now, it was clear that Luh Qiu hadn't even exerted his full strength in their recent clash.

Without resorting to any tactics, Luh Qiu could have easily bested him with a mere flick of his wrist.

A hush fell over the onlookers.

The spectacle had left everyone in awe.

"So, what do you think? Ready to keep going?" Luh Qiu asked, his smile directed at Han Xuemei.

The outcome of the battle was glaringly clear.

The third-rank Steel Striped Dragon, no matter its prowess, stood no chance against the Wind Lion.

Han Xuemei's lips pressed together in a tight line. She was competitive, yes, but not unreasonable.

Swallowing her pride, she gave a decisive shake of her head.

"I'm no match for you."

With those words, she withdrew her Steel Striped Dragon and retreated into the crowd.

A silent tension blanketed the onlookers.

The examinees exchanged uneasy glances.

They now grasped the reason behind the stone tablet's undefeated legacy.

If they couldn't surpass Luh Qiu, how could they hope to challenge the likes of Moo Yaoyao and Luo Tu?

It was like facing an unscalable peak.

Even Lian Xia, who had been poised to challenge after Han Xuemei, abandoned the thought.

Observing the shift in the crowd's mood, Luh Qiu's playful grin faded into a more sober expression.

Narrowing his eyes, he spoke deliberately, "Well? Do you see the disparity between us now?"

"The stone tablet challenge is meant to impart this very lesson. Our role is to humble you newcomers."

"Sure, you're the cream of the crop from high schools far and wide, but Nightbay Academy is teeming with prodigies."

"We've had an extra year of training, making us stronger. And let's not forget the juniors and seniors, whose power you can't even fathom!"

"So, no matter how exceptional your talents, check your egos at the door. Always remember, within these walls, there are plenty who can outclass you!"

After his words hung in the air, a hush fell over the crowd.

The expressions of the examinees were a mix of complexity and flickering gazes.

Luh Qiu didn't concern himself with whether they had taken his words to heart; his task was done.

"Well, that's that. We should head back now."

He shrugged nonchalantly, ready to wrap up and depart, when a serene voice cut through the silence.

"Hold on, senior."

"I haven't had my chance to challenge you yet."

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