Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C45 An Equally Outstanding Close Combat Ability
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Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C45 An Equally Outstanding Close Combat Ability
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C45 An Equally Outstanding Close Combat Ability

A thunderous roar erupted beside everyone's ears, leaving them dumbstruck as they gazed at the Rock Ghost nearby, their faces etched with astonishment. It took several seconds before the crowd erupted into a chorus of gasps.

"A second pet?"

"What kind of pet is this? I've never seen one like it!"

"It seems to have an earth attribute!"

"Such an overwhelming presence!"

"Xie Yang actually had such a formidable pet up his sleeve!"

Shock was written all over many faces. The fact that Xie Yang possessed a second pet wasn't particularly shocking, but the commanding aura and the imposing stony physique of this pet signaled its immense strength. It might not be fourth rank, but it was certainly not far behind. At the very least, it was of the third rank, either eighth or ninth layer – and that was astonishing.

"The pressure it exudes is intense!" Luo Tu inhaled sharply, his face a mask of uncontrollable surprise. The strength of this Junior Brother was beyond fathomable. He not only had a fourth-rank ice attribute pet but also a second Earth Attribute Pet that was at least in the late period of the third rank. It was almost inconceivable that he was only eighteen. Many sophomores hadn't achieved this level of power.

After giving Xie Yang a meaningful look, Luo Tu turned to Luh Qiu. "What was that you said?" Luh Qiu's mouth twitched as he averted his gaze, feigning ignorance of Luo Tu's question, while internally he was at a loss for words. This Junior Brother was outrageously strong, and that wasn't even the full extent of his power. My goodness!

It dawned on Luh Qiu that even if he gave it his all, he would likely still be defeated by Xie Yang. The Wind Slasher Mantis stood no chance against that formidable pet.

"Why do we have such an exceptional freshman this year?" Luh Qiu couldn't help but wear a wry smile.

Moo Yaoyao was equally taken aback. When she regained her composure and her gaze met Xie Yang's, her eyes were no longer poised and confident but heavy with gravity. "I must concede, your strength has taken me by surprise!"

It was only at that moment that Moo Yaoyao truly acknowledged Xie Yang as a contender worthy of her attention. Xie Yang simply responded with a serene smile.

They didn't waste any more words; both combatants launched their attacks simultaneously.

The battle erupted in an instant.

The Armor Piercing Turtle made the first move, its spike-covered body barreling towards the Rock Ghost like a battle tank.

Upon seeing this, the Rock Ghost cracked a wicked grin.

It reached down, clawing a layer of mud from the solid earth, rolled it into a ball, and hurled it at the Armor Piercing Turtle.

Clay Bomb!

The mud ball, minuscule compared to the Turtle's massive form, exploded on impact like a bomb.

The forceful blast nearly toppled the Armor Piercing Turtle.

Before it could regain its footing, another Clay Bomb came flying.

In mere moments, the Rock Ghost had launched five Clay Bombs, shattering many of the spikes on the Turtle's shell.

The onlookers were astounded, their minds buzzing with the same realization: This had to be a fourth-rank pet!

The revelation left everyone speechless.

A sophomore owning two fourth-rank pets was one thing, but Xie Yang, a freshman, having two? That was beyond astonishing!

Even Luo Tu and Luh Qiu were visibly shaken.

From the start, everyone could see that the Rock Ghost was dominating the Armor Piercing Turtle.

Meanwhile, Jennie was gaining the upper hand against the Yellow Sand Lizard Man.

Despite the Lizard Man's agility, it struggled under Jennie's relentless barrage of attacks.

Xie Yang watched and quickly assessed the situation.

Whether it was the Armor Piercing Turtle or the Yellow Sand Lizard Man, their strength hovered around the fourth rank's second or third layer at most.

They were significantly outclassed by Jennie and the Rock Ghost, both at the sixth layer of the fourth rank.

Defeat was inevitable.

Moo Yaoyao realized this too.

She could hardly fathom that Xie Yang's pets had outmatched the ones she had so carefully raised.

Had she not witnessed it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it.

The crowd of spectators also caught on to the tide of the battle.

"Was I mistaken, or does it look like Xie Yang is getting the upper hand?"

"No, you're not mistaken. Xie Yang definitely has the advantage!"

"He's incredibly strong. We're not even in the same league!"

"Just one of his pets could take you down!"

"We're all freshmen, but the gap between us and him is just too vast!"

Many were in utter disbelief.

Han Xuemei, Lian Xia, and the others were even more astonished.

He possessed two fourth-rank pets, each at a minimum of the fifth layer in strength!

His power was several times greater than theirs.

The disparity was so immense, it squashed any thoughts of catching up to him.

After launching another volley of Clay Bombs, the Rock Ghost plunged its hands into the earth and heaved upward.

The solid ground crumbled like tofu in its grasp, and a massive chunk of rock was excavated in an instant.

Bolstered by the Earth Element, the rock's surface quickly took on a deep, slate-gray hue.

The next instant.

The Rock Ghost let out a roar and hurled the rock with tremendous force. The stone flew like a missile, striking the Armor Piercing Turtle.

Rock Bullet Projection!

The dull thud of the impact was so intense it made everyone's chest tighten.

The colossal rock shattered on impact. The Armor Piercing Turtle, struck hard, cried out in pain as cracks webbed across its thick shell.

"Such formidable long-range suppression!"

Moo Yaoyao's face flickered with emotion, then she steeled her resolve.

As though responding to an unseen command, the Armor Piercing Turtle's hide began to glow, forming a dense, earthy-yellow shield of light.

It charged headlong towards the Rock Ghost.

"Looking for close-quarters combat?"

A smirk danced in Xie Yang's eyes.

"Then I'll grant your wish."

Sensing its master's intent, the Rock Ghost grinned malevolently. It waited for the Armor Piercing Turtle to close in before savagely throwing a punch.

Typically, if a pet excels in elemental control, it tends to favor spellcasting, which usually means weaker melee capabilities.

Moo Yaoyao had assumed the Rock Ghost would be no different.

But the scene that unfolded next left her white as a ghost with shock.

The Rock Ghost's prowess in close combat was nothing short of exceptional.

With each swing of its fist, it struck the Armor Piercing Turtle with the weight and impact of a boulder.

The terrifying force behind each blow was palpable to all who witnessed it.

Clearly, the Rock Ghost's imposing physique was not just for show.

Far from turning the tide, the Armor Piercing Turtle found itself increasingly overwhelmed and at a severe disadvantage.

"It's actually this powerful in hand-to-hand combat! What kind of creature is this?"

Moo Yaoyao was utterly consumed by a profound sense of horror.

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