Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C46 What Was the Use of Soul Technique?
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Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C46 What Was the Use of Soul Technique?
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C46 What Was the Use of Soul Technique?

The Rock Ghost's evolutionary path was one of divinity, a route that bolstered both its melee prowess and mastery over Earth Element manipulation.

In any combat scenario, be it ranged suppression or close-quarters combat, it outmatched any pet of equivalent level.

Regrettably, Moo Yaoyao was unaware of this fact.

It wasn't long before the Armor Piercing Turtle's protective light barrier crumbled under the relentless pounding from the Rock Ghost.

Its heavy fists pummeled the turtle, the thudding impacts reverberating like a drumbeat, sending shivers down one's spine.

In mere moments, the Armor Piercing Turtle was riddled with wounds, its once sturdy shell webbed with a network of cracks, leaving it in a pitiable state.

The Rock Ghost too had sustained injuries, but they were trivial for an Earth Attribute Pet with such robust vitality.

The Yellow Sand Lizard Man fared no better.

Jennie unleashed a barrage of area-of-effect spells—Ice Waterfall, Frost Nova, Sigh of Snow Girl. Despite the Yellow Sand Lizard Man's frantic attempts to evade, it couldn't escape injury.

A sheen of frost quickly coated its body, the piercing cold slowing its movements to a crawl.

When it finally closed in on Jennie, its attack was thwarted by an Ice Shield that materialized from nowhere.

Attempting to flank the shield, it was abruptly ensnared by the Extreme Ice Chain, immobilized and forced to watch Jennie widen the gap once more.

Jennie's relentless assault left the Yellow Sand Lizard Man defenseless.

The onlookers, fellow examinees, were dumbfounded.

The sheer number of this pet's skills was astonishing.

And it boasted a full arsenal—defensive, offensive, and control abilities.

It was the bane of any melee-focused pet.

After several exchanges, the Yellow Sand Lizard Man was battered and utterly overpowered.

Moo Yaoyao watched the unfolding scene, a silent sigh escaping her. She knew the battle was lost.

Not one to deny defeat, she called out decisively, "Enough, I concede!"

At her words, both pets ceased their combat.

Xie Yang gave Moo Yaoyao a nod and apologized, "Sorry, Senior."

Despite her loss to a freshman, Moo Yaoyao wasn't visibly upset. Instead, she offered a hearty smile and conceded, "You're very strong, Junior Brother. I wholeheartedly accept my defeat."

With a casual wave, she exited the stage.

The duel was over.

It was only then that the surrounding examinees snapped out of their daze from the intense battle, their faces alight with astonishment.

"I can't believe Xie Yang took down both sophomores!"

"Only one challenger remains!"

"Xie Yang might actually pull off the challenge!"

"It's definitely within the realm of possibility!"

Excitement surged among the crowd.

The prospect of witnessing someone shatter the unbroken record of the stone tablet challenge sent a wave of exhilaration through the freshmen.

Han Xuemei, Lian Xia, and Jin Haocan wore expressions of mixed emotions.

They were grappling with the complex reality of having witnessed the ascent of an unparalleled genius.

Luh Qiu, observing the crowd's reaction, smirked and cautioned, "Xie, don't get ahead of yourself. Yang is far stronger than both Moo Yaoyao and me. You might be strong, but beating Yang is out of the question."

Moo Yaoyao nodded in agreement, "Indeed."

Their comments quickly dampened the crowd's enthusiasm.

Regaining their composure, the spectators turned their attention to Luo Tu as he approached the field.

Luo Tu entered without fanfare, offering Xie Yang a respectful nod before summoning his pet.

Soon after, two formidable pets materialized in the clearing.

One towered over two meters tall, stretching to four meters in length, resembling a dinosaur—a Dragon Department pet with a single horn crowning its head. Its body, sheathed in hard scales, pulsed with a daunting strength.

Beside it stood a massive gorilla, its body cloaked in pristine white fur and sporting four robust arms—a stark deviation from the typical gorilla.

The sight of the two pets elicited gasps from the audience.

"A Single-horned Dragon! A fourth-rank Dragon Department pet!"

"The Four-armed Gorilla is also fourth-rank!"

"Both pets are fourth-rank, and one is even from the Dragon Department. They're not going to be easy to take on!"

Surrounded by murmurs of speculation, Luh Qiu couldn't help but flash a triumphant grin.

"Brother Yang's Four-armed Gorilla has reached full maturity. Its power level is an impressive fourth rank, eighth layer."

"The Single-horned Dragon is a notch below, at the seventh layer of the fourth rank. But pets from the Dragon Department are formidable fighters. It's not unusual for them to overcome beasts that outrank them."

"Given these two pets, do any of you still believe Xie Yang stands a chance?"

A hush fell over the crowd.

The examinees exchanged uneasy glances, momentarily at a loss for words.

It was only now that they grasped the full weight of Luo Tu's earlier claim—that he was far more formidable than Moo Yaoyao and himself.

The thought of facing a lineup with a fourth rank, eighth layer pet, plus a Dragon Department pet of the fourth rank, seventh layer, was enough to instill fear in anyone.

"The real powerhouse is right here!" Han Xuemei murmured, her eyes wide with awe.

Lian Xia let out a sigh, "Looks like Xie Yang has a tough battle ahead."

Yun Ye gave a cold snort, his eyes briefly betraying a flicker of satisfaction.

Having failed his own challenge, he was not inclined to see Xie Yang succeed.

"This is terrible. I had no idea they were this formidable!" Moo Shuqin exclaimed with urgency.

Bai Tian, Guan Ning, and Zou Xinrui wore expressions of deep concern.

Yet, they were powerless to intervene.

Amidst the onlookers' mix of sympathetic, worried, and schadenfreude-laden stares, Xie Yang remained the picture of serenity.

Luo Tu noticed Xie Yang's composed demeanor and inwardly commended him.

Xie Yang's poise was remarkable. Even when faced with a crisis, he managed to stay cool-headed.

Xie Yang wasn't just gifted with exceptional talent and strength; he also possessed a formidable mindset.

"What an extraordinary freshman!" Luo Tu mused to himself.

Nevertheless, he had no intention of going easy on Xie Yang.

Locking eyes with Xie Yang, Luo Tu declared firmly, "The challenge starts now!"

As his words echoed, the Single-horned Dragon and the Four-armed Gorilla let out fierce roars and charged at their adversaries with a ferocious intensity.

The Rock Ghost met their onslaught with a wicked smile, standing his ground without a hint of retreat.

Jennie stood behind the Rock Ghost, her slender, pale hands poised to unleash her skill.

Yet, to the astonishment of all present, Xie Yang also lifted his right hand, his palm targeting the distant Four-armed Gorilla.

A distinct ripple of Soul Power emanated from his body.

Was Xie Yang about to employ a Soul Technique?

The entire crowd, Luo Tu included, watched in stunned silence.

Though the challenge hadn't banned Beastmasters from using Soul Techniques, such powers were typically ineffective in high-level combat.

An apprentice Beastmaster's Soul Technique was unlikely to inflict any damage on a fourth-rank pet.

Xie Yang's actions seemed inconsequential to the battle's outcome.

What could Xie Yang possibly be thinking?

Confusion reigned among the onlookers.

But in that moment, Xie Yang had readied his Soul Technique.

A Soul Arrow materialized before his palm.

"Soul Arrow?"

Eyes widened in disbelief.

Was Xie Yang really resorting to the basic Soul Technique, the Soul Arrow?

Sneers of mockery began to spread across many faces.

But then, in an instant, their expressions seized up.

With a gentle thrust of his hand, Xie Yang sent the Soul Arrow flying, striking the Four-armed Gorilla's outstretched arm with unerring precision.

Blood and flesh erupted in a gruesome spectacle.

To the shock of all who bore witness, the Four-armed Gorilla was hurled backward as if struck by an explosive shell, flung far away.

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