Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C48 The Admiration of a Genius?
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Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C48 The Admiration of a Genius?
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C48 The Admiration of a Genius?

"He actually made it through!"


"He's truly remarkable!"

"I never imagined I'd see someone conquer the stone tablet challenge."

The crowd buzzed with conversation.

Countless eyes, filled with shock and awe, were fixed on Xie Yang.

Since the founding of Nightbay Academy, Xie Yang was the first freshman to overcome the stone tablet challenge.

This reality left everyone in attendance astounded.


Bai Tian hurried over to Xie Yang, grabbing his arm. Her face beamed with excitement as she exclaimed, "You're just too awesome! Brother!"

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui gazed at Xie Yang with sheer admiration, their eyes shimmering with excitement.

Securing the seat of honor, defeating three sophomores in a row, or mastering the stone tablet challenge—any of these feats would be a monumental task for a typical freshman.

Yet, the man before them had achieved them all, in a manner that took everyone by surprise.

Undeniably, this man's talent and strength were leagues beyond any of the other candidates present.

His capabilities were monstrous.

Still, Xie Yang remained composed.

Upon hearing Bai Tian's words, he simply smiled, gently patting her head.

Then, Luo Tu approached.

"Junior Brother Xie, as per the rules, those who pass the stone tablet challenge are entitled to a baptism. All you need to do is touch the stone tablet over there."

Luo Tu gestured towards the towering stone monument in the distance.

"Got it. Thanks."

Xie Yang nodded in acknowledgment and made his way toward the distant stone monument.

"This guy is something else."

Luh Qiu quietly joined Luo Tu, watching Xie Yang's retreating figure. He remarked in awe, "I've never seen a freshman with such a terrifying gift. He's like a monster!"

Moo Yaoyao and Luo Tu exchanged a glance, offering no disagreement.

Indeed, they too found it unbelievable.

As an eighteen-year-old apprentice Beastmaster, not only did Xie Yang possess two fourth-rank pet beasts, but his mastery of Soul Technique was also astoundingly advanced.

Moreover, his immense Soul Power was indicative of his extraordinary Soul Strength.

He might well rival a bronze-level Beastmaster.

A prodigy of his caliber was exceedingly rare!

Even the current top student of the academy, a once-in-a-century genius and one of the eight great young Beastmasters of the commonwealth, may not have matched Xie Yang's prowess at the same age.

"If I hadn't witnessed it myself, I would never have believed such a genius could exist in the world," Moo Yaoyao sighed, deeply moved.

"After today, our academy will boast yet another brilliant rising star," she added.

Luh Qiu and Luo Tu nodded in solemn agreement.

Elsewhere, Han Xuemei and her group were fixated on Xie Yang's retreating figure, each wearing a mix of emotions.

"Thinking about facing such a rival in the future, I feel utterly powerless," Lian Xia admitted with a wry shake of his head.

Jin Haocan, standing next to him, sighed, his expression equally complex.

He was the first to recognize Xie Yang's formidable abilities.

Yet, Xie Yang's recent display had left him thoroughly astounded.

Be it pets, Soul Technique, or Soul Strength, Xie Yang was leagues beyond them.

In comparison, they felt no different from ordinary people.

This harsh reality plunged them into a deep sense of dejection.

They lapsed into silence.

Han Xuemei bit her lip, her gaze locked on Xie Yang, her thoughts inscrutable.

A short distance away, Yun Ye stood in a daze, his face the picture of defeat. He was still reeling from the impact of Xie Yang's overwhelming power.

Jealousy, coupled with intense disappointment, filled his heart, stripping away any remnants of pride.

Xie Yang, oblivious to those behind him, was unconcerned.

Approaching the massive stone monument, he surveyed it briefly before placing his hand lightly upon its surface.

Instantly, a familiar sensation enveloped him, reminiscent of his initial assessment and baptism.

His spirits lifted, and he felt invigorated.

A second later, a warm surge erupted in his abdomen, spreading a robust vitality throughout his body in a flash.

His body underwent what felt like hundreds of strengthening refinements in a mere moment.

The pleasant sensation lingered for several seconds before fading away.

Regaining his composure, Xie Yang called up his personal panel and was delighted to see significant improvements in both his physical and soul attributes.

Xie Yang

Physique: 6.2 / Soul: 12.1

Level: Apprentice

Soul Power: 247 / 1210

Soul Techniques: Soul Protection (Rank 2), Soul Arrow (Level 5), Soul Power Impact (Level 1)

Pets: Snow Girl, Rock Ghost

Achievement Points: 348

"My Soul Strength has increased by 2.3, and my physique by 1.2."

Xie Yang silently nodded in approval.

The level of enhancement was on par with an intermediate apprentice baptism.

"A Soul Strength of 12.1 is on par with the elite Bronze Beastmasters."

Typically, Bronze Beastmasters have a Soul Strength ranging from 8 to 10.

Only a select few elites exceed 12.

Xie Yang's current Soul Strength was precisely in that elite range.

And that's without undergoing a Bronze Baptism.

It's clear that once he passes the Bronze Assessment and undergoes the baptism, his Soul Strength will undoubtedly surpass that of all Bronze Beastmasters.

"The stone tablet challenge was tough, but the rewards are indeed substantial."

A satisfied smile flickered across Xie Yang's face as he pondered this.

As he did so, the scene before him blurred, and a sudden weightlessness enveloped him.

Xie Yang promptly shut his eyes.

Upon reopening them, his vision restored to clarity, he found himself back in the plaza outside.

The crowd had thinned considerably since the start of the assessment, with those who had been eliminated already gone.

Only a thousand successful candidates remained.


Jiang Hao's commanding voice cut through the murmuring, quieting the crowd.

"You're free to go now. Please report to the academy by nine o'clock tomorrow morning, where upperclassmen will be on hand to welcome you."

The examinees responded in unison, then dispersed, elated.

For most, gaining admission to Nightbay Academy was a delightful surprise; their exact rank was of less concern.

As Xie Yang was about to depart with Bai Tian and the others, he caught sight of Jiang Hao approaching.

"Mr. Jiang."

They paused and greeted him.

Jiang Hao acknowledged Bai Tian and the two girls with a nod before turning his attention to Xie Yang, his stern visage softening into a rare smile.

"You performed exceptionally well in the assessment, impressing us all," he said.

"Keep up the hard work and don't let your guard down."

The teachers trailing behind Jiang Hao all wore puzzled looks on their faces.

Jiang Hao had a reputation for being aloof at the academy.

Throughout their many years overseeing the admissions assessments, they had never heard him lavish such praise on a candidate.

This made it clear how highly he regarded Xie Yang.

Yet, considering this was the first freshman to conquer the stone tablet challenge, they could grasp the reason for his enthusiasm.

After all, succeeding in the stone tablet challenge carried more prestige than even the honor of being the top new student.

What's more, at just eighteen, he possessed a fourth-rank pet, and his Soul Technique talent was nothing short of extraordinary.

Provided he didn't meet an untimely end, he was on track to become one of the rare Peak powerhouses in the commonwealth.

He might even ascend to the status of a king-level Beastmaster.

Given such an exceptional talent, it's no surprise that Jiang Hao took an interest in him.

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