Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C49 Freshman Seat of Honour
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Reborn to Be A Beast Master/C49 Freshman Seat of Honour
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C49 Freshman Seat of Honour

"Thank you, teacher. I've got it."

Xie Yang responded earnestly, showing the appropriate respect for a gold-level Beastmaster like Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao gave a nod, said no more, and turned to leave the plaza.

The other teachers quickly swarmed around Xie Yang, each vying to offer their encouragement.

Even the academy's teachers sought to curry favor with a peerless talent destined to reach the Peak of his abilities.

Xie Yang couldn't afford to brush off these teachers as he might other students.

Reluctantly, he engaged in polite, albeit hollow, exchanges.

After ten long minutes, Xie Yang finally managed to extract himself.

Stepping out of the plaza, he immediately wiped the sweat from his brow.

"This is tougher than the stone tablet challenge," he muttered.

Bai Tian, at his side, stifled a laugh.

"Bro, most people would kill to be noticed by so many teachers. Only you would find it a hassle."

"Absolutely, even Mr. Jiang has taken a special interest in Xie Yang. He's known for being distant with students, which just shows how highly he regards you," Moo Shuqin chimed in, beaming with pride.

Zou Xinrui nodded in agreement.

Xie Yang cracked a smile and clapped his hands together. "Alright, let's celebrate our admission with a big meal—I'm buying."

The girls erupted into cheers and hurriedly ushered Xie Yang towards the campus exit.

Flanked by three vibrant young women, Xie Yang drew countless envious stares as they made their way.

But just as they approached the school gates, someone burst forth.

"Big brother!"

Xie Yang paused for a split second before recognizing the plump figure before him—Di Feng, an acquaintance he had recently made.

"Big brother, you were incredible today! You even conquered the legendary Stone Tablet Challenge—you're unstoppable!"

"I knew right from the start you were no ordinary guy. I was right on the money!" Di Feng lavished praise upon him.

Xie Yang, unable to bear the flattery any longer, cut him off.


Once he'd put a stop to Di Feng's adulations, Xie Yang asked, somewhat exasperated, "What are you doing here?"

"I was waiting to congratulate you. Since Mr. Jiang was speaking with you, I had no choice but to wait here."

Di Feng's over-the-top flattery had the three women nearby struggling to suppress their giggles.

In truth, while Di Feng had previously sought to ingratiate himself with Xie Yang, it hadn't been as blatantly obvious as it was now.

Initially, Di Feng saw Xie Yang as merely one of five talented examinees.

It wasn't until he witnessed Xie Yang's entire performance in the Stone Tablet Challenge that he fully grasped the extent of Xie Yang's formidable talent and strength.

He simply wasn't on the same level as the other candidates!

The other four so-called geniuses paled in comparison to Xie Yang.

Someone like Xie Yang was clearly destined for great things.

This realization was precisely why Di Feng's demeanor had shifted so dramatically.

He was bending over backwards to get into Xie Yang's good graces.

Xie Yang was well aware of the reasons behind Di Feng's newfound deference but remained indifferent.

If Di Feng proved to be of some use, Xie Yang was not averse to looking out for him.

"So, you've also passed the examination?" Xie Yang inquired.

"Yes, big brother, but my score is nowhere near yours. I ranked within the top 600."

Xie Yang simply nodded, choosing to say no more.

Di Feng, ever the opportunist, took the hint and promptly excused himself.

"Big brother, I won't take up any more of your time. Here's my contact information. If there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to reach out!"

With that, Di Feng left his contact details and departed.

Moo Shuqin chuckled, "He's quite the character, isn't he?"

"Do you think so?"

Xie Yang watched Di Feng's retreating figure.

"I find him to be rather shrewd, actually."

The celebrations carried on until evening before Xie Yang finally returned to his hotel room.

Settling onto the sofa, he immediately began reviewing his messages.

Initiation: Successfully obtained an acceptance letter from a Beastmaster Academy. For this achievement, you'll receive 300 achievement points, 1 Soul Crystal, and 1 Physique-improving Crystal (completed, reward pending).

Newcomer Seat of Honor: Earn the title of top new student at Nightbay Academy. For this achievement, you'll receive 500 achievement points, 1 Soul Crystal, and 1 Physique-improving Crystal (completed, reward pending).

To Xie Yang's delight, he had achieved the distinction of being the top newcomer.

Xie Yang had amassed a total of 800 achievement points from two accomplishments. Moreover, he secured two Soul Crystals and two Physique-improving Crystals—a tremendous bounty indeed! Without a moment's delay, Xie Yang utilized both the Soul Crystal and the Physique-improving Crystal. Following the familiar surge of enhancement, his Soul Strength had risen to 13.9, while his physical attributes had improved to 8.2.

"A mere 0.9 increase in Soul Strength from a single Soul Crystal?" Xie Yang raised an eyebrow in contemplation. The potency of the Soul Crystal's enhancement was influenced by the user's existing Soul Strength. Clearly, as his own Soul Strength climbed, the impact of the crystals began to diminish.

"Still, the boost isn't too shabby—it's on par with an apprentice's baptism on the easier levels," he mused. "The Physique-improving Crystal's effect remains consistent, at least." Sensing the transformation within, Xie Yang nodded, pleased. His physical prowess now rivaled that of a lower-tier ferocious beast.

"With my current physical condition, I could effortlessly handle any ferocious beast below the second rank without resorting to Soul Technique," he assessed. "Confronting a second-rank beast, however, would pose more of a challenge." That said, with the use of Soul Technique, Xie Yang was confident he could single-handedly take down any beast up to the fourth rank.

His Soul Strength of 13.9 had eclipsed that of 99% of bronze-level Beastmasters. The revelation of Xie Yang's current Soul Strength would undoubtedly astound his fellow Beastmasters.

Regaining his focus, Xie Yang switched to the Pet panel. The day's relentless skirmishes had yielded significant Growth Points for both Jennie and Rock Ghost. Jennie's Growth Point had surged from 47% to 58%, while Rock Ghost had ascended from 25% to 31%. Xie Yang was mildly taken aback as he reviewed the panel. Jennie had dispatched a substantial number of ferocious beasts in the hunt, yet Rock Ghost, after merely two encounters, had seen a remarkable 6% leap in Growth Points—a feat that typically required extensive hunting in the wilderness.

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