Divine Talisman Grandmaster/C43 A Pure Friend
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Divine Talisman Grandmaster/C43 A Pure Friend
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C43 A Pure Friend

The Hidden Dragon Platform had been in existence for a decade, weathering five challenges. At last, a contender emerged victorious against a hundred adversaries, claiming the ultimate triumph!

The news sent shockwaves throughout the community.

Lu Lixing, relying solely on his own abilities, laid out a Thunder Guiding Rune in the arena, summoning the Power of Thunder to obliterate his opponents in one fell swoop!

Following this epic showdown, Lu Lixing's name became a household word. The revelation that all Six Great Academies were vying to recruit him only fueled the envy of many. While some fretted over their chances of being accepted into these prestigious institutions, Lu Lixing had the luxury of choosing any he pleased.

As tales of Lu Lixing's feats spread like wildfire, he himself was tucked away at home, indulging in a leisurely sleep-in.

This wasn't a sign of Lu Lixing's sloth, but rather a necessity; his recent exertions in the arena had left him unfit for regular cultivation. Although he had harnessed only a fraction of the Power of Thunder to vanquish his foes, the majority of that formidable energy remained within him. He had been tirelessly employing his Talent Rune to assimilate this residual force, leaving no room for other training.

After a relentless night spent absorbing the Power of Thunder, an exhausted Lu Lixing succumbed to sleep, only to awaken at two in the afternoon.

Opening his eyes to find Wen Shanmei seated at his bedside prompted Lu Lixing to quickly survey his surroundings. Once assured he was indeed at home, he sat up and addressed her, "Senior, it's quite rude to enter unannounced."

Unruffled, Wen Shanmei replied, "I meant to ring the doorbell, but your door swung open at the slightest touch. I didn't have much choice."

Lu Lixing let out a wry smile; the door had been beyond repair since Sha Xiufen's forceful entry.

"While you've been cooped up here, the school has been buzzing," Wen Shanmei remarked coolly. "Your newfound fame has attracted hordes of journalists, eager to interview our teachers, leaders, and any student privy to the events. The faculty and administration may weave tales to save face, but the students aren't as inclined to lie. The public is now aware that the school's leadership, in collusion with the Zhang family, deliberately targeted you, driving you to compete on the Hidden Dragon Platform. There's even talk of the leadership's incompetence, having alienated a Runemaster of immense potential for the sake of the Zhang family."

When Lu Lixing heard Wen Shanmei's lengthy speech, he was taken aback. He remembered her as someone who seldom spoke. What had changed to make her so chatty?

Noticing Lu Lixing's puzzled look, Wen Shanmei inquired, "Do you find me too talkative?"

"Not at all," Lu Lixing replied, shaking his head gently. "I just think this version of you seems more like yourself."

The old Wen Shanmei was too aloof, but the current Wen Shanmei felt familiar to Lu Lixing.

"I'm not one for many words around people I don't know well," Wen Shanmei said earnestly, locking eyes with Lu Lixing. "You had potential before, but not enough for me to pay much attention. Now, things are different."

"You're quite frank," Lu Lixing chuckled. Wen Shanmei's words were grounded in reality, yet they didn't offend him. In fact, her candor was precisely what drew him to her.

Spending time with Wen Shanmei was comfortable for Lu Lixing; he didn't feel the need to be constantly on his guard.

"My honesty with you is because I hope for the same from you," she said.

With a deep and complex expression, Wen Shanmei continued, "Mr. Sheng told me about the incident in the private room—you turned down Stardragon Academy's offer."

"Yes," Lu Lixing confirmed with a nod. The incident was common knowledge; there was no point in deceiving her.

"But you also declined Mr. Sheng's invitation."

Wen Shanmei let out a soft sigh, her voice low. "You don't wish to join Cosmic Star Academy, do you?"

Lu Lixing fell silent. Wen Shanmei was correct; he had no desire to join Cosmic Star Academy. Perhaps in the past, he might have been intrigued, but after some reflection, he found himself resisting both Stardragon Academy and Cosmic Star Academy.

"I'm just an ordinary person who wants a simple life. I have no interest in being caught up in the struggles between noble families and commoners."

After a brief silence, Lu Lixing candidly shared his thoughts with Wen Shanmei, making it clear that he had no intention of deceiving her.

"I appreciate your honesty in answering my question," Wen Shanmei said with a smile. "I once hoped you would join Cosmic Star Academy to fight alongside me. But after learning about what my father did to you, I changed my mind. Our beliefs shouldn't be forced upon you. Everyone deserves their own thoughts and ideals. I understand where you're coming from, and I support your decision."

"Thank you."

Gratitude filled Lu Lixing's eyes as he looked at Wen Shanmei. He had braced himself for her disappointment, but to his surprise, she supported his choice.

"Are we still friends?"

With a clear and warm gaze, Wen Shanmei smiled at him.

"Of course."

Lu Lixing's response was immediate. He, too, wished for their friendship to remain as pure and untainted as his friendship with Sha Zhenghao.

"As your friend, shouldn't you share what you've decided?" Wen Shanmei asked, her eyes reflecting understanding. "I'm guessing you've chosen the straightforward and unassuming Blackmoon Academy."

Wen Shanmei knew Lu Lixing well, just as she knew the Six Great Academies. If any academy was the perfect fit for him, it was undoubtedly Blackmoon Academy.

"Yes, it's Blackmoon Academy," Lu Lixing confirmed with a nod. "I'm going to be an exceptional Battle Formation Master!"

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