Unlimited Skill Points System/C41 Evidence
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C41 Evidence
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C41 Evidence

"Are you a martial cultivator as well?" Zou Lieh was taken aback. He had never heard of any martial cultivators residing in North Mountain Village.

With just a handful of families in North Mountain Village, any news of someone with the talent to become a martial cultivator would quickly reach South Mountain Village. Yet, he had never seen or heard of the young man standing before him!

"What, only you can be a martial cultivator and I can't?" Jiaang Lin said, a smile playing on his lips.

Zou Lieh snorted disdainfully, casting a glance at Zhang Wu, who was being helped to his feet, and said darkly, "Whether you're a martial cultivator or not doesn't concern me. But since you've injured Zhang Wu, I'm going to make sure you can't leave this mountain today!"

"You think you can stop me from leaving this mountain?" Jiaang Lin laughed derisively, full of scorn. "With your level of strength?"

Zhang Wu, supported by others and wincing in pain, glared at Jiaang Lin with an eye full of resentment and bellowed, "That Cloud Pigeon was hunted by Young Master Zou Lieh. What proof do you have that it was you who caught it?"


Jiaang Lin chuckled and, stroking his chin, said, "Well then, Tie Zhu, turn that Cloud Pigeon over and check the back of its head!"

Tie Zhu, though confused, complied and flipped the Cloud Pigeon over.

As the bird was turned, all the cultivators' eyes narrowed in shock.

There was a massive hole in the back of the Cloud Pigeon's head, out of which a stone-like object was extracted by Tie Zhu!

"Look, here's the proof you were asking for!"

Jiaang Lin said, still smiling.

The people from South Mountain Village turned pale.

Even the least astute among them could see that the Cloud Pigeon had been felled by this very stone!

Recalling how the Cloud Pigeon had suddenly plummeted while flying towards them, they realized that its life had been claimed by this stone all along!

"You hunted the Cloud Pigeon with a stone? Is that even possible?"

The villagers from South Mountain Village were incredulous, their gazes filled with astonishment.

At that moment, the people of North Mountain Village erupted in cheers, for they had all seen Jiaang Lin hurl a stone with his own hand. To their amazement, that very stone had successfully slain the elusive Cloud Pigeon!

In the wake of their jubilation, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for having doubted the Immortal Master.

Meanwhile, the faces of the villagers from the neighboring mountain were as dark as night, wishing they could vanish into thin air.

Yet, the idea of felling a Cloud Pigeon, a creature rarely seen, with a mere stone seemed too incredible to believe!

Doubts quickly surfaced among the folks from South Mountain Village.

"How can you prove that you were the one who threw that stone?"

The man's question came out in haste, and he instantly wished he could take it back.

Jiaang Lin simply smiled and replied, "Just look into your leader's eyes, and you'll find your belief."

Zhang Wu's face turned a shade grimmer at those words.

And if Zhang Wu looked grim, Young Master Zou Lieh's expression was downright thunderous.

As a disciple of the Green Mountain Sect, Zou Lieh was accustomed to respect and reverence. Now, his dignity had been trampled by an unknown youth, an affront he found unbearable.

"You foolhardy wretch!"

Zou Lieh bellowed in fury, his folding fan bursting forth with sword qi. That fan, Jiaang Lin noted, was indeed a Blessed Artifact, and not just any—it was of the Profound Level, albeit the lower grade.

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