Unlimited Skill Points System/C42 Killing Zou Lieh
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C42 Killing Zou Lieh
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C42 Killing Zou Lieh

"I am a disciple of the Green Mountain Sect. To offend me is to seek your own demise!"

Zou Lieh's demeanor was icy. Several like Jiaang Lin, who had dared to provoke him, had already met their end, and today, Jiaang Lin would be no different!

"Yes, Young Master! Kill him!" Zhang Wu cried out, clutching his eyes as tears streamed through his fingers.

Zhang Wu's other eye was bloodshot, a wild beast's gaze filled with an unquenchable hatred.

"You think you can kill me? You're clearly living in a fantasy!"

Jiaang Lin faced Zou Lieh with an air of nonchalance.

Instead of words, Zou Lieh's response was a burst of sword qi.

The sword qi sliced through the air, its presence formidable.

Jiaang Lin's eyes narrowed as he suddenly brandished a fiery red long sword. Flames leapt along its blade, radiating an intense power.

The High Grade of Pround Level Blessed Artifact, the Southern Bright Flame Dragon Sword, was now in his grasp!

In a flash, Jiaang Lin unleashed a torrent of blazing flame sword energy from the Southern Bright Flame Dragon Sword, clashing with the sword qi from the folding fan.

In a moment, the latter vanished into thin air, while the former surged onward towards Zou Lieh.

Zou Lieh's face paled as the force of the sword qi sent shivers down his spine, compelling him to confront the attack.

With a flick of his folding fan, Zou Lieh scattered the flame sword energy, but the fan slipped from his grasp!

"This strength?"

Astonishment filled Zou Lieh's heart. The sword qi, effortlessly released by Jiaang Lin, was significantly more potent than the energy from his own fan. How could he accept this?

He was a prodigious disciple of the Green Mountain Sect, having reached Martial Cultivator Level 7, yet his weapon had been shattered!

"The Young Master's folding fan slipped from his hand?"

The onlookers from South Mountain Village watched in amazement. Zou Lieh was overwhelmed with embarrassment.

"I'm not his equal?"


Suddenly, Zou Lieh's aura intensified, becoming chillingly fierce, as a long sword materialized in his hand.

Yellow Level High-Grade Blessed Artifact — the Azure Dragon Floating Sword!

"How dare you humiliate me in front of everyone? Unforgivable!"

"Azure Dragon Slash!"

With a swift slash of his sword, Zou Lieh transformed the sword qi into an azure dragon that lunged at Jiaang Lin!

Jiaang Lin remained composed, but Tie Ta and the others beside him instantly paled!

Ji Zhong materialized in front of Qiu Xiya in a flash!

"The Green Mountain Sect is truly omnipresent!"

It looked like he would have to take another life today!

High Grade of Profound Level Martial Technique — Nine-Dragon Burning Sword Technique!

In a blink, nine fire dragons materialized around Jiaang Lin, his aura dominating the heavens and the earth. Zou Lieh watched the fire dragons in a daze, feeling utterly insignificant before Jiaang Lin, overwhelmed by a profound sense of helplessness.

The next moment, the nine fire dragons swooped down, their immense power engulfing everyone!

Then, Jiaang Lin received a barrage of notifications:

You have slain a Martial Cultivator Level 7, earning 7 experience points.

Current experience: 71

Congratulations, you've leveled up!

Zou Lieh, a villager from South Mountain Village and disciple of the Green Mountain Sect, is dead!

The men of North Mountain Village gaped at Jiaang Lin, their eyes wide, mouths agape, hands shaking, and legs quivering as they beheld his retreating figure.

"Is he a deity?"

Behind the stunned onlookers, Ji Zhong and Qiu Xiya struggled to conceal their amazement.

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