Unlimited Skill Points System/C43 Singing and Dancing
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C43 Singing and Dancing
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C43 Singing and Dancing

"Immortal Master! You are incredibly powerful!"

"Is this the might of an Immortal Master?"

"I wish I could become an Immortal Master and a martial cultivator too!"

All the men of North Mountain Village held Jiaang Lin in the highest esteem.

Jiaang Lin waved his hand as he observed their awestruck faces.

"The troublemakers are gone. Let's move on."

With a smile, Jiaang Lin glanced at the dumbfounded Qiu Xiya, then turned and strode away.

The rest quickly snapped out of their daze and hurried after him.

What they didn't realize was that, long after they had departed, a figure silently emerged and picked up a jade ring from the spot where Zou Lieh had fallen.

In the hands of this enigmatic individual, the jade ring cast a light screen displaying the image of Jiaang Lin executing the Nine-Dragon Burning Sword Technique!

"It seems that Qi Yuan's death was certainly his doing!"

Four hours later, Jiaang Lin and his companions arrived back at North Mountain Village, empty-handed.

The Fire Wolf greeted Jiaang Lin with exuberant joy as he returned. After returning them to the Mount Space, Jiaang Lin made his way to the village entrance.

The Village Chief had been eagerly awaiting their return. The villagers had prepared a bonfire, ready to celebrate with a feast and dance once they brought back their hunt.

However, upon seeing that the group had returned with nothing, the Village Chief's spirits deflated like a frostbitten eggplant.

"Did you really come back empty-handed this time?" The Village Chief's face was etched with concern. The village depended on the hunts for their meat supply, and these occasions were when the villagers could enjoy an improved meal. Their usual fare was quite basic, highlighting their anticipation for the hunt every ten days.

Tie Ta and the others exchanged knowing smiles as they caught the Village Chief's and the villagers' hopeful gazes.

"Don't tease them anymore, you rascal!" Qiu Xiya playfully pinched Jiaang Lin's waist, her voice dripping with charm.

Jiaang Lin possessed a skill that granted him resistance to pain. With a slight smile and a casual wave of his hand, the Storage Ring on his palm emitted a soft glow. In a moment, the corpses of enormous beasts materialized before the crowd. Among them were wild boars, lions, tigers, and even formidable pythons.

Typically, when Tie Ta and his companions went hunting in Golden Mountain, they would steer clear of such fearsome creatures. But with Jiaang Lin by their side, they grew bolder. Every time they encountered a beast, no matter its strength, Jiaang Lin was able to slay it.

"Oh my god! Isn't this a bit much?"

The villagers had gathered at the entrance of North Mountain Village to greet Tie Ta and the others upon hearing of their return. But as they reached the entrance, they were greeted by what looked like a small mountain!

"Since when did we have a mountain at our village entrance?" one villager asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"Are you blind? That's the game that the Immortal Master and Tie Ta have hunted!" another exclaimed.

"So many!"

The villagers erupted into cheers at the sight.

That evening, the village was alive with song and dance. Everyone gathered around the bonfire, singing joyfully, the air filled with warmth and celebration.

Jiaang Lin watched the villagers revel in their joy, yet a sense of unease weighed on his heart—a premonition of danger that he couldn't shake off.

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