Unlimited Skill Points System/C44 The Meteor Fell from the Sky
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C44 The Meteor Fell from the Sky
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C44 The Meteor Fell from the Sky

At noon the following day, Jiaang Lin awoke with a sense of ease. Suddenly, he was startled by a chorus of alarmed cries from outside. Without hesitation, Jiaang Lin exited his home and made a beeline for the village entrance.

A band of men, armed with bows and spears, stood with expressions of sheer anxiety. Jiaang Lin's gaze quickly shifted toward the commotion.

To his surprise, two demonic beasts came into view: a Flame Leopard and a Fire Crow Wild Boar, both at Martial Cultivator Level 3. Yet, they were riddled with wounds, clearly having battled each other before turning their aggression toward the villagers of North Mountain Village.

Before the villagers could spot Jiaang Lin, Qiu Xiya called out from the crowd, "Village Chief, take cover. I'll fetch Jiaang Lin!"

"Xiya, don't bother him. The Immortal Master is resting. What if you disturb him and he holds you accountable?" the village chief said, his voice quivering as he gripped a sickle.

"Xiya, it's alright. They're just demonic beasts. Look at how they're staggering; they're already quite weak. With a bit of caution, we can take them down," Tie Ta confidently declared, aiming his massive crossbow at the Flame Leopard.

Jiaang Lin, overhearing the exchange from behind the villagers, felt a surge of warmth in his heart.

Resolved to assist, he casually picked up a stone and tossed it skyward. The stone soared like an arrow loosed from a bow, reaching a great height before plummeting back to earth.

The villagers watched in awe as a small, meteorite-like object descended from the heavens, striking the Fire Crow Wild Boar with a thunderous impact. The beast collapsed with a thud, its head blown to smithereens.

The Flame Leopard, previously locked in combat with the boar, stood agape, struggling to comprehend the sudden transformation of its adversary into a heap of flesh.

The villagers were astounded. A falling meteorite had miraculously resolved their crisis.

As Tie Ta and the others breathed a sigh of relief, ready to confront the Flame Leopard, another meteorite streaked across the sky, obliterating the Flame Leopard in an explosive display.

The villagers were rooted to the spot in shock.

"The heavens are watching over our North Mountain Village!" exclaimed the village chief as he knelt and fervently bowed his head in gratitude. However, at that very moment, Jiaang Lin stepped forward from the crowd. The villagers, upon seeing Jiaang Lin, immediately realized that he was their savior.

They were about to express their thanks when Jiaang Lin silently placed a finger to his lips, signaling them to remain quiet.

Faces filled with confusion, the villagers paused. Qiu Xiya, with her keen intellect and graceful demeanor, quickly surmised Jiaang Lin's intentions.

Approaching the village chief from behind, Jiaang Lin cleared his throat and quipped, "There may not be any deities above, but right behind you stands an Immortal Master."

"Immortal Master?" The village chief was baffled, but as he turned and recognized the speaker, he gasped in surprise, "Immortal Master!"

The villagers couldn't help but burst into laughter at the village chief's embarrassed reaction.

But just then, a group of five individuals emerged at the entrance to North Mountain Village, their gazes icy and foreboding.

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