Unlimited Skill Points System/C45 Jiaang Lin Killed the Man in Green Clothes
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C45 Jiaang Lin Killed the Man in Green Clothes
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C45 Jiaang Lin Killed the Man in Green Clothes

The moment they made their appearance, Jiaang Lin took immediate notice of them. The aura emanating from these individuals was chilling and sinister, clearly indicating they were up to no good.

Among the five, an elderly man, well into his seventies, stood out. Clad in green, his gaze was imperious. The four younger men in green behind him shared his disdainful demeanor, as if they held everyone else in contempt.

Jiaang Lin's heart sank when he recognized the emblem on the elder's chest—an emblem identical to the one Qi Yuan bore. Trouble was brewing.

In the blink of an eye, the quintet had mounted their flying swords and arrived at the entrance of North Mountain Village. The villagers, who had gathered at the entrance, drew the group's immediate attention.

"Who here is the village chief? Bring him to me!" demanded the eldest of the youths, stepping forward.

"I am..." The old village chief approached hastily, bowing deeply. "Greetings, Immortal Master!" he announced, emerging from the crowd.

The youth barely glanced at the village chief before seizing him roughly. "I've heard that a martial cultivator has recently arrived in your North Mountain Village and has slain two of our Green Mountain Sect disciples. Are you aware of this?" he barked.

The village chief dangled helplessly in the youth's grip, his frail body no match for the youth's strength. As he was hoisted off the ground, his feet kicked wildly, his face turning beet red from the strain.

"Immortal Master..." he gasped, struggling to breathe.

The youth was indifferent to the village chief's distress, tossing him aside like a rag doll. The villagers looked on, seething with anger yet too intimidated to speak.

"Now you..."

But before the youth could continue, a shadowy figure flashed by. The youth, mid-sentence, was suddenly sent flying backward like an arrow released from its bow, a jet of blood trailing behind him in the air.

The incident unfolded in the blink of an eye, leaving everyone puzzled as to how the youth had been struck. Frowns creased their brows.

The green-robed elder was by the young man's side in an instant, catching him. The young man lay motionless; he was already dead.

You have slain a Level 5 martial cultivator. You have gained 5 experience points.

"I've always said that those who disrespect the elderly deserve death!" Jiaang Lin gazed at the green-robed elder with an icy stare, fearless.

"You are the martial cultivator who murdered my disciple and the Green Mountain Sect's disciples!"

The green-robed elder's eyes bulged with rage as his aura exploded forth, a fiery energy swiftly radiating outwards, pushing the villagers back in retreat.

Jiaang Lin felt as though the elder before him had transformed into a colossal, divine mountain, his aura immeasurably more potent than his own.

"System, what level is this old guy?" Jiaang Lin inquired.


He is at Martial Master Level 3!

"Martial Master Level 3?"

Upon learning that the elder was indeed a Martial Master Level 3, Jiaang Lin's heart leapt, but he quickly broke into a smile.

"Little bastard! You killed my disciple right before my eyes. Do you have a death wish?" the green-robed elder bellowed furiously.

The disciples of the Green Mountain Sect behind the elder watched Jiaang Lin with a mix of fear and awe. They hadn't anticipated his formidable strength, capable of overwhelming them. Yet with the green-robed elder at their side, they found their courage swelling.

Jiaang Lin assisted the village chief to his feet and instructed the villagers to return to North Mountain Village. Only then did he turn to face the green-robed elder, his eyes brimming with icy resolve.

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