Unlimited Skill Points System/C46 Many People Attacked Together
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C46 Many People Attacked Together
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C46 Many People Attacked Together

"Don't think that just because you have a bit of strength, you can act superior. What are you, anyway?" Jiaang Lin said with a cold laugh, "I'll give you such a beating that even your Green Mountain Sect Master won't recognize you!"

Jiaang Lin regarded the old man in green with a sneer, his eyes brimming with contempt. He clearly didn't take him seriously at all.

The old man in green had enjoyed a life of luxury within the Green Mountain Sect, wielding significant power and authority. He had never been disrespected by someone as young as Jiaang Lin and was instantly furious.

But before he could respond, another disciple stepped forward and challenged, "Do you even know who our master is? How dare you speak to him like that?"

A young man, looking rather naive, stepped up and pointed accusingly at Jiaang Lin's nose.

"You look just like your master!" Jiaang Lin retorted.

"What did you say?!" The disciple, upon hearing Jiaang Lin's words, became incensed. Flames erupted from his body, and he summoned two fire dragons in his hands.

"Kid, you really have no sense of fear," Jiaang Lin said, his face alight with a taunting grin.

Jiaang Lin's smile was radiant with amusement.

The old man in green grew even more furious when he heard Jiaang Lin's words, shouting, "If you dare to attack me, I'll kill you!"

"Kill me? That's laughable. Why don't you take a good look at yourself?"

Jiaang Lin laughed, utterly dismissive of the old man.

The elder, his face a mask of rage, glared at Jiaang Lin with icy eyes and commanded, "The three of you, attack him together. Today, we'll tear this brat to pieces!"

Clearly beside himself with anger, the elder's martial prowess was laughably inadequate despite his advanced age.

Jiaang Lin was unfazed by these weaklings. In his hand, he suddenly brandished a fiery longsword—the Southern Bright Flame Dragon Sword.

The moment the sword was revealed, the air around it seemed to sizzle and boil from the intense heat. The temperature soared instantly.

In the Profound Fire Kingdom, where the fire element was rich, all cultivators practiced fire attribute techniques. Witnessing the formidable fire attribute of the Southern Bright Flame Dragon Sword, a flicker of greed passed fleetingly in the old man's eyes.

At the old man's command, the trio launched an assault on Jiaang Lin from three separate directions!

"Heavenly Fire Fist!"

"Cyan Sun Palm!"

"Scarlet Flame Sword Technique!"

In a mere moment, they unleashed a ferocious onslaught, their combined auras bearing down on Jiaang Lin with overwhelming force.

"My three disciples all possess the strength of Level 5 Martial Cultivators. Even Qi Yuan might struggle to defeat them when they join forces. Today, you're doomed!" The old man watched Jiaang Lin with a cold, mocking smile.

Suddenly, three roars burst forth. Jiaang Lin could only watch as the three attacks released a fearsome power that seemed to evaporate all the oxygen in the vicinity!

"You are far too weak!"

Jiaang Lin now exuded the confidence of a true master. Observing the attacks of the three, he deftly maneuvered his sword, and in a flash, a fire dragon materialized, radiating a terrifying presence that instantly altered the attackers' expressions.

"Such a formidable aura!"

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