Unlimited Skill Points System/C47 Instant Kill
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C47 Instant Kill
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C47 Instant Kill

"This aura is incredibly strong!"

The trio watched in shock as Jiaang Lin was suddenly engulfed by the Flame Dragon. Their hearts trembled at the sight!

In that moment, Jiaang Lin seemed to embody the Flame Dragon itself, exuding a terrifying aura that made them feel the presence of death.

"How can he be this powerful? What level of martial technique is this?"

"How is it possible for him to be so strong? Did Senior Brother Qi Yuan really die at his hands?"

"This kid is even stronger than the three of us together!"

They were flooded with thoughts. Then, they watched in disbelief as their attacks crumbled to pieces against the onslaught of the Flame Dragon.

The next instant, the colossal Flame Dragon opened its gaping maw as if to swallow them whole!

The High Grade of Profound Level Martial Technique, the Nine-Dragon Burning Sword Technique, was unleashed with devastating force, completely engulfing the three men!

The elder in green clothes dashed toward them with incredible speed, shattering the Flame Dragon and pulling the trio to safety.

He looked at the three men, their faces deathly pale.

He could sense their life force rapidly fading; they were on the brink of death.

Jiaang Lin gazed at the three men cradled by the elder and sneered, "Since you've come looking for trouble, I'll ensure you never return!"

Arrogance! Despicable!

He had never imagined Jiaang Lin would act with such ferocity.

To have four of his disciples slain before his very eyes was a complete disgrace!

He had left the Green Mountain Sect intending to bring Jiaang Lin to justice, even agreeing with Zou Lieh's master to take Jiaang Lin back to the sect for retribution. But he hadn't anticipated that Jiaang Lin would claim the lives of the four disciples he had brought.

As an elder of the Green Mountain Sect for many years, no disciple had ever dared to disrespect him. Yet today, a mere Level 7 Martial Cultivator had the audacity to kill his four disciples right in front of him!

How could he possibly bear such an insult?

In a flash, Wei Zhenxiao was engulfed in flames that erupted with the intensity of a volcano, his fierce aura bearing down on Jiaang Lin with crushing force.

Jiaang Lin's face registered shock, but he quickly recovered, his sneer cutting through the tension.

"Fire resistance, activate!"

In the blink of an eye, Jiaang Lin was consumed by Wei Zhenxiao's inferno, the flames devouring everything around him until he was reduced to ashes.

Wei Zhenxiao let out a cold laugh. As a Martial Master Level 3, he was confident in his superiority over Jiaang Lin, a mere Martial Cultivator Level 7. There was no way Jiaang Lin could be his equal.

The villagers of North Mountain Village watched in horror from their homes as Jiaang Lin was swallowed by the fiery maelstrom. They shuddered with dread, knowing that if Jiaang Lin perished, they too might face Wei Zhenxiao's wrath.

Inside a small dwelling at the village's edge, Ji Zhong and Qiu Xiya kept their eyes fixed on Jiaang Lin outside. Worry etched deep into Qiu Xiya's features.

She couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but Jiaang Lin had carved out a significant place in her heart. Now, as she watched him being consumed by the flames, Qiu Xiya fought the urge to dash out and come to his aid.

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