Unlimited Skill Points System/C48 Qiu Xiya's Intentions and Wei Zhenxiao's Anger
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C48 Qiu Xiya's Intentions and Wei Zhenxiao's Anger
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C48 Qiu Xiya's Intentions and Wei Zhenxiao's Anger

But Ji Zhong instantly grabbed her arm!

Qiu Xiya was not a cultivator, so she had no way to break free from Ji Zhong's grasp.

"Xiya! Calm down!"

Ji Zhong frowned as he looked at Qiu Xiya, realizing that she was deeply concerned about Jiaang Lin.

"Xiya! Do you know who he is? Do you understand his true identity? If he's one of them, do you have any idea of the consequences you'll face?"

Ji Zhong glared at Qiu Xiya and continued, "Have your parents been taken by them? Their final wish was for me to take you away, to prevent you from entering their world!"

"Do you really want to defy your parents' last wishes?!" Ji Zhong's voice had become hoarse with anger.

In his heart, Qiu Xiya's safety was always paramount. His older brother had entrusted him with her care, to ensure she led a peaceful and happy life as an ordinary person.

Now, even if Qiu Xiya had truly fallen for this enigmatic young man, they couldn't afford to put her in harm's way!

"Mr. Ji!"

Tears streamed down Qiu Xiya's face as she looked at Ji Zhong.

He was always seen smiling in the village, but now, tears had overtaken him.

"Mr. Ji, he's the only one who has looked at me with pure eyes. He's the only one who makes me feel safe!"

"I don't know what love at first sight is, but I just can't bear the thought of him dying!"

Qiu Xiya's words left Ji Zhong speechless; he hadn't realized how significant Jiaang Lin had become to her.

"Mr. Ji, please help him. You're more than a match for that old man!" Qiu Xiya gazed at Ji Zhong with eyes full of hope, her expression laden with a plea for help.

Ji Zhong's heart ached for her, but as he gazed at the flames engulfing Jiaang Lin, he said, "Xiya, so much time has passed. By now, even a cultivator at the Martial Master Realm would have been reduced to ashes. How can I possibly save him?"

Xiya was momentarily transfixed, her gaze locked onto the inferno that surrounded Jiaang Lin. Abruptly, her eyes grew wide with astonishment.

"Mr. Ji! Look! Is that a shadow amidst the flames?!" Xiya exclaimed, gripping Ji Zhong's hand.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Zhong turned his attention to the fiery blaze and, to his amazement, he too spotted a figure within it.

"This can't be!"

Ji Zhong, whose prowess surpassed that of Wei Zhenxiao, recognized the figure in the flames as Jiaang Lin.

"How could this be?"

Ji Zhong was astounded once more. He was certain of his assessment. Normally, a cultivator below Level 3 of the Martial Master Realm wouldn't stand a chance of surviving such flames without some sort of fire-resistant treasure. And yet, there was Jiaang Lin, completely unharmed by the fierce fire.

Ji Zhong was utterly shocked.

"Who is this man? Could he possibly have a defensive artifact protecting him?" Ji Zhong pondered.

Meanwhile, Wei Zhenxiao watched the sea of flames with a cold smirk, but deep down, he was seething. He even wished that Jiaang Lin had survived; he would relish the opportunity to bring him back to the Green Mountain Sect for a proper punishment.

The memory of Jiaang Lin killing his disciple right before his eyes filled Wei Zhenxiao with rage.

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