Unlimited Skill Points System/C49 Grade 3 Demonic Beast Greenscale Snake
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C49 Grade 3 Demonic Beast Greenscale Snake
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C49 Grade 3 Demonic Beast Greenscale Snake

When he emerged, all members of the sect witnessed him leading his four disciples. Yet upon his return, he was alone. The elders would undoubtedly surmise the grim fate of the disciples. He would certainly be the subject of their ridicule!

His reputation was his utmost concern. He had set out with four disciples, only to have them slain by a Level 7 Martial Cultivator. Such a debacle would surely be the laughingstock of the ages.

Wei Zhenxiao seethed with rage.

"I will flay you and display your skin at the most prominent peak of the sect for forty-nine days before casting you into the Flame Beast Plain!" Wei Zhenxiao vowed internally.

But as this vengeful thought took shape, his eyes scanned the inferno and unexpectedly spotted a silhouette standing unscathed amidst the flames.

"What in the world?" Wei Zhenxiao was astonished. Even a martial cultivator should have been reduced to ashes after enduring the flames for so long!

In a mere moment, the figure in the flames stirred!

The figure lifted a leg and began walking towards Wei Zhenxiao, step by step.

"What is happening?"

Wei Zhenxiao was thunderstruck, his eyes gleaming as he realized it was Jiaang Lin emerging from the sea of fire, one deliberate step at a time.

"How can this be?"

Wei Zhenxiao couldn't fathom how Jiaang Lin could possibly survive within his Celestial Flame. This was the same flame he had fortuitously gathered from the heart of the earth!

The Celestial Flame's heat was immense; not even an Armored Rhinoceros could withstand it for more than thirty breaths!

Yet there was Jiaang Lin, merely a cultivator, surpassing the thirty-breath mark with an air of composure amidst the fiery sea.

"Could he possess a fire repelling treasure?"

The more Wei Zhenxiao pondered, the more plausible it seemed, for it was the likeliest explanation.

A flicker of avarice crossed Wei Zhenxiao's gaze in an instant.

In other realms, a fire repelling treasure might be of little consequence, but in the Profound Fire Kingdom, where the fire attribute reigns supreme, such a treasure was worth fighting tooth and nail to acquire!

To think he had such a treasure concealed on him. What kind of fire repelling treasure could it be?

Wei Zhenxiao pondered in silence, his gaze unwavering as he watched Jiaang Lin emerge from the flames. Step by step, Jiaang Lin was making his way out.

The next moment, Jiaang Lin stepped out and scoffed, "So much for this fire; it couldn't even singe my clothes."

"I didn't expect you to possess a fire repelling treasure, but don't get cocky thinking I've run out of tricks!"

Wei Zhenxiao watched Jiaang Lin with a sneer, and suddenly, a talisman with a beast's head etched onto it appeared in his hand.

As soon as Wei Zhenxiao brandished the talisman, a wild demonic aura instantly shrouded the surroundings.

"Arise, Grade 3 Demonic Beast—Green-Scale Snake!"

Wei Zhenxiao cried out as he hurled the talisman skyward, and in a flash, it burst apart!

In the blink of an eye, a massive python plummeted from the heavens, the source of the demonic aura that now filled the sky.

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