Unlimited Skill Points System/C50 Skill Obtained Jump
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C50 Skill Obtained Jump
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C50 Skill Obtained Jump

The Green-Scale Snake, a Grade 3 Demonic Beast, possessed strength on par with a Grand Martial Master Level 3, perhaps even surpassing it. With such formidable power and a ferocious aura, it bore down on Jiaang Lin like a tempestuous storm.

Its triangular pupils glinted with a menacing light as it fixed its gaze on Jiaang Lin, as though it hadn't encountered prey in a long while.

The beast's body was sheathed in green, triangular scales that shimmered eerily. Coiled on the ground, its massive form resembled a small mountain, and its presence weighed heavily on Jiaang Lin, making even his breath feel stifled.

With its tongue flicking out, the Green-Scale Snake charged at Jiaang Lin with full force.

"Kill him, Green-Scale Snake!" Wei Zhenxiao's eyes blazed with fury. He had unleashed the snake rather than confronting Jiaang Lin himself, clearly wary of Jiaang Lin's concealed might.

Jiaang Lin had managed to catch him off guard in a mere instant and had effortlessly slain Tal's disciple—feats not even the seasoned members of the Green Mountain Sect could achieve. Jiaang Lin had accomplished them with ease.

Moreover, the flame Jiaang Lin wielded was no ordinary fire but a Celestial Flame, its temperature far surpassing that of common flames. Yet, Jiaang Lin emerged unscathed.

Wei Zhenxiao knew he had to proceed with caution. Having spent nearly six decades within the Green Mountain Sect, he couldn't afford to be reckless if he wished to maintain his status as an elder. And the Green-Scale Snake was his secret ace.

Now, as the snake lunged at Jiaang Lin, its seemingly cumbersome body belied the powerful muscles beneath those scaly segments, propelling it forward with the speed of lightning.

Feeling the snake's wild pressure, Jiaang Lin's muscles coiled tight. In the blink of an eye, as the Green-Scale Snake neared, Jiaang Lin sprang into action. With his legs unleashing explosive force, he vaulted with extraordinary agility, narrowly evading the snake's head as he soared over it.

Congratulations to the host on mastering the skill: Jump!

Jump: When at maximum level, you can instantly leap over mountains and seas, as well as through crowds of people!

Jump: Current level is 1/10. Would you like to upgrade to maximum level?



The system's voice rang out, prompting Jiaang Lin to jerk his head and ask, "Are you reciting song lyrics right now?"


Jiaang Lin let out a cold laugh. With this skill, his evasion would become even more effortless.

Jump had been upgraded to maximum level. Current Jump Level: 10/10.


In almost an instant, Jiaang Lin felt his legs weightless, and his body's mass seemed to vanish as if by magic. He was overwhelmed by the sensation that he could traverse mountains, rivers, and seas, as well as weave through throngs of people!

Meanwhile, the Green-Scale Snake became visibly furious, its triangular eyes growing even more menacing.

In a mere moment, the Green-Scale Snake's speed surged, doubling its previous pace!

Wei Zhenxiao watched Jiaang Lin and smirked.

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