Unlimited Skill Points System/C51 He Obtained a New Skill after Killing the Greenscale Snake
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Unlimited Skill Points System/C51 He Obtained a New Skill after Killing the Greenscale Snake
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C51 He Obtained a New Skill after Killing the Greenscale Snake

"The Green-Scale Snake is a Grade 3 Demonic Beast. With its strength, even if Grand Martial Master Level 3 uses medicine to deal with it, it will still take a lot of effort. What's more, you are just an ant who hasn't even reached the Martial Master Realm yet!"

In Wei Zhenxiao's eyes, Jiaang Lin was just an ant. However, there were many treasures on this little ant's body, causing him to have a feeling that he could not do anything. He had lived for so many years, but this was the first time he felt a bad premonition from this little ant!

Otherwise, he would not have used his hidden trump card against Jiaang Lin.

"This time, I will see how you can escape from the Green-Scale Snake's mouth!"

Wei Zhenxiao seemed to have already seen Jiaang Lin's death under the Green-Scale Snake's mouth. The corner of his mouth curled up into a sinister sneer. The aura on his body was exactly the same as the Green-Scale Snake's.

The Green-Scale Snake quickly appeared beside Jiaang Lin. Its thick body directly wrapped around Jiaang Lin. If Jiaang Lin could not dodge it, he would definitely be wrapped within the Green-Scale Snake's body. The Strangulation Force of the Green-Scale Snake's muscles could instantly squeeze him into meat paste!

At this moment, Jiaang Lin was floating in the air. There was no point of force in his surroundings, but Jiaang Lin's expression remained as calm as ever, as if he was not affected by the Green-Scale Snake's aura at all. The Green-Scale Snake opened its mouth, and a hint of complacency flashed in its eyes, as if it was certain that it could kill Jiaang Lin with this attack!

Wei Zhenxiao also sneered!

However, in that instant, Jiaang Lin squinted his eyes, and the aura around his body instantly became berserk. That incomparably tyrannical aura made him seem to have turned into a God of War!


In the nick of time, Jiaang Lin directly used his maximum skill, Tyrant!

A storm-like aura suddenly burst out from Jiaang Lin's body. The aura was as heavy as a mountain, and it was as if a heavy hammer had smashed onto the Green-Scale Snake's spirit. It made the Green-Scale Snake's eyes turn to stars, and its mind became dizzy. It was about to faint!

It was at this moment that Jiaang Lin accurately caught the opportunity. The moment his body fell, he stepped on the Green-Scale Snake's body with his toes, and he flew into the air!


Congratulations to the host for comprehending the skill: Ripple Runner!

Ripple Runner: Up to the maximum level. The body is as light as a swallow, able to tread on the waves and cross the river!

Ripple Runner: Current level: 1/10. Do you want to level up to the maximum level?




Jiaang Lin landed steadily on the ground. The Southern Bright Flame Dragon Sword in his hand unleashed endless flames at this moment. The flames rolled and the aura was majestic!

Around Jiaang Lin, flames were coiling around him, gradually condensing into nine Flame Dragons. The boundless aura was so violent that it seemed as if it was going to burn the heavens and earth to ashes!

"What kind of martial skill is this! He actually has such a powerful aura?!"

Wei Zhenxiao felt Jiaang Lin's boundless aura. He felt as if he was about to be burned into ashes by this attack. He instantly broke out in cold sweat!

In an instant, Jiaang Lin swung his sword at the Green-Scale Snake that was still in a daze!


Wei Zhenxiao looked at Jiaang Lin's invincible sword. He had already seen the scene of the Green-Scale Snake's head being separated from its body!

As the nine dragons passed by, the Green-Scale Snake was almost burned into ashes!

Wei Zhenxiao looked at Jiaang Lin with a frenzied expression and said, "Who exactly are you?!"

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