Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C41 Better to be a Scum than a Small Character
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C41 Better to be a Scum than a Small Character
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C41 Better to be a Scum than a Small Character

On the Central Battle Platform, Qiao Junhan stood with a dark scowl, his gaze fixed on the dwindling incense stick. Time was running out.

"Jiaang Lin actually had the audacity to challenge Qiao Junhan, and he's still nowhere to be seen!"

"He's nothing but a coward. He's really done it now, provoked Qiao Junhan. I bet the moment he shows up, Qiao Junhan will take him down!"

"Jiaang Lin's made Qiao Junhan wait, and he's made all of us wait too!" The surrounding onlookers grumbled with growing impatience.

"What on earth is he doing?"

Up on the elevated platform, Jiaang Zhengzu was visibly tense.

"Foster father, maybe Mr. Jiaang Lin got held up by something?" Jiaang Xue suggested quietly.

She forced a wry smile. If only she had known Jiaang Lin would be late, she would have made sure to wake him herself.

"If he's too scared to show up, I'll break his legs myself!" Jiaang Zhengzu's anger was palpable, even as a bitter smile tugged at his lips.

"Mr. Jiaang, time is almost up!" Qiao Kai called out from a distance, grinning as he took in Jiaang Zhengzu's frustrated expression. He was reveling in the moment.

His son had secured a victory without a fight, and now he could claim Jiaang Xue as his bride. His wish was about to come true.

"Why the rush? There's still a bit of time left," Jiaang Zhengzu responded icily.

"I'm not the one who's anxious," Qiao Kai retorted with a smirk.

Jiaang Zhengzu fell silent.

"Looks like Jiaang Lin has chickened out!" whispered some of the Jiaang family's higher-ups, clearly in Jiaang Zhengshan's camp.

"He's a lost cause. Even if he's improved recently, how could he possibly stand a chance against Qiao Junhan? He's surely bolted!"

"I actually thought Jiaang Lin had the guts to face Qiao Junhan. I never imagined he'd be such a coward," Jiaang Xiang sneered, standing next to Jiaang Zhengshan.

He didn't lower his voice, ensuring that everyone on the platform could hear him clearly.

"Don't you dare insult Mr. Jiaang Lin!"

Jiaang Xue fixed Jiaang Xiang with a cold stare, a chilling aura radiating from her.

"Jiaang Xue, even now, you're still defending him?

Qiao Junhan's cultivation is at the Qi Gathering Level Two Peak Stage. He's the top Martial Dao Talent of Clear Water Town.

And Jiaang Lin, I'll concede he's improved lately, but do you honestly think he's up for challenging Qiao Junhan?"

Unfazed by Jiaang Xue's icy demeanor, Jiaang Xiang smirked in response.

"Who says I'm afraid?"

Amidst the standoff between Jiaang Xiang and Jiaang Xue, a voice echoed from a distance.

Many heads turned towards the Central Battle Platform at the sound.

A handsome young man in a white robe, nonchalantly carrying a large plate of chicken legs, made his way to the Central Battle Platform.

It was none other than Jiaang Lin.

Upon spotting Jiaang Lin, Jiaang Xiang's expression shifted, a glint of coldness flickering in his eyes. He hadn't expected Jiaang Lin to actually show up!

He promptly returned to his seat, opting for silence.

Internally, he eagerly anticipated Jiaang Lin's crushing defeat by Qiao Junhan.

"He's still munching on those chicken legs!"

Shaang Duoge observed Jiaang Lin from the restaurant, chuckling and shaking his head.

The cultivators around them also caught sight of Jiaang Lin enjoying his snack, leaving them utterly astonished.

On the high platform, Qiao Kai and the rest were visibly irritated by Jiaang Lin's dismissive attitude, their faces darkening with anger.

"Patriarch Jiaang, your son certainly has character!"

Members of the Celestial Wolf Gang, including Yinn Shediao, first paused at the sight, then burst into laughter, lavishing praise upon him.

They were increasingly entertained by Jiaang Lin's antics and had grown quite fond of him.

Jiaang Lin had boldly stomped on the Qiao family's pride!

Their elation was palpable!

Jiaang Zhengzu's eyes swept across the room, landing on Jiaang Lin with a furious roar, "Where have you been?"

"Don't be angry, Father. I overslept," Jiaang Lin responded with a grin, nonchalantly munching on a chicken leg on the Battle Platform.

Jiaang Zhengzu was at a loss for words.

Today was the day his son was scheduled to battle Qiao Junhan.

Yet there was Jiaang Lin, leisurely eating chicken legs, showing no sign of concern!

Had he forgotten that the outcome of today's fight would determine Jiaang Xue's lifelong happiness?

If Jiaang Lin lost this duel, he was sure to give him a thrashing!

"I thought you were too scared to show up for the battle!"

Qiao Junhan glowered at Jiaang Lin from across the Battle Platform, his voice as chilling as Profound Ice.

Jiaang Lin's flippant demeanor inflicted a deep sense of humiliation on Qiao Junhan.

It was clear that Jiaang Lin didn't take the duel seriously at all.

His contemptuous and taunting behavior had completely enraged Qiao Junhan.

In that moment, Qiao Junhan resolved to demonstrate the vast difference in their abilities to Jiaang Lin.

"I'm certainly not scared to take you on!"

Across from him, Jiaang Lin casually retorted, still nibbling on his chicken leg.

His words sent shockwaves through the crowd.

The cultivators who had gathered to watch were utterly dumbfounded.

They couldn't fathom how Jiaang Lin dared to make such an audacious claim, suggesting that Clear Water Town's First Martial Dao Talent was merely a minor character!

Was he not afraid of provoking Qiao Junhan's wrath?

On the elevated platform, the Qiao family's sycophants bristled at Jiaang Lin's insult.

Their outrage was palpable.

Likewise, Qiao Kai, Qiao Mingfan, and the other Qiao family experts all wore dark scowls, infuriated by Jiaang Lin's words!

There sat Jiaang Lin, leisurely eating his chicken leg, then he openly insulted Qiao Junhan by belittling the Qiao family's top talent as nothing more than a bit player!

His actions were no longer just an affront to Qiao Junhan's dignity; they were an affront to the dignity of the entire Qiao family!

"Alright, you've certainly got nerve, humiliating me like this. You're the first to dare such a thing!"

On the Battle Platform, Qiao Junhan fought to contain the fury boiling within him as he fixed his gaze on Jiaang Lin. A chilling intent to kill flickered deep in his eyes.

"Then I am truly honored."

Jiaang Lin said with a smile.

"You're about to pay the price you deserve!"

"In this duel, I'll make sure to torment you thoroughly, so you'll understand just how wide the gap is between us. And you'll realize just how foolish you were to challenge me a month ago!"

Qiao Junhan declared, his voice icy.

An imposing aura emanated from him.

Like a gust of wind, he closed in on Jiaang Lin in the blink of an eye.

He extended his right hand, his fingers curled, and lunged for Jiaang Lin's shoulder.

His attack was incredibly sharp and daunting.

Yet, Jiaang Lin's expression remained calm as he subtly shifted his stance, effortlessly evading the attack.

Surprise flickered in Qiao Junhan's eyes.

Had Jiaang Lin really just dodged his attack?

Around them, the onlookers from the martial community were stunned, questioning if their eyes had deceived them.

How had Jiaang Lin managed to evade Qiao Junhan's offensive?

On the elevated platform, Qiao Kai and the others knitted their brows in concern. The leaders of factions who had been ingratiating themselves with the Qiao family were equally astonished.

"It appears that Jiaang Lin has indeed improved significantly in recent times!"

Qiao Kai eventually spoke, his tone grave.

He had been aware of the rumors about Jiaang Lin injuring Tang Bei, a disciple from the Dao Artifact Hall, and Jiaang Gao, the prodigy of the Jiaang family, over the past month.

He had been skeptical, but now, having seen it with his own eyes, he was forced to believe.

"No matter his talents, he's still no match for big brother!"

Qiao Mingfan interjected confidently.

At this, Qiao Kai nodded in agreement, as did the other Qiao family experts.

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