Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C42 Shocking Everyone
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C42 Shocking Everyone
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C42 Shocking Everyone

"I was skeptical at first that you could seriously injure Jiaang Gao, a practitioner of Body Refining Level Seven, with just one move!"

Atop the Battle Platform, Qiao Junhan refrained from launching another attack on Jiaang Lin, choosing instead to watch him with a steady gaze. Over the past month, he had become aware of Jiaang Lin's exploits in Clear Water Town. It was clear to him that Jiaang Lin was no longer the weakling he once was, but someone capable of inflicting severe damage on a Body Refining Level Seven expert in a single blow.

"And what about now?" Jiaang Lin asked, a playful tone in his voice as he gnawed on a chicken leg.

"I believe it now," Qiao Junhan replied.

His previous attack might not have been delivered with full force, but it wasn't something just anyone could evade with ease. Jiaang Lin's effortless dodge convinced Qiao Junhan that he had indeed changed.

"I'll concede that your ability to seriously injure Jiaang Gao took me by surprise. But even so, your strength probably peaks at Body Refining Level Eight, and at most, it's Body Refining Level Nine. With your level of cultivation, you're hardly a match for me," Qiao Junhan stated icily.

"Why waste words when our fight will reveal my capabilities?" Jiaang Lin retorted with a smile, continuing to savor his chicken leg.

"You've gained a bit of strength and already you're overconfident. With that attitude, it's going to be very difficult for you to reach any significant level of achievement in the future!" Qiao Junhan's expression grew stern upon hearing Jiaang Lin's response.

Activating his pill essence, a surge of potent Genuine Qi flowed through his body, and in an instant, he vanished from sight. He had launched his attack, one powerful enough to effortlessly crush the shoulder of a Body Refining Level Nine practitioner.

"This time, I'd like to see how you dodge," Qiao Junhan declared, his voice cold and menacing.

Unperturbed, Jiaang Lin's expression remained serene. With a subtle shift in stance, he once again dodged Qiao Junhan's assault with ease. Seizing the moment, Jiaang Lin counterattacked swiftly, his right leg sweeping towards Qiao Junhan's waist in a swift, targeted strike.

His attack was certainly not something a Body Refining Level Nine Cultivator could execute.

Caught unawares, Jiaang Lin sent Qiao Junhan flying with a swift kick. He soared horizontally for several meters before finally managing to regain his balance.

This spectacle stunned the onlookers at the Central Battle Platform.

Equally astonished were Qiao Kai, Qiao Mingfan, and the rest of the Qiao family people on the elevated platform, along with the leaders of factions currying favor with the Qiao family.

On the other side, Jiaang Zhengzu, Jiaang Xue, Jiaang Zhengshan, Jiaang Xiang, and the other Jiaang family people all narrowed their eyes in surprise.

Jiaang Lin had actually managed to send Qiao Junhan flying with just one kick!

Even if Qiao Junhan might have been complacent, the fact that Jiaang Lin could achieve this was astounding!

"You're not at Body Refining Level Nine?"

On the Battle Platform, Qiao Junhan steadied himself, his face contorted with displeasure. He fixed his gaze on Jiaang Lin, his eyes betraying his astonishment.

His attack was certainly not something a Body Refining Level Nine Cultivator could evade.

Jiaang Lin was not only able to dodge but to counterattack as well, clearly indicating that his cultivation level was beyond Body Refining Level Eight or Nine!

"Did I ever claim to be at Body Refining Level Nine?"

Jiaang Lin responded with a smile, still nibbling on his chicken leg.

Qiao Junhan was at a loss for words.

Indeed, Jiaang Lin had never disclosed his actual Cultivation Level; Qiao Junhan had merely speculated.

"How is that possible? If Jiaang Lin's cultivation isn't at Body Refining Level Nine, could he possibly be at Qi Gathering Level One?"

The surrounding cultivators snapped to attention, drawing a sharp breath in disbelief.

They couldn't fathom it.

"It's time to bring this fight to a close!"

While the surrounding cultivators were still reeling from the revelation...

On the Battle Platform, Jiaang Lin discarded the chicken bone, patted his round belly, and beamed.

His Genuine Qi flowed and his Battle Soul was unleashed, as a tumultuous and fierce aura burst forth from within him.

The entire massive Battle Platform shook under the terrifying surge of Jiaang Lin's aura!

Likewise, the hearts of many cultivators nearby quivered uncontrollably in response to the fearsome presence.

Faces were once again etched with shock and disbelief.

"This aura is definitely beyond what a Body Refining Stage Cultivator could possess!"

A cultivator, feeling the onslaught of Jiaang Lin's wild aura, was left utterly speechless.

"Jiaang Lin is truly at the Qi Gathering Stage!"

"And he's reached Qi Gathering Level Two!"

The crowd on the Central Battle Platform erupted into chaos as they experienced the strength of Jiaang Lin's aura.

Astonishment was written all over their faces.

They couldn't fathom how the once scorned individual had, at the age of sixteen, stepped into Qi Gathering Level Two.

His talent surpassed even that of Qiao Junhan!

"How can this be?"

Atop the high platform, Qiao Kai from the Qiao family gaped, his face a picture of amazement.

Beside him, Qiao Mingfan and the other Qiao family powerhouses were equally astounded.

They couldn't grasp when Jiaang Lin had grown so formidable.

How had he advanced to Qi Gathering Level Two from a mere Body Refining Stage Level Seven?

How had he achieved such a feat?

Could it be that he had made this breakthrough in just one short month?

That seemed impossible!

The idea that he had gone from zero to Qi Gathering Level Two in a single month was inconceivable.

Not even Shaang Duoge, the unparalleled prodigy of the Dragon Abyss Empire, possessed such innate talent!

"Wasn't he just at Body Refining Level Seven Peak Stage?"

Elsewhere, Jiaang Zhengshan and the rest of the Jiaang family rose to their feet, eyes glued to Jiaang Lin on the Battle Platform, their gazes filled with shock and even more disbelief.

Just half a month prior, they had clearly witnessed Jiaang Lin's cultivation at the Body Refining Level Seven Peak Stage during a family gathering!

But how much time had passed?

In merely half a month, Jiaang Lin had astonishingly leaped from Body Refining Level Seven Peak directly to Qi Gathering Level Two!

His rate of cultivation was nothing short of terrifying!

It was likely that no one among the Dragon Abyss Empire's younger generation could match his formidable capabilities.

"Damn it!"

Jiaang Xiang was utterly shocked as he watched Jiaang Lin on the Battle Platform. He was consumed with discomfort, reflecting on how he used to dismiss Jiaang Lin as worthless. He had been convinced that even with Jiaang Lin's recent progress, he couldn't possibly measure up to him.

Yet, what truly rattled Jiaang Xiang was the realization that the person he once considered trash had, without his noticing, surpassed him.

"Am I dreaming?"

Jiaang Zhengzu was so stunned by his son's performance that he couldn't snap back to reality for quite some time.

Meanwhile, Jiaang Xue was equally astonished, her hand covering her mouth, at a loss for words.

She never imagined that Mr. Jiaang Lin's Cultivation Level would exceed her own!

Now, Jiaang Xue's heart was a mix of shock and curiosity.

How had Mr. Jiaang Lin's cultivation progressed so rapidly?

"Laoqi, you were right. Jiaang Lin is truly exceptional!" Tian Yuan remarked with a smile, his gaze fixed on Jiaang Lin on the Battle Platform.

Beside him, the Seventh Protector of the Myriad Medicine Pavilion nodded in agreement, his smile reflecting his own amazement.

Just a few days ago, he had used his special Battle Soul to assess Jiaang Lin's cultivation and found him at Qi Gathering Level One.

But now, the young man had advanced to Qi Gathering Level Two, showcasing a talent so formidable that it was almost frightening. Even Shaang Duoge, in his time, couldn't hold a candle to him!

"It looks like the Young Lord was right after all!" Hua Yuru, too, couldn't help but smile as he observed Jiaang Lin, his heart brimming with wonder.

Shaang Duoge had once confided in him that there was something extraordinary about Jiaang Lin.

Initially skeptical, Hua Yuru was now a firm believer.

Jiaang Lin had ascended to Qi Gathering Level Two in less than a month—a feat that transcended the mere label of 'genius.'

In Hua Yuru's eyes, Jiaang Lin was the epitome of a prodigy.

"Alright! Mr. Jiaang, take him down!"

Within the Celestial Wolf Gang, Yinn Shediao, Jee Heishui, Que Chunye, and the rest were utterly astonished when Jiaang Lin unleashed his powerful aura.

The very next moment, they snapped out of their stupor and began to clap enthusiastically, cheering on Jiaang Lin with great fervor!

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