Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C43 Losing All Their Dignity!
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C43 Losing All Their Dignity!
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C43 Losing All Their Dignity!

"Qi Gathering Level Two!"

On the Battle Platform, Qiao Junhan was astounded. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He had assumed that Jiaang Lin's cultivation level was, at most, Body Refining Level Nine.

But he was mistaken!

Jiaang Lin was not at Body Refining Level Nine, but had reached Qi Gathering Level Two!

"So that's why you could dodge my attacks and even send me flying with a kick. You've been concealing your true power all along!"

Qiao Junhan's expression turned grim.

"However, even if you've advanced to Qi Gathering Level Two, you're still no match for me!"

With a roar of defiance, Qiao Junhan unleashed his Battle Soul, and the Genuine Qi within him surged wildly.

Strands of Thunder Power wrapped around him, transforming him into the very image of a Thunder God.

An intimidating thunderous presence enveloped the Central Battle Platform, making the hearts of the onlookers skip a beat.

The Thunder Battle Soul is a formidable natural Battle Soul Power.

A cultivator endowed with the Thunder Battle Soul possesses speed and attack strength far beyond those of the same level!

Now, having witnessed the Thunder Battle Soul, Qiao Junhan could no longer afford to underestimate Jiaang Lin.

He recognized Jiaang Lin not as a weakling, but as a worthy adversary!

Thunder cracked as Qiao Junhan vanished from sight like a flash of lightning.

His speed was so extreme that it was nearly impossible to track his movements.

"Blood Eye!"

Across the way, Jiaang Lin remained composed, his black eyes shifting to a chilling blood-red hue.

The activation of the Blood Eye Battle Soul sharply heightened his senses.

Aided by the Blood Eye Battle Soul, Jiaang Lin effortlessly tracked Qiao Junhan's movements.

He sidestepped, easily avoiding the ferocious punch that Qiao Junhan had launched at him.


Qiao Junhan, unfazed by Jiaang Lin's evasion, let out a light cry.

Lightning enveloped his body, transforming into thousands of sharp swords that streaked towards Jiaang Lin, instantly cutting off all his retreat paths.

"Wind Cloud Step!"

Jiaang Lin called out, as clouds of mist rose from beneath his feet. His figure flickered ghost-like, deftly evading the relentless barrage of Thunder Sharp Swords wielded by Qiao Junhan.

The Thunder Sharp Swords blasted the Battle Platform, creating one crater after another, kicking up clouds of dust and debris!

Alas, the myriad Thunder Sharp Swords failed to land a single blow on Jiaang Lin, striking only the lingering afterimages he left behind.

"Jee, since when did you take on a disciple?"

Yinn Shediao, perched on the elevated platform, was astounded to see Jiaang Lin executing the Wind Cloud Step and quickly turned to Jee Heishui.

"Brother Yinn, I haven't."

At that moment, Jee Heishui was equally astonished to witness Jiaang Lin's mastery of his Wind Cloud Step.

"How is Mr. Jiaang performing your Wind Cloud Step? Moreover, it appears he has even surpassed your own skill!"

Yinn Shediao was filled with curiosity and confusion.

"I have no idea."

Jee Heishui shook his head, offering a wry smile.

"Thunder Fist!"

On the Battle Platform, Qiao Junhan manipulated dozens of lightning strikes, relentlessly pursuing Jiaang Lin while simultaneously seeking out his whereabouts.

In a sudden moment, he spotted Jiaang Lin's form. Clenching his right fist, he boldly executed the Thunder Fist technique.

Thunder Fist, a Yellow Rank High Grade martial skill, was one of the Qiao family's signature moves.

Enhanced by Qiao Junhan's Thunder Battle Soul, the technique's potency was amplified. At his Qi Gathering Level Two Peak Stage, Qiao Junhan could severely injure a Qi Gathering Level Three cultivator.

The Thunder Fist was unleashed, and a cluster of electric fist shadows rapidly hurtled towards Jiaang Lin.

Regrettably for Qiao Junhan, even with the speed of his Thunder Fist, it was rendered sluggish in the face of Jiaang Lin's Blood Eye Battle Soul.

"Tyrant Blade!"

Jiaang Lin channeled Qi into his right arm, swung it fiercely, and cleaved through the air, slashing down at the massive shadow of the lightning fist.

A gust of wind howled in an instant.

The Tyrant Blade came down heavily on the shadows of thunder and lightning fists, effortlessly annihilating them.

Qiao Junhan squinted his eyes, his shock intensifying.

He couldn't fathom when Jiaang Lin had acquired such formidable martial prowess.

Equally astonished were the cultivators spectating around them, as well as the onlookers on the elevated platform.

"Que, since when did you take on a disciple?"

After witnessing Jiaang Lin execute the Wind Cloud Step followed by the Tyrant Blade Spell, Yinn Shediao turned to Que Chunye with the question.

"Boss Yinn, I haven't taken on any disciples. And look, Mr. Jiaang's execution of the Tyrant Blade Spell surpasses even my own. How could I have possibly taught him that?"

Que Chunye responded with a wry smile.

"That's odd. How does Mr. Jiaang know how to perform your signature moves? And his skills seem to be even stronger than yours!"

Yinn Shediao was baffled, his curiosity mounting.

"Mr. Jiaang's ability to refine the Cold Ice Spell is already exceptional. That he can also perform the Wind Cloud Step and Tyrant Blade Spell, surpassing both Que and me, isn't surprising at all."

Jee Heishui chimed in from the side.

Upon hearing this, Yinn Shediao, Que Chunye, and the others all nodded in agreement.

On the Battle Platform, after Jiaang Lin executed the Tyrant Blade Spell and effortlessly neutralized Qiao Junhan's Thunder Fist, his assault remained relentless. He swung down mightily at Qiao Junhan.

Qiao Junhan, suddenly alert, quickly evaded Jiaang Lin's strike.

"Eight Extreme Fist!"

As Qiao Junhan narrowly avoided Jiaang Lin's attack, Jiaang Lin closed in on him with the Wind Cloud Step, moving with ghostly swiftness as if he had anticipated Qiao Junhan's position.

His right fist, wrapped in swirling Genuine Qi, struck out with lightning speed, landing a solid hit on Qiao Junhan's chest.

Caught off guard, Qiao Junhan hadn't anticipated Jiaang Lin's prescience in predicting his evasive path and launching the Eight Extreme Fist at him.

Qiao Junhan's chest bore the brunt of Jiaang Lin's "Eight Extreme Fist," sending him stumbling backward dozens of steps before he could steady himself.

He coughed up blood, his complexion turning deathly pale in an instant.

The formidable power of the Eight Extreme Fist roiled within Qiao Junhan, leaving him in excruciating discomfort.

Had his cultivation not been superior to Jiaang Lin's, that single punch might have caused him grievous harm.

Jiaang Lin didn't give Qiao Junhan a moment to recover, pressing the attack with a ferocious kick to the chest that sent him reeling back dozens of steps again. Blood spurted from his mouth as his face grew even paler.

This time, the impact broke several of Qiao Junhan's ribs.

Overwhelmed by the searing pain, Qiao Junhan collapsed to his knees.

"Finger Tapping!"

In a flash, Jiaang Lin was before him, his index finger jabbing at Qiao Junhan's forehead.

Qiao Junhan hit the ground hard, his cries of agony filling the air as his forehead nearly fractured.

His head throbbed unbearably.

"The difference between us is indeed vast!"

Jiaang Lin stood over Qiao Junhan, his foot planted on his chest, gazing down with a mix of amusement and scorn, reminiscent of their encounter a month prior in the Jiaang Family Main Hall.

Jiaang Lin's mouth curved into a mocking smile as he spoke.

Qiao Junhan seethed with rage at Jiaang Lin's words, his face contorted with fury.

He had intended to demonstrate the extent of the gap between them.

But he hadn't anticipated the gap to be so profound!

At the Qi Gathering Level Two Peak Stage, he was unexpectedly outmatched by someone of the same level!

Defeated in mere moments, he was consumed by an unprecedented sense of humiliation and rage.

His pride was shattered.

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