Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C46 The Heroes Respected Him!
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C46 The Heroes Respected Him!
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C46 The Heroes Respected Him!

Initially, the Jiaang family, led by Jiaang Zhengzu, would have struggled to withstand the might of the Qiao family under Qiao Kai's leadership. Thankfully, the Jiaang family received timely assistance from the Celestial Wolf Gang and the Dao Artifact Hall. Moreover, the Martial Dao Forces that once fawned over the Qiao family quickly chose to withdraw, allowing the Qiao family to be swiftly and effortlessly decimated by a coalition of powerhouses including Hua Yuru, Jiaang Zhengzu, Yinn Shediao, and others.

Observers around the Central Battle Platform were visibly shaken as they gazed upon the fallen Qiao family experts strewn across the platform. It was clear to them that the Qiao family's reign in Clear Water Town had come to an abrupt end. And the architect of this dramatic turn of events was none other than Jiaang Lin—the man who was once derided as the town's most notorious failure.

But now, no one would dare refer to Jiaang Lin as a failure. With a mere word, he had sealed the Qiao family's fate. "The Qiao family has been wiped out!" someone exclaimed, breaking the silence. As they stared at the bodies, a surreal feeling washed over them, as if they were waking from a dream.

"Jiaang Lin has saved the entire Jiaang family!" As they turned their gaze to Jiaang Lin, standing on the Battle Platform, gone was any trace of scorn or mockery, replaced by profound respect. The cultivators around him shared this sentiment, looking upon Jiaang Lin with awe.

Despite Jiaang Lin's minimal effort in the battle—merely dispatching the brothers Qiao Junhan and Qiao Mingfan—everyone understood that the downfall of the Qiao family was solely attributable to him. Had it not been for Jiaang Lin, it would have been the Jiaang family facing extinction, not the Qiao family.

"And Shaang Duoge, he's no longer the weakling he once was; he has reclaimed his former splendor!" Another cultivator's gaze shifted to Shaang Duoge, who was sharing a jovial moment with Jiaang Lin, their eyes brimming with respect.

"Today's battle will ensure that Jiaang Lin and Shaang Duoge's names will be known throughout Clear Water Town!"

After a while, thousands of cultivators couldn't help but sigh, their expressions tinged with irony.

They remembered how they had once looked down upon Jiaang Lin and Shaang Duoge.

But today, their actions had left everyone utterly astonished!

"Young Lord, what should we do with these bodies?"

On the Battle Platform, Hua Yuru approached Shaang Duoge with a respectful demeanor.

"Burn them," Shaang Duoge responded.

"And the Qiao family's main house? How should we handle that?"

Hua Yuru inquired further.

"Consult Jiaang Lin on that matter," Shaang Duoge suggested, gesturing towards Jiaang Lin.

Upon hearing this, Hua Yuru turned to Jiaang Lin with an inquiring look.

"As for the Qiao family's main house, it's just the elderly and children there. Leave them be," Jiaang Lin instructed.

After issuing his command, he stepped off the Battle Platform and faced the experts who had been flattering the Qiao family.

"Anyone who opposes me shall meet their end!"

With his hands clasped behind his back, Jiaang Lin's icy gaze swept over the experts.

At his words, none of the experts dared to show any disrespect.

They all knelt and bowed deeply to Jiaang Lin.

"We pledge our allegiance to Young Master Jiaang!"

The experts cried out together, their voices thundering through the skies.

The spectacle was truly magnificent.

The onlookers, fellow cultivators, were moved by the display, fully aware that from this day forward, the Jiaang family would reign supreme in Clear Water Town.

"Curse it!"

On the elevated stage, Jiaang Zhengshan and his son Jiaang Xiang wore expressions of extreme displeasure, filled with resentment.

They had hoped to witness the downfall of Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Zhengzu at the hands of the Qiao family.

Instead, it was the Qiao family that had been annihilated.

Jiaang Lin had emerged as the hero of the day.

He had effortlessly defeated Clear Water Town's top prodigy, Qiao Junhan, leaving all onlookers in awe.

After securing the aid of the Dao Artifact Hall and the Celestial Wolf Gang, he swiftly eradicated all the Qiao family experts in one fell swoop!

Now, he had decisively subdued all the major forces within Clear Water Town in a single effort!

At this point, Jiaang Zhengshan and Jiaang Xiang realized that it would be nearly impossible for them to harm Jiaang Lin ever again.

Moreover, they understood that from this day forward, everyone in the Jiaang family would hold Jiaang Lin in high esteem. He was destined to become the Young Patriarch of the Jiaang family!

Jiaang Xiang would never assume the role of Young Patriarch of the Jiaang family!

The disparity between Jiaang Xiang and Jiaang Lin was simply too vast!

It was not just a difference in strength, but also in connections and heritage!

"Congratulations on your awe-inspiring presence!"

Atop the elevated stage, Tian Yuan, accompanied by the Myriad Medicine Pavilion's formidable allies, swiftly approached the Battle Platform and greeted Jiaang Lin with a bow, a broad smile gracing his face.

Jiaang Lin had truly astonished him today.

Now, in Jiaang Lin's presence, he no longer presumed to act as an elder.

Tian Yuan was acutely aware that Jiaang Lin was far from ordinary.

"Thank you."

Jiaang Lin responded graciously.

"There must be many matters for you to attend to today, so we'll take our leave. In a few days, I'll host a banquet in your honor!"

Tian Yuan declared cheerfully.

"Protector Tian, safe travels!"

Jiaang Lin replied with a smile, watching as Tian Yuan and the Myriad Medicine Pavilion's experts departed.

"Mr. Jiaang, our triumph over the Qiao family today has brought us great joy.

Now, we too must take our leave. Should you find the time, please visit the Celestial Wolf Gang. We will ensure you receive a warm welcome."

Following Tian Yuan's departure, Yinn Shediao, along with Jee Heishui, Que Chunye, and others, took their turn to bid Jiaang Lin farewell.

"Safe travels."

Jiaang Lin said, nodding with a smile as he watched Yinn Shediao and the group make their exit.

"I'll leave you to your affairs. I'm heading back as well."

Shaang Duoge approached Jiaang Lin, accompanied by Hua Yuru and several other experts. He gave Jiaang Lin a reassuring pat on the shoulder before preparing to take his leave.


Jiaang Lin smiled and nodded in agreement.

After seeing Shaang Duoge and the others off, Jiaang Lin began to settle the experts from various forces who had been awed by the day's events.

Subsequently, he accompanied his father back to the Jiaang family estate.

Meanwhile, the cultivators who had come to watch dispersed one by one.

Yet, the day's occurrences at the Central Battle Platform would surely be a hot topic of discussion for a considerable time to come!

Such as Jiaang Lin's feat of severely injuring Qiao Junhan in just three moves!

Or his decisive words that sealed the fate of the Qiao family!

Not to mention Jiaang Lin's display of power that intimidated the surrounding heroes!

Or perhaps the return of Shaang Duoge to his former splendor, defeating two Pill Transforming Stage experts consecutively!

Each of these events was thrilling enough to stir the soul!

In the Jiaang Family Main Hall.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today I am pleased to announce the appointment of Jiaang Lin as the next Young Patriarch of the Jiaang family. Do any of you have objections?" Jiaang Zhengzu declared, his voice resonating as he surveyed the assembly of Jiaang family members seated before him.

Jiaang Lin had truly made him proud today, filling him with a deep sense of satisfaction and pride.

Thus, upon returning to the estate, Jiaang Zhengzu immediately convened an emergency meeting with the family's high-level members to prepare for the announcement of Jiaang Lin's succession as the Young Patriarch.

Jiaang Zhengzu was confident that, given Jiaang Lin's exemplary performance at the Central Battle Platform, there would be no dissent among the Jiaang family's high-level members.

The high-level members of the Jiaang family remained silent, offering no objections.

Clearly, they were unanimous in their belief that Jiaang Lin was the ideal choice for the Young Patriarch of the Jiaang family.

Indeed, Jiaang Lin's display of prowess that day was nothing short of extraordinary!

He had proven himself to be far superior to the other disciples of the Jiaang family, unmatched by any.

In that moment, even Jiaang Zhengshan found himself without a word of rebuttal.

Those high-level members who had previously supported Jiaang Zhengshan had, after today's events, unequivocally aligned themselves with Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Zhengzu.

"Since there are no objections, I hereby declare that Jiaang Lin is the Young Patriarch of the Jiaang family, effective today!"

Jiaang Zhengzu's expression became stern as he made the announcement with a commanding voice.

"Let us all heed the Patriarch's command!"

In the Jiaang Family Main Hall, all the senior members of the Jiaang family rose to their feet, cupping their fists in unison.

"Wait, where's Jiaang Lin?"

It was then that Jiaang Zhengzu realized something. He had just proclaimed Jiaang Lin as the Young Patriarch of the Jiaang family, yet Jiaang Lin was nowhere to be seen.

"The Young Lord Jiaang has taken Miss Jiaang out to enjoy themselves at Qingshui Lake."

An Old Steward came rushing into the hall and respectfully cupped his fists towards Jiaang Zhengzu, his face betraying his awkwardness.

"He neglects his duties for the sake of chasing after girls! It's enough to drive me to my grave with frustration!"

Upon hearing this, Jiaang Zhengzu was left speechless and exasperated.

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