Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C47 Nether Gorge
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C47 Nether Gorge
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C47 Nether Gorge

The bright moon adorned the night sky, accompanied by the shimmering stars.

In the heart of the lake, a solitary boat lay still.

"Mr. Jiaang Lin, the Thunder Cloud Sect is about to open its doors to new disciples. Are you planning to join?"

Aboard the boat, Jiaang Xue handed a cup of wine to Jiaang Lin with a sweet smile.

"And you?"

Jiaang Lin drained his cup and asked, smiling.

"I definitely want to join."

Jiaang Xue responded.

The Thunder Cloud Sect was the preeminent sect in Flowing Snow City, boasting tens of thousands of disciples and a multitude of formidable experts. Its deep roots and plentiful cultivation resources made it the Cultivation Holy Land in the eyes of many young disciples in the city.

For many young disciples in Flowing Snow City, joining the Thunder Cloud Sect was a matter of great pride!

"If you're joining, then so will I," Jiaang Lin declared with a laugh.

In this lifetime, his sole desire was to silently safeguard Jiaang Xue and shield her from the slightest harm.

Wherever Jiaang Xue went, he would follow.

"Little brother, you certainly know how to enjoy life, coming here to unwind by the lake with a lovely lady for company."

As Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Xue conversed, a distant voice reached them.

Shaang Duoge glided across the lake's surface, swiftly making his way to the boat. He settled himself down, poured a cup of wine, and downed it in one go.

"Duoge, what brings you here so suddenly?"

Jiaang Lin greeted Shaang Duoge with a slight smile.

"I've come to bid you farewell."

Shaang Duoge replied.


"I must return to the Imperial City."

"That soon?"

Jiaang Lin was taken aback. He was aware that with Shaang Duoge's restored reputation, the Dao Artifact Hall in the Imperial City would have been informed immediately and would surely summon him back.

Yet Jiaang Lin had not anticipated Shaang Duoge's departure to be so imminent.

"I had no choice. Once my family learned of my situation, they sent an urgent command for me to return to the Imperial City at once."

Shaang Duoge said with a wry smile.

"What do you plan to do once you're back?"

Jiaang Lin inquired.

Shaang Duoge's return to the Imperial City was inevitable, and Jiaang Lin knew he couldn't persuade him to stay.

He didn't attempt to convince Shaang Duoge to stay; instead, he inquired about his future plans.

"I'll focus on my cultivation! Plus, I need to investigate the source of that black gas," Shaang Duoge responded.

Jiaang Lin nodded, suddenly understanding.

The enigmatic black gas had tormented Shaang Duoge for years, resulting in severe consequences.

Jiaang Lin knew that the black gas didn't just appear in Shaang Duoge's body by chance; it was deliberately placed there by someone.

Now that the black gas was gone and Shaang Duoge's cultivation had been restored to its former glory, it was in his nature to thoroughly investigate the matter and find the person responsible for his suffering.

"Then, take care," Jiaang Lin advised.

"It's you who should be cautious. Your second uncle and younger brother seem very displeased with you. After your impressive performance on the Central Battle Platform today, I doubt they'll let you off easily," Shaang Duoge warned.

"They're minor players. I won't worry about them unless they try to harm me. If they do harbor any malice, I won't hesitate to act, regardless of our past," Jiaang Lin replied.

"Good. I trust in your strength. Just make sure to look after yourself, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out to Steward Hua. I've already told him to follow your commands," Shaang Duoge said with a smile.

"Let's drop the subject. You're leaving soon, and tonight, we brothers should really enjoy a good drink together," Jiaang Lin said, lifting his cup in a toast as they both drank heartily.

The brothers sat on the small boat, basking in the moonlight and the warmth of their camaraderie.

"Little brother, it's getting late, and I must be on my way. It may be a long while before we see each other again. Should the day come, be sure to visit me in the Imperial City. You're the only brother I acknowledge in this lifetime," Shaang Duoge said, his gaze lingering on Jiaang Lin with a touch of sadness as they parted ways.

Throughout his years of hardship, Jiaang Lin had remained by his side, never once mocking him. It was Jiaang Lin who had helped him regain his former cultivation level and reclaim his brilliance. In Shaang Duoge's heart, Jiaang Lin was the most important brother he would ever have.

"One day, I will surely come to visit you in the Imperial City," Jiaang Lin said, smiling despite the sense of loss that filled him. Memories of the times he had spent with Shaang Duoge flooded his mind.


With a salute, Shaang Duoge flashed across the lake's surface, quickly becoming a distant figure. Jiaang Lin stood there, lost in thought as he watched his friend disappear.

"Mr. Jiaang Lin, don't be heartbroken. You and he will meet again one day," Jiaang Xue said gently, her own heart heavy with empathy as she observed Jiaang Lin's reluctance to part.

"Come on! It's getting late; we should head back home," Jiaang Lin said, snapping out of his reverie and smiling warmly.

The following day dawned bright and clear. The Jiaang family's entrance was abuzz with excitement. The leaders of various factions in Clear Water Town were astounded by Jiaang Lin's performance on the Central Battle Platform the previous day. They rushed to present him with lavish gifts, hoping to forge a friendship.

When Jiaang Lin was considered worthless, these same leaders had scarcely given him a second glance. Now, eager to connect with the remarkable Jiaang Lin, they found it wasn't so simple. Jiaang Lin turned away each faction leader who came calling, choosing not to meet with any of them. This left many of them ruminating with regret over their past dismissiveness.

"Lan!" The door opened, and Jiaang Zhengzu entered to find Jiaang Lin preparing his travel pack.

"Father," Jiaang Lin greeted, bowing respectfully as Jiaang Zhengzu approached.

"I've heard from Xue that you're planning to go with her to Flowing Snow City for the Thunder Cloud Sect's entrance exam?"

Jiaang Zhengzu got straight to the point as soon as he entered the room.

Jiaang Lin nodded in agreement.

"Your mother's memorial day is coming up soon. When you're in Flowing Snow City, could you stop by your grandfather's house and pass on my regards?" Jiaang Zhengzu requested.

"Why should I? Ever since my mother died, Grandfather has looked down on us. Why would I send him my regards?" Jiaang Lin's brow furrowed, a hint of displeasure in his tone.

In his past life, Jiaang Lin vividly remembered the disdainful glances from his grandfather's family during the annual visits to honor his mother. And when the Jiaang family fell to the Qiao family, his grandfather turned a blind eye.

Even when Jiaang Lin narrowly escaped the Qiao family's assault and sought refuge at his grandfather's, he faced nothing but scorn and insults. He harbored no fondness for his grandfather's family, nor did he feel any sense of belonging.

"Lan, I understand your feelings, but he is your mother's father. If not for your grandfather's sake, then at least in memory of your mother, shouldn't you extend a greeting?" Jiaang Zhengzu sighed deeply, offering his counsel with patience.

Jiaang Lin remained silent, contemplating his father's words. He knew his father was right. Regardless of his personal feelings, he owed it to his mother's memory to greet her father. After all, he shared a bloodline with the Hei family.

"Yes, Father," Jiaang Lin finally conceded, nodding reluctantly.

"Wait here. I've arranged for some gifts to be prepared. Take them to your grandfather. And don't forget to send word once you've joined the Thunder Cloud Sect," Jiaang Zhengzu added, seeing his son's acquiescence.

With that, he turned and departed.

Outside the Jiaang family home, Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Xue finished packing their bags, bid their father goodbye, and set off on horseback, racing toward Flowing Snow City.

"Father, Jiaang Lin has left the Jiaang family for Flowing Snow City!"

Within the Jiaang family estate, Jiaang Xiang quickly strode into his father's room and regarded Jiaang Zhengshan with a respectful demeanor.

"Very good. How are the assassins you've assembled?"

Jiaang Zhengshan's voice was icy.

"They're ready to strike at any moment," Jiaang Xiang responded.

"Let's go," Jiaang Zhengshan commanded in a grave tone.

Together, father and son silently departed the Jiaang household and hastened toward the outskirts of Clear Water Town.

Nether Gorge was the essential passageway from Clear Water Town to Flowing Snow City.

At that time, Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Xue were mounted on their swift steeds, traversing the depths of Nether Gorge.

"Mr. Jiaang Lin, I sense that we're being followed," Jiaang Xue said, her brow creased in concern as her gaze swept vigilantly across the Nether Gorge.

"Don't worry," Jiaang Lin replied with a mischievous grin, though a sharp glint of alertness flickered in his eyes.

His keen senses had already detected several potent, concealed threats lurking in the shadows of the gorge.

Among them, he recognized two distinct presences—none other than Jiaang Zhengshan and his son, Jiaang Xiang.

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