Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C48 Not Keeping Their Promises!?
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C48 Not Keeping Their Promises!?
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C48 Not Keeping Their Promises!?

"Second Uncle, why didn't you reveal yourself?"

Jiaang Lin pulled on the reins, bringing his horse to a stop, and called out.

His voice lingered in the Nether Gorge, resonating for a long while.

"When did you become aware of our presence?"

Jiaang Zhengshan and Jiaang Xiang gradually emerged into view.

Simultaneously, a group of over a dozen assassins, each with formidable cultivation levels, materialized.

Jiaang Zhengshan fixed his gaze on Jiaang Lin, his eyes betraying a flash of astonishment.

Jiaang Lin, merely at Qi Gathering Level Two, had such acute perception that he easily detected their presence in the Nether Gorge.

How could this not astonish him?

"The moment I set foot in the Nether Gorge, or perhaps as soon as I left Clear Water Town, I was aware of you," Jiaang Lin said, smiling.

"Knowing that we were stealthily tailing you, you still dared to venture into the Nether Gorge?" Jiaang Zhengshan questioned, his tone icy.

"Why wouldn't I dare?" Jiaang Lin retorted.

"Aren't you aware that the Nether Gorge is notoriously eerie and deserted?

If we were to kill you here, it's likely your father wouldn't even know it was our doing, right?

Given these circumstances, your decision to enter the Nether Gorge seems foolish to me!" Jiaang Zhengshan scoffed repeatedly.

"And why don't you consider the possibility that you are the foolish ones?" Jiaang Lin countered, his gaze steady as he surveyed the black-robed assassins, showing no sign of distress.

"You're on the brink of death. How can you afford to be so defiant?" Jiaang Zhengshan's expression turned grim.

With a wave of his hand, the dozen or so assassins at Qi Gathering Level One and Level Two unleashed their Battle Souls and lunged at Jiaang Lin.

The wind howled fiercely.

But as the assassins were about to strike Jiaang Lin down, from a distance, bursts of qi strength transformed into lethal blades, flying swiftly towards them and effortlessly cutting down the Qi Gathering Stage assassins.

Blood sprayed, filling the canyon with the pungent scent of carnage.

Jiaang Zhengshan and Jiaang Xiang were taken aback by the turn of events.

With a troubled look, Jiaang Zhengshan turned his attention to the distance where an elder in a silver robe was making his approach.

Upon encountering the elderly man, both Jiaang Zhengshan and his son Jiaang Xiang felt their hearts quake with fear.

"Steward Hua?"

Jiaang Zhengshan recognized the silver-robed elder as none other than Hua Yuru, the manager of the Dao Artifact Hall. He hadn't anticipated Hua Yuru's presence at such a moment.

"Elder Jiaang, greetings," said Hua Yuru, standing with his hands clasped behind his back next to Jiaang Lin, his face the picture of serenity as he regarded Jiaang Zhengshan.

"Why are you here?" Jiaang Zhengshan asked, his face contorted with concern.

"Young Master Jiaang commanded it," Hua Yuru replied candidly.

"Jiaang Lin, did you anticipate my move against you?" Jiaang Zhengshan realized, addressing Jiaang Lin with a frosty tone.

Jiaang Lin responded with a cold laugh.

"Jiaang Lin, please have mercy on us. We're family, and the blood of the Jiaang family runs through our veins. I am your uncle, and Jiaang Xiang is your cousin. You can't just kill us!" Jiaang Zhengshan pleaded, his face turning pale as he sensed a bone-chilling murderous intent emanating from Jiaang Lin.

With his own cultivation at the Qi Gathering Level Six, Jiaang Zhengshan would have easily overpowered Jiaang Lin under normal circumstances. However, with a Pill Transforming Stage expert like Hua Yuru present, the situation was drastically altered.

"Don't worry, I won't lay a finger on you," Jiaang Lin assured him with a smile.

Then, without warning, a dull thud echoed as Hua Yuru swiftly struck Jiaang Xiang's chest with his palm. Jiaang Xiang was dead in an instant, without even a moment to utter a cry of pain.

"Jiaang Lin, how can you be so deceitful? You promised you wouldn't harm us!" Jiaang Zhengshan, witnessing his son's sudden demise at the hands of Hua Yuru, turned livid with rage as he stared at Jiaang Lin, nearly bellowing.

His face twisted in fury, his eyes bloodshot with endless hatred and intent to kill.

"I haven't lifted a finger. How can that be considered breaking my word?" Jiaang Lin retorted, spreading his hands and smiling wryly.

Upon hearing the words, Jiaang Zhengshan was initially taken aback, but then he had an epiphany.

"Are you playing me?"

Resentment was etched across Jiaang Zhengshan's face.

"I didn't even lift a finger!"

Jiaang Lin chuckled.

"So, you have a death wish!"

Enraged, Jiaang Zhengshan channeled the Genuine Qi within him, unleashing his Battle Soul.

A wild aura burst forth from his body with ferocity.

In a blur of movement, Jiaang Zhengshan lunged at Jiaang Lin.

His right fist glowed with a brilliant golden light.

There was a resounding boom as Hua Yuru intercepted, effortlessly catching Jiaang Zhengshan's punch.

Without missing a beat, Hua Yuru twisted and snapped Jiaang Zhengshan's arm.

A scream of agony filled the air.

Jiaang Zhengshan involuntarily gasped in pain.

Before Jiaang Zhengshan could regain his senses, Hua Yuru delivered a kick to his chest, sending him flying into the cliffside of Nether Gorge.

Hua Yuru then firmly grasped Jiaang Zhengshan's throat.

"Young Master Jiaang, what should be his fate?"

Hua Yuru looked to Jiaang Lin for guidance.

"End him."

Jiaang Lin's voice was cold and detached.

Jiaang Zhengshan, his uncle, had never lived up to his familial responsibilities.

Moreover, he had always ridiculed and scorned Jiaang Lin, and now he had even summoned a host of assassins to ambush him.

Clearly, Jiaang Lin had no intention of sparing his uncle any mercy.


With the command given, Hua Yuru severed Jiaang Zhengshan's neck.

"Come, Xue, let's leave this place."

Jiaang Lin, without a backward glance at his uncle's body, departed with Jiaang Xue.

Five days later, atop a mountain, a young couple rode their horses, looking out towards a colossal city in the distance.

The city was boundless, its vastness reminiscent of a slumbering prehistoric beast, offering a sight of awe-inspiring magnitude.

From their vantage point, they could see the endless array of buildings within the massive city walls.

Rivers crisscrossed the Giant City, with massive ships of all kinds weaving their way through the waters. These vessels were the transport ships of various Martial Dao Forces, carrying loads ranging from spiritual herbs to ores, as well as weapons and Demonic Beasts.

At the city gates, a multitude of figures bustled about. Among them were ordinary people unable to cultivate martial arts, as well as numerous cultivators radiating powerful auras. These cultivators were predominantly at the Qi Gathering Stage, with some as formidable as those at the Pill Transforming Stage!

Flowing Snow City, a jewel of the Dragon Abyss Empire, thrived with a bustling population in the tens of millions. The city was teeming with masters, far surpassing Clear Water Town in might and prestige.

"We've made it to Flowing Snow City!" Jiaang Lin declared, his gaze serene as he took in the sprawling metropolis, a cheerful smile gracing his lips.

"This is my very first visit to Flowing Snow City!" Jiaang Xue chimed in, her smile as sweet as her voice. She gazed upon the grand city, her heart filled with awe.

"Let's head into the city," Jiaang Lin suggested, and they made their way swiftly toward the gates of Flowing Snow City.

Once inside, Jiaang Lin and Jiaang Xue sought out an inn to rest for the night. The following day, he planned to pay homage to his mother. That evening, Jiaang Lin sat cross-legged on the bed, practicing the Heaven Earth Creation Spell, drawing in the Heaven Earth Spiritual Energy to fortify the pill essence within him.

Throughout the five-day journey, Jiaang Lin had been far from idle, diligently collecting spiritual herbs and crafting numerous Spirit Gathering Pills. Thanks to these pills, his strength had smoothly transitioned from Qi Gathering Level Two to Qi Gathering Level Three, and he was on the cusp of reaching the Level Three Peak Stage.

The next morning dawned bright and sunny. Jiaang Lin rose early and set out alone to the Hei family estate to honor his mother's memory. Meanwhile, Jiaang Xue patiently awaited his return at the inn.

Navigating the lively streets, Jiaang Lin blended into the throng, making his way to the Hei family's compound.

While traveling, he came across some guards from the Hei family posting notices, drawing a crowd of onlookers.

Driven by curiosity, he moved closer to have a look.

"What does it say?"

The crowd buzzed with conversation.

"The head of the Hei family has suffered a cultivation mishap, resulting in disordered meridians and a clouded mind.

They are seeking a skilled healer to treat him.

Should the healer be successful, they will receive a reward of ten thousand taels of gold, along with numerous spirit pills."

Someone in the crowd responded.

"Has anyone stepped forward?"

"Since the notice went up, a number of Pill Refining Masters throughout Flowing Snow City have been eager to try their hand.

They stand to gain a substantial reward if they succeed, and there's no penalty for failure.

It's unthinkable that no one would attempt it."

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