Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C49 Treating Illnesses!
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C49 Treating Illnesses!
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C49 Treating Illnesses!

Jiaang Lin stood silently on the outskirts of the crowd, eavesdropping on the onlookers' conversations. After some time, he pushed his way through, removed the posted notice, and purchased a mask to conceal his identity. With determination, he made his way to the Hei family estate, intent on healing his grandfather's ailments. His motivation was not familial duty but the substantial bounty offered. The ten thousand taels of gold and numerous Spirit Pills would be incredibly useful to him.

Upon arriving at the Hei family's gates, he was confronted.

"Halt! What is your business with the Hei family?"

The Hei family guards stood firm, their voices stern.

"I've come to heal my grandfather," Jiaang Lin replied, pulling the notice from his coat with a steady hand.

"Please, come in."

The guard's demeanor softened at the sight of the notice, and he escorted Jiaang Lin through the estate to Hei Haicang's bedroom.

Inside Hei Haicang's bedroom, a middle-aged man with a determined face turned to the young man by the bed and inquired softly, "Mr. Mi, how is my father's condition? Are you able to heal him?"

Hei Feng, the eldest son of Hei Haicang, with a cultivation level at the Qi Gathering Level Nine Peak Stage, was one of the Hei family elders. The young man, Mi Yunxi, was a Pill Refining Disciple from the Thunder Cloud Sect, who had arrived specifically to treat Hei Haicang's injuries.

"Uncle, rest assured. Brother Mi is a Pill Refining Disciple I've personally invited from the Thunder Cloud Sect. His mastery of the Pill Refining Arts makes treating grandfather's injuries a trivial matter," confidently stated a young man in a purple robe standing nearby.

This was Hei Limo, a talented disciple of the Hei family, whose cultivation had reached the Qi Gathering Level Five Peak Stage. He was also an Outer Sect Disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect.

Recently, he learned that his grandfather had fallen into a state of madness, rendering him mentally unclear. Leveraging his own connections, he invited Mi Yunxi from the Thunder Cloud Sect, hoping she could heal his grandfather's condition.

"Absolutely! Big brother, Mr. Mi became a Pill Refining Disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect at such a young age, which clearly demonstrates his Pill Refining Talent. With his mastery of the Pill Refining Arts and his abilities, healing our father's injuries should be no challenge. There's no need for excessive worry."

Meanwhile, a middle-aged man bearing a resemblance to Hei Limo chimed in with support. This man, Hei Chong, was Hei Feng's younger brother and the youngest son of Hei Haicang. His cultivation had reached the Qi Gathering Level Eight Stage, and he was also an elder within the Hei family.

Upon hearing the encouragement from Hei Chong and Hei Limo, Hei Feng nodded and refrained from further questioning. He stood by quietly, observing as Mi Yunxi took his father's pulse and assessed his injuries.

After a considerable amount of time, Mi Yunxi finally rose to his feet. He approached Hei Feng with a grave look and said, "Uncle Hei, I regret to say that I am unable to help."

His words sent a shock through Hei Feng, Hei Chong, Hei Limo, and the others present in the room.

"Brother Mi, what do you mean? Are you saying that even you can't treat my grandfather's injuries?" Hei Limo was the first to snap out of his astonishment. He stepped forward, his voice filled with disbelief.

"I cannot," Mi Yunxi responded firmly.

The certainty in his voice caused Hei Limo and Hei Chong to look at each other with grave expressions. They had been so confident that Mi Yunxi could effortlessly heal Hei Haicang's ailments. Yet, they hadn't anticipated that even a Pill Refining Disciple from the Thunder Cloud Sect like Mi Yunxi would find himself at a loss with Hei Haicang's condition.

"Mr. Mi, thank you," Hei Feng finally spoke, coming out of his stupor. He gave a respectful fist salute to Mi Yunxi, his face etched with worry.

Three days earlier, he had issued a call for skilled individuals to come forward and cure his father. But despite the passing days, not a single person had succeeded.

The Hei family's Pill Refining Masters, as well as Mi Yunxi from the Thunder Cloud Sect, were at a loss on how to heal Hei Haicang's injuries. Hei Feng was deeply troubled by this. Was his father destined to spend the rest of his life bedridden and incapacitated?

"Elder, a young man has arrived seeking an audience with you. He wishes to treat the family head's injuries!" announced a Hei family guard, entering swiftly and kneeling respectfully before Hei Feng, while the rest of the Hei family looked on with furrowed brows.

"Even Brother Mi couldn't heal my grandfather's injuries. What makes you think this young man can? Send him away!" Hei Limo interjected with a scoff.

"Hold on, let him come in," Hei Feng suddenly instructed.

"Uncle, what are you thinking?" Hei Limo asked, perplexed.

"This is the only option we have left," Hei Feng responded.

After some time, the guard returned with Jiaang Lin. Upon entering, Jiaang Lin was met with many familiar faces, such as his Uncle Hei Feng and his second uncle, Hei Chong. And there was Hei Limo, his cousin who had never missed an opportunity to belittle and beat him. The room was also filled with other Hei family elders and young disciples, all of whom had previously looked down on Jiaang Lin with disdain and mockery.

"Brother, what's your name?" Hei Feng asked courteously as he approached Jiaang Lin.

"Nameless," Jiaang Lin responded, his voice intentionally deep.

"Can you treat my father's injuries?" Hei Feng inquired, choosing not to press further on Jiaang Lin's anonymity.

"May I first examine his symptoms?" Jiaang Lin requested.

"By all means," Hei Feng replied with a smile.

Hei Feng led Jiaang Lin to Hei Haicang's bedside. Jiaang Lin observed the pale, emaciated figure on the bed with an icy stare.

Jiaang Lin was taken aback.

The elderly man lying on the bed was none other than his grandfather, Hei Haicang, the current head of the Hei family. His cultivation had reached the Pill Transforming Stage, and he was the mainstay of the family.

In Jiaang Lin's past life, it was Hei Haicang who had torn his parents apart, leading to his mother's death from sorrow.

It was also Hei Haicang's doing that led to the Jiaang family's downfall at the hands of the Qiao family's siege.

Jiaang Lin was reluctant to heal Hei Haicang, yet the blood of the Hei family still ran through his veins.

Despite his reluctance, Hei Haicang was his grandfather, and Jiaang Lin felt compelled to treat him.

Once Jiaang Lin had steadied his emotions, he sat by the bedside and unleashed his Blood Eye Battle Soul.

His normally dark eyes swiftly turned a cold, merciless shade of red.

With the Blood Eye Battle Soul activated, Jiaang Lin could clearly see the disordered Genuine Qi within Hei Haicang's body, surging towards his brain and accumulating into an intangible miasma.

This miasma was the reason for Hei Haicang's comatose state.

"Do you have any silver needles?" Jiaang Lin asked.

"Yes," Hei Feng responded, quickly summoning someone to fetch the needles.

Once Jiaang Lin had the silver needles in hand, he held one between his fingers while using his Flame Battle Soul to heat the needle and purge the toxins.

He then channeled Genuine Qi into the needles and, upon locating the correct acupoints, inserted them into several points in Hei Haicang's brain.

"This is sheer recklessness," Mi Yunxi commented, shaking her head at the sight of Jiaang Lin's procedure.

"If he ends up killing my grandfather, I swear I'll take his life today," Hei Limo stated icily from the side.

In his eyes, Jiaang Lin was merely a child. How could he possibly have the skill to heal Hei Haicang's afflictions?

If even Mi Yunxi couldn't heal Hei Haicang, the odds of Jiaang Lin succeeding were even slimmer.

Jiaang Lin ignored the conversation between Hei Limo and Mi Yunxi, focusing instead on inserting silver needles into the acupoints on Hei Haicang's head.

With each needle's insertion, Genuine Qi flowed steadily into Hei Haicang's brain through the needles.

Jiaang Lin watched as the Genuine Qi streamed from the needles, drawing out the miasma from Hei Haicang's brain.

After a short while, Jiaang Lin removed the needles and proceeded to insert them into 360 acupoints across Hei Haicang's body.

Once the needles penetrated Hei Haicang's body, the miasma began to be expelled.

The Hei family members in the room were astounded to see Jiaang Lin methodically insert the silver needles, causing the miasma to emerge.

Their shock was palpable.

Even Mi Yunxi watched the unfolding scene with amazement.

As the miasma cleared, they noticed Hei Haicang's complexion, once deathly pale, regaining its natural hue, and his breathing became steady.

They even observed a slight twitch in Hei Haicang's fingers.

The Hei family was taken aback by this development.

They were filled with astonishment and curiosity. Who was this young man who could actually heal Hei Haicang's injuries?

Meanwhile, Mi Yunxi's face darkened.

Initially, he had scoffed at Jiaang Lin's needle technique.

But now, with Hei Haicang's injuries healed, it was clear that Jiaang Lin was not merely fumbling around; he truly possessed the skill to heal Hei Haicang.

This realization was bitter for Mi Yunxi.

He, himself, had failed to heal Hei Haicang's injuries, yet Jiaang Lin had succeeded, indirectly highlighting that his own abilities fell short of Jiaang Lin's.

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