Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C50 The Storm in the Ancestral Hall!
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C50 The Storm in the Ancestral Hall!
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C50 The Storm in the Ancestral Hall!

"How can this be?" Hei Limo was completely taken aback upon witnessing Jiaang Lin's ability to truly heal Hei Haicang's injuries. Initially, he had boldly claimed that Jiaang Lin lacked the skills to treat his grandfather's ailments. Yet, Jiaang Lin's actions had swiftly proven him wrong, causing him embarrassment.

Hei Feng, Hei Chong, and other senior members of the Hei family were equally astonished, their faces a picture of disbelief. Hei Feng had merely been testing his luck, but he could have never anticipated the profound impact Jiaang Lin would have. The illness that had baffled the Hei family's Pill Refining Masters and even stumped a Pill Refining Disciple from the Thunder Cloud Sect seemed to be no match for Jiaang Lin. The young man's ability to heal his father left Hei Feng both shocked and amazed.

At the bedside, Jiaang Lin worked with a serene focus, his acupuncture needles guiding the disordered Genuine Qi within Hei Haicang's body toward stability. After half an hour, Jiaang Lin withdrew the needles and exhaled deeply.

"All done!" Jiaang Lin announced as he rose to his feet and approached the still-astonished Hei Feng. Hei Feng hurried to examine his father and was delighted to find his complexion greatly improved and his Genuine Qi finally at peace.

"You are truly remarkable; I have nothing but respect for you," Hei Feng said, his hands clasped in a gesture of admiration.

"There's no need for further words. Are you ready to fulfill your promise now?" Jiaang Lin inquired, presenting the notice.

"Without a doubt, we will keep our word," Hei Feng replied, nodding.

"My young friend, would you consider staying at my estate overnight?" Hei Feng inquired, hoping to foster a relationship with a prodigy like Jiaang Lin.

If only he knew that the genius he wished to befriend was the same nephew he had once scorned, what would his thoughts be?

"No, thank you. I have another matter to attend to here. I'll be on my way once it's resolved," Jiaang Lin declined.

Jiaang Lin responded.

"What's the matter?"

"I've come to pay my respects to Bai Xue!"

Jiaang Lin said.

Upon hearing this, Hei Feng, Hei Chong, Hei Limo, and the rest of the Hei family members were taken aback.

"Young man, did you know my late sister?"

Hei Feng asked, puzzled.

Bai Xue was his younger sister, who had passed away many years ago.

He was genuinely curious about the identity of this enigmatic youth.

Why would he wish to honor his late sister?

Jiaang Lin nodded in affirmation.

"Do you consent?"

Jiaang Lin inquired.

"Young man, you've shown kindness to the Hei family. Of course, you may pay your respects to my sister."

Hei Feng agreed, smiling.

He then instructed his servants to escort Jiaang Lin to the family shrine so he could honor his third sister.

"Big brother!"

Once Jiaang Lin had departed, Hei Chong approached Hei Feng with a look of uncertainty.

"What's wrong? Father, could you possibly think that the young man is Jiaang Lin?"

Hei Limo, who was nearby, voiced his disbelief. Being Hei Chong's son, he was well aware of his father's thoughts.

Jiaang Lin was considered a failure who couldn't cultivate.

He was known to be reserved and meek, lacking any notable skills.

Hei Limo was certain of this and thus firmly believed that the mysterious youth wearing the black mask couldn't possibly be Jiaang Lin!

"I just have some doubts. Jiaang Lin is roughly the same age as that youth.

And today happens to be the anniversary of our third sister's passing.

The sudden arrival of this youth to pay respects to the third sister has led me to speculate wildly!"

Hei Chong explained.

Upon hearing this, Hei Feng, Hei Limo, and the other Hei family members lapsed into a thoughtful silence, considering Hei Chong's suspicions to be well-founded.

"Then allow me to probe further, to unveil the true identity of this youth. How dare he shroud himself in mystery!"

Hei Limo declared coldly.

He was about to set out when...

"Hold on, show some respect!"

Hei Feng interjected, halting him.

Jiaang Lin had done a great service for the Hei family by saving his father. How could they treat him with such disrespect?

"Uncle, I just want to ascertain the young man's identity. I won't harm him, you have my word."

Hei Limo responded.

Hei Feng opened his mouth to speak but then hesitated. He too was curious about the enigmatic youth's background but didn't want to risk offending him unduly, which left him feeling torn.

"Big brother, let Limo have a go at it. Aren't you curious about that mysterious youth's identity as well?"

Hei Chong suggested from the side.

"Fine, but remember not to be too abrasive with him!"

Hei Feng reluctantly agreed with a nod.

"Don't worry, Uncle!"

Hei Limo assured him with a smile, then swiftly made his way to the family's ancestral hall.

Mi Yunxi was right on his heels, accompanied by several other young Hei family disciples.

The Hei family's ancestral hall housed the spiritual tablets of their forebears.

Led by a Hei family servant, Jiaang Lin entered the hall and stood silently before his mother's tablet. He brought his hands together in a gesture of reverence and knelt down solemnly.

Then, he gazed at his mother's tablet, lost in thought, his eyes brimming with grief.

Faint memories of his mother's voice and visage flickered through his mind.

"Who are you, really?"

Outside the hall, Hei Limo, with Mi Yunxi and a few Hei family disciples in tow, entered.

He fixed a cold stare on Jiaang Lin and demanded in a chilly tone.

Jiaang Lin responded with composure, "Does my identity matter that much to you?"

"Absolutely. Your ability to heal my grandfather's illness proves your exceptional skill. I would like to get to know someone of your caliber!"

Hei Limo replied.

"But I have no interest in getting to know you."

"Are you scorning me?"

Hei Limo's voice turned icy. Usually, many people sought his acquaintance, but he often declined.

Today, however, he was the one eager to befriend Jiaang Lin, who rebuffed him so bluntly. This slight made Hei Limo feel humiliated, and he couldn't help but become angry.

"Since you believe I'm looking down on you, then that's exactly what I'll do!" Jiaang Lin turned, fixing Hei Limo with a mischievous grin.

"How dare you mock me? Today, you're going to learn what suffering is. I'm curious to see just who you really are!" Hei Limo declared sternly.

With a commanding gesture, several Hei family disciples, all at Body Refining Level Nine, charged at Jiaang Lin with fury in their eyes.

Thuds echoed one after another.

As soon as the disciples lunged at Jiaang Lin, they were kicked away, landing in a heap on the ground, unable to suppress their cries of agony.

Both Hei Limo and Mi Yunxi were taken aback by this turn of events. They hadn't anticipated that the enigmatic young man wearing a black mask would possess such formidable cultivation prowess.

"So, you do have some skills. It's no wonder you didn't take me seriously. Well then, I'll just have to discipline you myself," Hei Limo bellowed in rage.

He unleashed his Battle Soul, and a torrent of sword intent burst forth from within him. The strong wind screamed through the void, swirling like a razor-sharp blade, its presence fierce and cutting.

In that instant, Hei Limo seemed to become one with the sword.

"Strike!" he roared, bringing his hand down in a slashing motion.

A sharp sword qi tore through the air, aimed straight at Jiaang Lin. Unfazed, Jiaang Lin performed the Wind Cloud Step, deftly evading the strike.

Jiaang Lin's cultivation was merely at Qi Gathering Level Three, while Hei Limo boasted a level of Qi Gathering Level Five Peak Stage. The disparity in their strength was immense.

Yet, Jiaang Lin managed to dodge Hei Limo's blow using his keen senses and agile footwork, a feat beyond the capabilities of many.

"How will you dodge this time?" Hei Limo's form blurred as he channeled a torrent of Genuine Qi, which resounded with a metallic clang, as if each strand were a lethal sword ready to claim a life.

An explosive sound echoed through the air.

Like a specter, a figure suddenly materialized in front of Jiaang Lin, intercepting Hei Limo's strike and sending him stumbling back in retreat.

"Hey, Hei Limo, this is our ancestral shrine. How dare you wreak havoc in such a sacred place?"

A sharp, commanding voice rang out.

Hei Limo looked up to see that the one who had thwarted his attack was a stunning young woman dressed in a white silk gown.

She was his elder uncle's daughter, known as Hei Xiazhi, the Hei family's most gifted and powerful disciple.

At 23, her cultivation had reached the impressive Qi Gathering Level Seven, earning her the deep respect and high esteem of the Hei family's leadership.

Moreover, Hei Xiazhi, like Hei Limo, was a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect.

Jiaang Lin's mother had always been very kind to her, so for many years, Hei Xiazhi had chosen not to focus on her cultivation at the Thunder Cloud Sect. Instead, she dedicated herself to tending to Jiaang Lin's mother's spirit tablet at the family shrine.

Now, faced with Hei Limo's disruptive actions, Hei Xiazhi would not stand idly by. She was determined to prevent him from desecrating the spirit tablets of their ancestors.

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