Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C51 It Was Him!!
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Alchemy Sovereign with Divine Soul/C51 It Was Him!!
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C51 It Was Him!!

"Sis, you better not interfere in this matter!"

Hei Limo looked at Hei Xiazhi with a gloomy expression.

As a talent disciple of the Hei family, as a man, he would definitely inherit Patriarch Hei's position in the future.

However, due to the fact that Hei Xiazhi had a higher talent and strength than him, many people in the family were willing to pass the Patriarch's position to her.

As a result, Hei Limo had always harbored enmity towards Hei Xiazhi.

Naturally, his expression turned gloomy the moment he saw Hei Xiazhi stepping forward.

"I am under orders to look after the ancestral hall. How can I not interfere if you are causing trouble here?"

Hei Xiazhi replied in a cold voice.

"Sis, to be honest, I am here under the orders of my uncle to reveal the true identity of that youth!"

Hei Limo knew that he was no match for Hei Xiazhi. If he were to recklessly clash with her, he would definitely lose.

Therefore, Hei Limo could only use his uncle as an excuse to intimidate Hei Xiazhi.

"My father's order?"

Hei Xiazhi frowned slightly as she turned around to look at the masked Jiaang Lin. A trace of confusion flashed across her eyes.

She did not understand why her father wanted to reveal the true identity of that youth.

"That's right! So, if you are smart enough, you better not interfere in this matter."

Hei Limo revealed a cold smile.

"I don't care if this is my father's order or not. No one is allowed to cause trouble in this ancestral hall today!"

Hei Xiazhi's face was filled with determination as she refused to retreat easily.

"How stubborn!"

Hei Limo said coldly.

"Brother Li, please lend me a hand."

Hei Limo looked at Mi Yunxi beside him and said.

Mi Yunxi nodded and circulated the Genuine Qi in his body. At the same time, the Battle Soul behind him was unleashed, and a water-blue spirit grass appeared.

It was his Battle Soul — the Blue Spirit Grass.

The cultivators who possessed the Blue Spirit Grass possessed a perception that far surpassed cultivators of the same cultivation level. Furthermore, as long as Mi Yunxi's injuries weren't too serious, he could use the Blue Spirit Grass to quickly heal her injuries.

After unleashing his Battle Soul, Mi Yunxi's aura suddenly erupted.

His cultivation base was currently at the Qi Gathering Level Six. If he joined hands with Hei Limo, he would be able to deal with Hei Xiazhi.

"All of you, stop!"

Just as Hei Limo and Mi Yunxi were about to attack Hei Xiazhi...

A voice suddenly sounded from afar.

A group of figures appeared outside the ancestral hall.

Hei Feng, Hei Chong, and the other higher-ups of the Hei family entered the ancestral hall one after another.

The leading old man walked with great strides and a bright light in his eyes.

Although he was already in his seventies, he didn't show any signs of aging at all. Instead, he looked as vigorous as a tiger and as powerful as a dragon.


When Hei Xiazhi, Hei Limo, and Mi Yunxi saw that Hei Haicang had actually led his men to appear, the three of them cupped their fists and bowed respectfully.

At the same time, Mi Yunxi retracted his aura and unleashed his Battle Soul. He cupped his fists and bowed to Hei Haicang.

Ignoring Hei Xiazhi, Hei Limo, and Mi Yunxi, Hei Haicang slowly walked to Jiaang Lin and stopped to inspect him.

"Are you Lan'er?"

After a long time, Hei Haicang asked with a doubtful expression.

"Patriarch of the Hei family, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Jiaang Lin cupped his fists and spoke with a calm tone.

He did not want to meet with Hei Haicang and the others. That was also the reason why he had come here to treat Hei Haicang's injuries with a mask on his face.

"I know that you hold a grudge against me, but can you please take off your mask and talk to me?"

"No matter what, I'm your grandfather!"

Hei Haicang became anxious. He felt that the young man in front of him with the black mask must be his grandson whom he had not seen for a long time.

"Grandfather? Master of the Hei family, are you kidding me? I am an orphan and I don't have any relatives. How can I have a grandfather?"

Jiaang Lin laughed.

His heart was filled with coldness.

"Alright! Since you came to my residence to treat my injuries, why are you wearing a mask and not revealing your true appearance?"

Hei Haicang asked.

"I was disfigured in my early years and had an ugly appearance. That's why I wore a mask all year round and didn't dare to show my true appearance!"

Jiaang Lin replied.

"Really? Then can you take off your mask?"

Hei Haicang asked.

"Patriarch of the Hei family, I have cured your injuries, yet you treat your benefactor like this?"

Jiaang Lin's eyes narrowed as his tone became ice-cold.

Jiaang Lin's words caused Hei Haicang to be at a loss for words. He could only shake his head and sigh bitterly.


Hei Haicang called out.


Hei Feng stepped forward and bowed as he shouted.

"Give this reward to this brother."

Hei Haicang said.


Hei Feng nodded and clapped his hands. A few guards of the Hei family walked forward with a pile of ten thousand taels of gold and numerous Spirit Pills.

"Brother, you deserve all of this. Please accept it."

Hei Feng looked at Jiaang Lin with a smile on his face.

Jiaang Lin remained silent and did not respond. The Storage Ring on his right index finger flashed as he stored all the ten thousand taels of gold and the Spirit Pills into it.

"Master of the Hei family, farewell!"

After obtaining the rewards he deserved, Jiaang Lin left without looking back.

"Did I do something wrong back then?"

Hei Haicang looked at Jiaang Lin's back as he walked away, his eyes filled with grief.

He turned around and looked at his daughter's memorial tablet, feeling extremely upset in his heart.

"Father, is that young man really Jiaang Lin?"

Hei Feng stepped forward and asked in a soft voice.

"It's him!"

Hei Haicang nodded.

Hei Feng, Hei Chong, Hei Limo, Hei Xiazhi, and the other members of the Hei family felt as if a bolt of lightning had struck their minds. They were completely stunned on the spot.

"Grandfather, that young man is wearing a mask. How did you determine that he is Jiaang Lin?"

Hei Limo looked at his grandfather and asked.

How could Jiaang Lin possibly defeat several Body Refining Level Nine experts so easily? How could Jiaang Lin dodge his attacks?

Furthermore, how could Jiaang Lin cure his grandfather's injuries?

Hei Limo could not believe it. In fact, he didn't want to believe it from the bottom of his heart.


Hei Haicang replied.


Hei Feng, Hei Chong, and the others were stunned.

"Lan, he thought that he could hide his identity from me by wearing a mask. However, he didn't know that he had the exact same birthmark as his mother!"

Hei Haicang sighed.

Earlier, when Jiaang Lin left, Hei Haicang had seen the ice flower birthmark on Jiaang Lin's ear.

Therefore, he was certain that the young man wearing the black mask was his grandson, Jiaang Lin!

That Jiaang Lin who had always been looked down upon by others.

He and the entire Hei family had never taken Jiaang Lin seriously.

However, Hei Haicang never thought that Jiaang Lin would save him today, allowing him to regain his consciousness.

For a moment, a myriad of emotions welled up in Hei Haicang's heart.

In the past, he treated Jiaang Lin with extreme indifference, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Even now, Jiaang Lin was unwilling to acknowledge him as his grandfather!

He was filled with regret.

Unfortunately, regret was useless.

"Is that young man really Jiaang Lin?"

Seeing that Hei Haicang did not seem to be lying, Hei Feng, Hei Chong, Hei Limo, and the others all had faces full of disbelief.

Originally, they had their suspicions as well. However, when they confirmed this fact, they could not help but feel shocked in their hearts.

"No wonder he wanted to pay his respects to his third sister. So, he is indeed Jiaang Lin!"

After a long while, Hei Feng finally came to a realization. A bitter smile could not help but appear on his face.

On the other hand, Hei Chong and the others also came to a realization. All of them were smiling bitterly.

Jiaang Lin now possessed great strength and extraordinary medical skills that ordinary people could not compare to.

For a moment, Hei Feng, Hei Chong, and many other people from the Hei family felt a wave of emotions in their hearts.

"Damn it!"

Hei Limo's face darkened.

He never expected that the person who saved his grandfather was actually Jiaang Lin!

He could not understand how the usually quiet and cowardly Jiaang Lin could possess such formidable abilities.

Jiaang Lin possessed a formidable Cultivation Level and an extraordinary medical skill that ordinary people could not compare to.

On the other side, Hei Xiazhi was also awakened from her stupor. After learning that the mysterious youth who saved her grandfather was actually Jiaang Lin, she was both surprised and happy.

She was surprised that Jiaang Lin was actually able to treat her grandfather's injuries.

She was happy that Jiaang Lin was no longer the same trash as before!

"Auntie Xue, Jiaang Lin is no longer a trash! You will definitely feel very gratified!"

Hei Xiazhi looked at Jiaang Lin's mother's memorial tablet and her face was filled with unconcealable joy. She couldn't help but put her hands together and pray piously.

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