A Boy Living In City/C19 Go to Headquarters
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A Boy Living In City/C19 Go to Headquarters
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C19 Go to Headquarters

Very quickly, several months passed.

As usual, I was dressed in a suit and was about to leave when my cell phone rang. I took out my cell phone and saw that it was Sister Ling calling me.

"Sister Ling, what's wrong?" Why did you call me so early in the morning? "

"Aren't I afraid that you won't be able to get up? How is it? "

"Ah, I'm already up and ready to go out."

"Alright, then hurry up, I'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the company."

"I hung up the phone, went out, and quickly got a taxi on the street." "Master, to the Dingsheng Group."

Without a word, I soon arrived at the company. She suddenly saw Sister Ling.

"Why are you so slow, I'm almost waiting to die!"

"Am I not here?"

Come on, come with me up to see the chairman.

We came to the chairman's office, and at the door I saw the woman who had stopped me the first time I came to see the chairman. She saw us and smiled politely. He stepped forward and said, "You must be the chairman. The chairman is inside. Wait a moment, I will go inside and report to him." Just a moment, please. "

Soon, she came out. "The chairman invites you in."

Then we went in.

"En, you guys are here. Take a seat," the chairman said.

"Not bad, you are doing more and more well now." Little Ling, you've worked in our company for three or four years, right? In these years, you've been doing well and your performance was very wrong, and now, I've transferred you to the headquarters to work. You've taken a fancy to your ability, so your ability is worth confirming.

"Thank you, chairman, for your promotion. I will definitely continue to work hard." Sister Ling said.

"As for you, brat, you have been with Xiao Ling for quite some time. Come, tell me, how do you feel being under her?" The chairman spoke again.

"I think I learned a lot from working under Sister Ling. I have overcome my impatience, especially since I know that in our line of work, patience is impossible. Xiao Ling is just like my sister, when I did the wrong thing, she didn't scold me, but instead told me where to go wrong and how to go about doing it. When I did the right thing, she praised me back. And it will also tell me not to be too proud. These experiences are very hard to come by. " I responded

"En, not bad, you have matured a little. Since you are working under Little Ling, then you should continue working under her. You should be her assistant, and you should learn more."

"Ok, thank you chairman."

"You guys can go to the HR department to report. After that, you guys can go directly to your business department to meet your new colleagues. We'll be working together in the future."

The chairman said, and we went.

The operations department was on the 7th floor. We took the elevator to the 7th floor, but when we walked into the operations department, it seemed that no one saw us, as if we were both the main characters. However, as we walked into the manager's office, everyone's eyes were focused on us. To be honest, I don't like being stared at by a crowd. It makes me feel bad.

I wanted to walk directly to the manager's office, but Sister Ling pulled me back and whispered to me, "This is a trial you have to go through. Don't be afraid, you'll get used to it if you keep looking at it for a long time."

Hearing Sister Ling's words, I stopped and stood beside him. After that, Sister Ling held her hands together and clapped them together. When everyone heard the sound, they all stopped what they were doing.

"Hello everyone, I believe you all are very surprised to see us, right?" Sister Ling said.

No one answered.

Let me introduce myself, I'm the business manager who has just been transferred from the branch office to the headquarters, you guys are colleagues already, I hope you can take care of me. As for the person beside me, he is my assistant, and from today onwards, he is your colleague.

Pah pah pah pah! There was applause in my ears, and I knew it was to welcome us.

After that, Sister Ling said, "Of course, I don't know about your business abilities right now. I hope you can put forth 100% of your effort and show me your business abilities." That gives me a sense of security. Can everyone do it? "

"Yes," the colleagues said in unison.

"Very good, then I want to see your performance. You can continue working now."

"After hearing what Sister Ling had to say, I followed her to the manager's office." Do you think what I just said is too serious? " Sister Ling suddenly said.

"No, I regard him as a new official."

"Haha, why are you being so direct? Don't think that just because you've been in my hands for so long you can joke around with me. Go, go to your position and work like you want me to. "Also, stay here for the next few days and leave during work hours."

"Why? I have to go to the toilet, right?"

"Try to use the toilet as little as possible. You can just stay here, I have other plans."

"Alright, you speak so mysteriously."

I went over to my desk. There were files on it, but there was nothing I could do about it. There were so many documents to look at on my first day at work. To be honest, I wasn't used to it. He could only read it slowly. If there was anything he didn't understand, he would ask Sister Ling.

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