A Boy Living In City/C2 Introduce Yourself
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A Boy Living In City/C2 Introduce Yourself
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C2 Introduce Yourself

I opened my eyes and saw Mom standing right next to me. I sat up and said angrily, "What are you doing here so early in the morning? You shouldn't scare me by telling me to get up, right?"

Haha, who told you to not get up, I can only use my cold hand to put it on your face. Hurry and get up, you are going to school today. He put on his clothes and pants and ran to the toilet at 180 mph. Do you know why he was so fast? Hehe, I won't talk about it anymore. You all know …

Yeah, coming out of the toilet, brushing my teeth and washing my face, looking in the mirror, yeah, f * ck, I'm so handsome again today, why am I so handsome? If I go to school today, no one would dare to fall for me.

We waited at the entrance of the principal's office for about 15 minutes. When the principal finally arrived, we entered the principal's office and showed him my file. Hmm, Ye Qingyu, you must be the transfer student from today, I've received the news, I've arranged for you to be in Class 4. It seems to be the homeroom teacher's class. You can go to class now. Just go to the homeroom teacher when the class ends and get some books.

Ok, thank you, Principal. After leaving the Principal's office, I quickly arrived at the senior class that belongs to me.

Report! With my life report, the whole class's attention was focused on me, and for a moment I felt so red in the face, but I couldn't lower my head, because I was a man, even if my face was red, I had to raise my head, I couldn't lower my head,

This student, you must be in the wrong class, the homeroom teacher said. Report to the class teacher, I'm your class's new transfer student, principal, called me to this class to report. So you're a transfer student. The principal told me about it then. There's going to be a transfer today. Oh, so it's you. Come in first and sit at the last row. After I finish class, you'll come with me to my office to pick up my books. I didn't reply, but obediently walked to the back row. Time slowly passed.

"Ding Ling, the bell finally sounded. I was going to get my book with the class teacher, but what I didn't expect was that after taking the book, I followed the class teacher into the classroom. The class teacher said, 'Quiet, quiet, today a student came to our class pretending to be a student and asked him to introduce himself." To be honest, I really don't like introducing himself, but there's no other way.

Hello everyone, my name is Ye Qingyu, I'm 18 years old today, I just transferred here from City X. I hope everyone will take care of me in the future. After introducing myself, the teacher placed me in the middle seat. My tablemate turned out to be a woman. This made me feel that class was suddenly full of fun. The reason is, because there's a woman at the side, it's better than a man. I don't think there's a man who likes to work with a man, of course there is, but that's definitely because the teacher won't let the men and women work together. As for why, I don't want to say it, everyone understands.

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