Abyss Of Heaven/C4 Chaotic Times Began
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Abyss Of Heaven/C4 Chaotic Times Began
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C4 Chaotic Times Began

After the change occurred in the sky, a black trace was clearly visible in the sky.

No matter how brilliant the sunlight was, it could not cover up the crack in the sky. Instead, it only served to highlight the crack in the sky even more.

The residents of Primitive Continent all discovered the change in the sky, and instantly, rumours spread like wildfire.

There were rumors that the end of the world was near. People rushed to tell each other, and they all rushed to reunite with their families, cherishing the last minute.

Someone found out about the so-called secret history of the ancient era based on the marks on the sky. They said that it was the eyes of some kind of god, and when it was completely opened, everyone on the Primitive Continent would be able to become immortals and live forever.

Some people even brought out the real classical secret scripture and compared the phenomenon in the sky with the rumours from the secret scripture, saying that the sky was going to change and the world was going to start a new pattern, and everything was going to be reshuffled.

No matter what, the change in the sky had alarmed the entire Primitive Continent. Everyone had their own opinions. Their opinions were reasonable and reasonable. Rumors spread like wildfire.

After Ming Huo and the other three people observed the changes in the sky, some powerful people went forward to check. There were even some hidden experts speculating about the changes in the sky.

However, the accepted fact was that everyone could do nothing about the rift in the sky, and no one knew why it had happened.

As time passed, the citizens of the Primitive Continent became increasingly restless. Some regions even became a little restless due to the help of some people.

At this moment, the seven nations on the Primitive Continent could no longer sit still. Dispatching troops to suppress some disturbances was only a matter of time. They needed someone to eradicate these rumors.

Under the joint request of the seven great nations, the cultivator on the nine mountains began to speak. They clearly informed the people on the continent that this change did not mean the end of the world, rather, it was an opportunity for everyone to cultivate more easily.

cultivator in the nine great mountains had always been elusive, but this time, they had all begun to speak. Only then did the Primitive Continent get a short period of calm.

Although there were some apocalyptic gossip, it was not enough.

People generally still believed the words of the cultivator on the Nine Mountains, and the chaos seemed to have subsided.

The peaceful days were always so short. Before the rumors completely subsided, the Demonic Beast around the world started to riot.

People on the Primitive Continent could practice martial arts, wild beasts could naturally do the same.

Of course, the Demonic Beast's cultivation borrowed the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth as well as the strange fruits and herbs hidden in the deep mountains and forests to provide cultivation.

And those who had some strange abilities in the beast's Primitive Continent were called Demonic Beast.

Due to the human race's prosperity, for the past few thousand years, the Demonic Beast everywhere were generally very obedient. Only, from time to time, there would be a few Demonic Beast of not very high level that would come to the human settlements, but under normal circumstances, these Demonic Beast would very quickly be killed by humans.

Therefore, in the past few thousand years, there had not been any incidents of Demonic Beast invading human society.

However, the Demonic Beast that had been hiding in the deep mountains and forests had somehow started to attack the human settlements.

Some villages were massacred because they did not have a cultivator to practice martial arts!

Moreover, there were only one or two such massacre cases in the village. All of the villages in the territories of the seven countries that were near the mountain forests were invaded by Demonic Beast.

It was just that some villages managed to resist the invasion of the Demonic Beast by relying on their own strength. As a result, not all the villages near the forest were affected by the massacre.

However, he could be on guard for a while, but he could not be on guard for a lifetime.

The seven great nations quickly ordered all the villagers in the village near the forest to leave their respective residential areas.

Some villages had already moved to the nearby towns before the country had given the order, and some wealthy villagers had even run straight into the cities.

However, there were still a few villages that were unwilling to leave the place that their ancestors lived in for generations. They still stuck to their original positions and vowed to never leave their hometown.

In this situation, a certain profession all over the world began to shine, and that was Mercenary Group that had existed since the ancient times.

In the thousands of years that the Demonic Beast did not wreak havoc, Mercenary Group was an industry in a bad mood. The only thing they could do was escort the servants down with darts.

Because they had to face a few bandits, their rewards weren't very high. Occasionally encountering a task with a high price was enough to make them excited for a long time.

But now, with Demonic Beast everywhere, especially the existence of villages that were unwilling to migrate, the industry of Mercenary Group had suddenly become extremely popular.

Many villagers in the village began to raise money to hire some Mercenary Group to guard their own villages.

Some small towns had also hired some powerful Mercenary Group in advance to guard against the danger.

Therefore, in the industry of Mercenary Group, there were even situations where the supply was unable to meet the demand. Some powerful warriors saw this opportunity and quickly found people to form a new team.

Thus, many new Mercenary Group rose up all over the world, and even so, the price for hiring Mercenary Group began to rise bit by bit. It was only after a long time that the price for hiring Mercenary Group stabilized.

The seven great nations were naturally happy to see the rise of Mercenary Group, this meant that they did not need to send a large number of soldiers to guard these remote towns.

The country's territory was huge, and there were countless villages and towns close to the mountain forests. No matter how strong the armies of the seven great countries were, they couldn't take into account everything.

Furthermore, this time, the people were not the ordinary people, but Demonic Beast s that were comparable to humans in cultivator. Some ordinary soldiers had no way to deal with the powerful Demonic Beast s.

Therefore, the rise of Mercenary Group in various regions had undoubtedly solved the urgent needs of the various great nations!

Of course, the Demonic Beast that invaded the village were not in groups, after all, cultivation was not easy, whether it was for beasts or humans, only a few were truly on the path of cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, only one or two Demonic Beast would invade the human village, and only one Demonic Beast would lead a large group of ordinary wild beasts.

However, from the looks of the current situation, these Demonic Beast were only involved in the small villages near the forest. None of the small towns had been attacked by the Demonic Beast before.

The tacit understanding between the Demonic Beast had instead attracted the attention of the cultivator s of the nine great mountains. They felt that there seemed to be an invisible hand controlling the Demonic Beast behind them.

It was as if there was a beast king behind the scenes giving orders, and the current attack was just a probing attack.

This undoubtedly caused some of the cultivator s to feel cold. What humans were superior to Demonic Beast was not their physique, but the intelligence they were proud of.

If these Demonic Beast possessed intelligence comparable to humans, then with their terrain and material advantages in the deep mountains, humans would definitely encounter an unprecedented calamity in the future!

It was not as if the cultivator had never met a Demonic Beast with a high cultivation level before, but that was an ability only Demonic Beast could acquire after they cultivated to a certain level.

And the Demonic Beast that had been enlightened in the past was extremely rare, which was why those Demonic Beast were not afraid of humans!

However, the strength of the Demonic Beast that was currently attacking the village did not seem to be very high. If they were able to gain intelligence at a low level, then humans would truly be in danger!

What made all the cultivator even more shocked was that there was actually a Beast King or Demon King behind these Demonic Beast?

If there really was such a thing, how powerful would it be? In other words, how powerful were they?

Thinking about this, many powerful human cultivator s did not dare to continue thinking about this. The cultivator s on the Nine Mountains hurriedly started their own discussions.

They felt that the human crisis was coming!

They had to begin preparing some countermeasures!

At a certain place, a person was walking in the air. That person's appearance was very strange. Although there was nothing concealing it, it was impossible to clearly see that person's appearance.

It was as though he had already seen the person clearly. However, when his gaze left, his facial features naturally became blurry.

Not to mention the appearance, even the person's clothes and body shape were the same. As long as the person's gaze left the person's memory, the person would become blurry.

It was as if there was some strange power causing trouble, making it impossible to determine that person's gender.

He or she wandered into a forest. The man seemed to be moving slowly, but in a moment he or she was deep in the forest.

"Why did Demonic Beast suddenly run rampant on the Primitive Continent?" The man asked a certain part of the forest.

"The heavens have changed!" An existence that is not weaker than me is starting to get restless! " A clear female voice was heard.

The sound seemed to come from all directions, it was extremely strange.

"Are you one of them?"

"No, I promised you that I wouldn't get involved with the world again. Naturally, I will keep my promise."

"I naturally believe in you."

"Then why did you come? Wouldn't you not believe me if I came? "

"I just wanted to confirm and ask about the reason for the change. Most importantly, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

The woman's voice suddenly became silent for a long time. After a long time, it rang out once more.

"Hehe, did you come specially to see me? However, I do not know the specific reason why, but I do know that all of this may have something to do with the tear in the sky. "

"Oh? Does it have anything to do with it? " The man smiled. "In that case, maybe I'll have a chance."

As he spoke, the man lifted his head and looked at the crack in the sky. His eyes revealed traces of excitement, but there was more of sadness.

Strange changes occurred in the Primitive Continent, but to Qin Tian, there didn't seem to be any change in the entire world.

He was still surrounded by flowers, plants and trees. It was just that there were less trees after he came out of the forest.

The only person accompanying him was still the Xiaofeng!

Of course, Qin Tian also met other living beings along the way, but unfortunately, those living beings became the belly of Qin Tian and the Xiaofeng at the first moment.

Of course, Qin Tian was not like the Xiaofeng and ate raw. Although he had lived in the forest since he was young, under his master's guidance, he still enjoyed eating cooked food.

It had already been a week since Qin Tian left the Unnamed Forest area.

However, the more time passed, the more he felt that the attacks of the ordinary wild beasts seemed to have become much stronger.

At the same time, he noticed that the Xiaofeng had undergone some abnormal changes. However, that change was something that Qin Tian could not describe with words.

In short, Qin Tian felt that when facing the Xiaofeng, he was no longer facing an ordinary beast, but a living human.

This kind of feeling made Qin Tian feel really weird. However, when he saw that the Xiaofeng was still obedient to him, Qin Tian still thought that he was overthinking it.

On the eighth day, Qin Tian finally met someone. However, his situation seemed to be a bit critical.

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