The Harem Life Of Ace Special Forces/C2 The Tall and Rich Guy Came to Cause Trouble
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The Harem Life Of Ace Special Forces/C2 The Tall and Rich Guy Came to Cause Trouble
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C2 The Tall and Rich Guy Came to Cause Trouble

"Get lost, watchdog, and spare yourself the trouble," Sunn Rongbai sneered at Ye Xiaofeng, struggling to free his right hand.

The door to Ye Xiaofeng's resting room swung open, and Dung Mengna stepped out, having straightened her attire. Gone was the seductive air she held in the room as she cast a cold glance at Sunn Rongbai.

"Sunn Rongbai, this behavior only deepens my contempt for you," Dung Mengna stated icily.

"You think I still fancy you? You're mistaken. I have zero interest in someone who's been with a thousand men," Sunn Rongbai said, eyeing Dung Mengna's flawless figure with a covetous look, yet his words were laced with malice.

Ye Xiaofeng's expression soured at Sunn Rongbai's remarks. Clenching his fist, he caused Sunn Rongbai to let out a pained howl.

"Xiaofeng, please show him out," Dung Mengna said, detached.

With a firm grip on Sunn Rongbai's wrist, Ye Xiaofeng escorted him out, dragging him like a lifeless dog to the exterior of the beauty salon. The sexy woman who had accompanied Sunn Rongbai watched Ye Xiaofeng with a mix of fear and shock.

"You'll regret this, watchdog. I swear, I'll make you pay," Sunn Rongbai threatened as soon as Ye Xiaofeng released his wrist, hastily pulling out his phone, seemingly to call for backup.

Ye Xiaofeng shot Sunn Rongbai a menacing glare, making him retreat in haste.

"Scram, punk, and if I ever see you again, I'll break your right leg," Ye Xiaofeng warned coldly before turning back to the salon.

Sunn Rongbai seethed, watching Ye Xiaofeng's retreating figure, and frantically dialed a number on his phone.

Inside, Dung Mengna, who had been consoling Xiaoli, watched Ye Xiaofeng with an amused gaze as he returned. She approached him, her long legs sheathed in silk stockings, her pert derrière, and her bosom nearly bursting through her snug blazer. Dung Mengna was the epitome of sensuality, and Ye Xiaofeng swallowed hard at the sight.

"The Sun family wields considerable influence in Jinling City; they're not to be trifled with by just anyone," whispered Dung Mengna.

Ye Xiaofeng reached out to encircle Dung Mengna's slim waist, but she quickly intercepted his advance with her hand, blocking his unwelcome touch.

"Really?" Ye Xiaofeng's lips curled into a smirk of disdain.

At that moment, two vans screeched to a halt in front of the beauty salon. A gang of weapon-wielding thugs spilled out, ready for trouble.

"That's the guy. I want him dead," Sunn Rongbai commanded from behind the glass, pointing at Ye Xiaofeng with fury in his voice.

The thugs, armed with machetes and clubs, swarmed into the salon, adrenaline fueling their rush. It didn't take long for the dozen or so to confront Ye Xiaofeng.

Ye Xiaofeng was poised to fight back when Dung Mengna subtly shook her head. He noticed her stepping aside, phone in hand, seemingly summoning backup. Bosses like Dung Mengna always had connections on both sides of the law.

The hooligans encircled Ye Xiaofeng, their faces etched with scorn.

To them, Ye Xiaofeng posed no threat whatsoever.

Outside, Sunn Rongbai approached with a smug, derisive grin. Standing beside his goons, he fixed his gaze on Ye Xiaofeng.

"You said you'd break my right leg, didn't you? Well, come on then, try me," Sunn Rongbai taunted, eliciting raucous laughter from his gang.

Ye Xiaofeng's fist tightened, ready to strike, but Dung Mengna quickly stepped in. Her hand gently enveloped his, her eyes alluring and steady as she met his gaze, exuding tranquility.

As Ye Xiaofeng relaxed his fist under Dung Mengna's calming influence, Sunn Rongbai's rage intensified. He glared at Dung Mengna, his voice a furious growl, "You ungrateful woman, you've really crossed the line. I've told you before, there's nothing in Jinling City I can't have. Watch closely today, because I'm going to make sure this guard dog doesn't see tomorrow."

After finishing his statement, Sunn Rongbai shot the hooligans a knowing glance.

Catching on instantly, the thugs clenched their weapons and started closing in on Ye Xiaofeng.

As Ye Xiaofeng braced himself to fight back, an elderly man dressed in a traditional Tang suit entered his field of vision.

Ye Xiaofeng recognized the elder, who was widely referred to as Seventh Master.

Back in the day, Seventh Master had been a figure in the criminal underworld, but in his later years, he retired from that life. Nevertheless, in Jinling City's Black Tortoise Region, both the lawful and the lawless continued to show respect to Seventh Master.

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