After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C13 Who Offended You?
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After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C13 Who Offended You?
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C13 Who Offended You?

Indeed, Xiao Hee is a breath of fresh air!

He reflected on how Lin Yueer had snubbed him at the Feng Yun bar and the sting of Zhang Qian's betrayal.

Xiao Hee suddenly realized that after three years of quietude, his values might have been subtly shifting.

While honesty and sincerity are virtues, the world now revolves around money. He had never shortchanged Zhang Qian, having given her everything within his means. Yet, she had still betrayed him in the end.

With that in mind, he decided to let his money do the talking. Watching Qi Xiao's smug demeanor during the live stream and his relentless insults towards Zhang Qi and the others, Xiao Hee let out a cold laugh and promptly topped up his account with two hundred thousand. To him, this amount was merely pocket change.

The following day, as noon approached, Wu Feng rushed back to the dormitory in a flurry.

"What's the matter? You seem extremely worried," Chen Feng and the others inquired, noticing his urgency.

"It's bad news; Lin Yueer is in trouble!" Wu Feng announced with a grave tone.

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng burst into applause, "Fantastic, that's just perfect! Remember how she treated Old Xiao yesterday? I'm still irked by it. I didn't expect her comeuppance to arrive so swiftly. Justice is served!"

Zhang Qi chuckled in agreement, "Exactly, she had it coming. She dared to look down on Old Xiao yesterday. A woman like that deserves what's coming to her."

Xiao Hee looked confused, "Her? What happened?"

Despite Lin Yueer's mockery the day before, she was still connected to Wu Feng through his girlfriend, Lee Momo. For that reason alone, Xiao Hee couldn't help but be concerned.

"Do you guys recall the guy Lin Yueer slapped at the Feng Yun bar yesterday?" Wu Feng pressed on.

"Sure, what about him?" Zhang Qi inquired.

"That guy is probably just some thug. He tried to chat up Lin Yueer yesterday, but instead of winning her over, he got a slap in the face in front of a crowd. That must've been quite a blow to his ego," Chen Feng remarked.

"No, you've got it wrong. The man Lin Yueer slapped yesterday isn't just any thug; he's Lan Yuntian, the heir to the Sky Blue Group. His father is Lan Ruofeng, the CEO of the Sky Blue Group!"

Wu Feng spoke gravely. They had never imagined that the man who was rebuffed and slapped when he tried to hit on them yesterday would turn out to be someone of such astonishing status.

"Lan Yuntian is Lan Ruofeng's only son, and he's absolutely adored within the Sky Blue Group! When his father learned he'd been slapped, he didn't hesitate to retaliate. Discovering that Lin Yueer was responsible, he immediately exerted a great deal of power against her father's company, Yue Tian Corporation. He's caused havoc, severing all of Yue Tian Corporation's partnerships, leaving the company virtually paralyzed!"

"Wow, that's ruthless. That's the Sky Blue Group for you. That girl Nicole has really stirred up trouble with the wrong person," Chen Feng remarked, swallowing hard, visibly shaken.

They had already heard about the Sky Blue Group's domineering ways, but witnessing it firsthand proved that the group's reputation was well-deserved.

"The Sky Blue Group is definitely tyrannical. They've given Yue Tian Corporation one final ultimatum: have Lin Yueer spend a night with Qi Xiao. Essentially, they're just looking to degrade her," Wu Feng explained, shaking his head.

"Holy crap, so they're basically forcing Lin Yueer to sleep with him for a night, and they're dressing it up as something noble," Zhang Qi exclaimed in disbelief.

Wu Feng let out a sigh. "Still, we should go check on her. This whole situation started because of us. Even though we're not primarily to blame, I can't help but feel a bit guilty," Chen Feng suggested.

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