C16 Get Lost

"Who's that guy?"

A girl glanced at Xiao Hee, who was retrieving balls at the edge of the court, and couldn't help but inquire.

"Oh, him? He's just here to pick up balls."

The response came from a nearby person, his face etched with scorn. His name was Yu Guang, and he had always held Xiao Hee in contempt.


The girl nodded, then fell silent.

"Hey, why do you keep picking up balls? Don't you want to play?"

After a bit, the girl approached Xiao Hee and struck up a conversation.

Xiao Hee turned to look at her but didn't respond to her question.

It seemed she had arrived with Yang Rann. He had never seen her before, so she likely wasn't a student at Feng Yun University.

Especially since his divorce from Zhang Qian and the rumors of his being cheated on had spread throughout Feng Yun University, he had become the butt of many jokes. No girl from Feng Yun University would normally approach him to chat.

The girl was quite attractive, with fair skin, dressed in a one-piece dress and sporting a pair of AJs. Her eyes curved into crescents when she smiled, exuding a playful charm.

"That guy? He's the notorious loser from Feng Yun University. He can't play tennis to save his life, can't even afford a racket. We all chip in for the court fees, and he can't contribute a dime. He should be grateful just to pick up balls and watch us play, let alone join in."

Yu Guang spoke with a sneer, his voice dripping with superiority as if Xiao Hee's presence somehow affirmed his own status. "I don't even know why someone like him would bother joining the tennis club."

Yu Guang gave the girl a sidelong glance before asking, "You came with the club president, right? Why aren't you playing tennis with them? I'm Yu Guang, by the way, a member of the tennis club."

"Oh, I'm Lin Ling. I don't attend your school; I'm just here to hang out with Rann. She invited me to play tennis, but I don't really know how to play either."

Lin Ling spoke with a hint of resignation in her voice.

Upon hearing her words, Yu Guang's eyes sparkled, as though a light bulb had gone off in his head. "You don't know how to play tennis? I could teach you."

"No, thanks. I'm not really interested."

Lin Ling shook her head, clearly not enthused about tennis.

"Is that so?"

Yu Guang seemed a bit deflated after being turned down and quietly walked away.

Lin Ling didn't appear eager to continue the conversation with Yu Guang either. She turned to Xiao Hee and struck up a new conversation. "What's your name?"

"Xiao Hee," he responded.

"I guess there's no need for me to introduce myself, then."

Lin Ling flashed a slight smile, revealing a row of pearly white teeth. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with a unique light, momentarily catching Xiao Hee off guard.

"You don't play tennis, and neither do I. Maybe we could learn together sometime in the future?"

Lin Ling asked tentatively, then, as if a thought had just occurred to her, she quickly added, "I'll cover the court fees."

Xiao Hee was somewhat baffled by her words. Lin Ling, fully aware of his financial struggles, didn't shy away like other girls might have. Instead, she was engaging him with genuine warmth—this was a first for him. Despite her designer attire and the air of elegance she exuded, her eyes betrayed no hint of condescension. She seemed to regard him as an equal, without any reservations.

Just then, someone bellowed across the court.

"Xiao Hee, you spineless fool, what are you doing picking up balls? What do you think we called you here for? It wasn't to take a break. Get over here and pick up our balls!"

The one yelling at Xiao Hee was none other than Yu Guang. Though he had been busy playing tennis, his attention had never strayed far from Lin Ling, indicating a clear interest in her. He had tried to strike up a conversation with her earlier, only to be met with indifference.

Now, seeing Lin Ling's warm demeanor towards Xiao Hee, a wave of jealousy surged within him. He felt deeply insulted. To him, Lin Ling's indifference contrasted with her warmth towards Xiao Hee was an affront, suggesting he was even less significant than the so-called loser, Xiao Hee.

In a fit of panic, he unleashed all his frustration on Xiao Hee.

Upon hearing this, a sharp look briefly crossed Xiao Hee's eyes. He was about to stand and approach.

But Lin Ling, at his side, tugged him back down. "Let it go. There's no point in you picking up balls every day. If you don't actually play, you'll never learn."

With a slight smile, Xiao Hee took her advice and obediently settled back into his seat, ignoring the calls from the sidelines, remaining motionless in his chair.

The onlooker's fury grew as he saw Xiao Hee disregard his commands. His insults grew nastier and louder, drawing the attention of everyone on the tennis court, who cast puzzled glances his way.

"What's the problem? Why the commotion?"

Yang Rann looked on disapprovingly and inquired icily.

"President, that good-for-nothing Xiao Hee didn't pick up the balls for me, and he even flirted with your friend. I couldn't stand it, so... my apologies, President."

He pointed accusingly at Xiao Hee, who was cheerfully chatting with Lin Ling.

Yang Rann's face soured at the news. She glanced over at Xiao Hee, saw him laughing and talking, and strode over with a scowl.

Standing before Xiao Hee, Yang Rann glared at him and huffed, "I let you join the tennis club because we needed someone to pick up balls. Did you think you were qualified for anything more? Now, either go pick up those balls or leave the club!"

Xiao Hee remained silent, but Lin Ling spoke up, clearly upset. "This is too much. He's a human being. Why should he be at your beck and call?"

"Lin Ling? You? Why are you defending an outsider? Surely you haven't been charmed?"

Yang Rann stared at Lin Ling, incredulous. She had never imagined that Lin Ling would take Xiao Hee's side and join in criticizing her.

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