C21 Get up

"It's not you... Then who could it possibly be?"

Lin Yueer was deep in thought when her phone rang. Glancing at the screen, she saw it was a call from Chen Xiao, a high school classmate.

"Hey, Yueer? I heard about your family's situation this morning. I had my dad rush to the Prefecture first thing to seek help from the Mu Tian City Lord, but I'm not sure if it did any good. How are you holding up? Is Yue Tian Corporation okay?"

Chen Xiao's voice was filled with urgency, betraying his concern for Lin Yueer's well-being.

Hearing this, Lin Yueer's spirits lifted. She immediately concluded that Chen Xiao was the one who had come to Yue Tian Corporation's aid.

After all, it was the Mu Tian City Lord, Ji Tiancheng, who had helped Yue Tian Corporation outmaneuver the Sky Blue Group.

"It was incredibly helpful. Yue Tian Corporation is out of trouble now. The Sky Blue Group even came to our house to apologize. I was worried about how to thank our benefactor, and here you are—it was you all along. I'm so grateful; I don't even know how to begin to thank you," Lin Yueer expressed her heartfelt thanks.

Xiao Hee, who was nearby, couldn't help but furrow his brow upon hearing this. Clearly, Lin Yueer had gotten the wrong end of the stick.

But this misunderstanding might be for the best. Since Lin Yueer was mistaken, he decided to let her remain so. After all, he had no desire to continue any relationship with Lin Yueer.

On the other end of the line, Chen Xiao was momentarily flustered. He hadn't actually intended to rely on his father's influence. His father was merely the head of a small company and stood no chance against a powerhouse like the Sky Blue Group.

Chen Xiao had always been smitten with Lin Yueer and couldn't stand the thought of her in distress, which is why he had pleaded with his father. But he never imagined that someone as influential as the Mu Tian City Lord, Ji Tiancheng, would take his father's request into consideration.

Regaining his composure, Chen Xiao replied with excitement, "It's nothing, really. I did what I had to do because I just couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt."

"Chen Xiao, I'm at a loss for how to thank you. Oh, by the way, I'm currently at the Huasheng Hotel. Would you like to join me? I'd like to treat you to a meal as a token of my gratitude."

Lin Yueer offered.

"Sure, I'd be happy to," Chen Xiao replied.

Eager to accept Lin Yueer's invitation, Chen Xiao made his way to the Huasheng Hotel and reached the fourth floor in under ten minutes.

Upon his arrival, Lin Yueer immediately stood up with excitement and signaled to him, "Chen Xiao, this way!"

Chen Xiao, spotting Lin Yueer's gesture, approached her with a warm smile.

Chen Xiao, slightly on the plump side and clad in designer wear, had an average look about him. He was neither particularly handsome nor unattractive.

As he approached, Chen Xiao noticed the large dining table was completely occupied, leaving no space for him. He couldn't help feeling a bit miffed and showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

"Looks like everyone's here. Where should I sit?" he inquired.

Catching onto Chen Xiao's mood, Lin Yueer quickly stood up and reassured him with a smile, "What are you talking about? They're just my friends, here to keep me company today. You're the guest of honor."

Upon hearing this, the others at the table seemed displeased, but they held back any comments. After all, Chen Xiao was Lin Yueer's lifesaver, and they were indeed merely her friends.

Chen Xiao, though inwardly thrilled, managed to keep a composed facade.

"Still, with all the seats taken, where am I to sit?" he asked, looking around the table.

Hearing this, Lin Yueer immediately felt a pang of guilt, realizing her oversight.

She scanned the guests and her gaze landed on Xiao Hee, her expression turning awkward. Despite her dislike for Xiao Hee, she knew displacing him was a bit much. Yet, to please Chen Xiao, she felt compelled to act.

"Um... Xiao Hee, would you mind standing up? Please offer your seat to Chen Xiao."

As she spoke, Lin Yueer gestured toward a small two-seater table nearby and said, "You can take a seat there. Don't worry, I'll make sure they serve you."

Upon hearing this, a hush fell over everyone at the table. They were momentarily at a loss for words, feeling the sting of humiliation.

Chen Feng and his companions were visibly flushed with anger, practically seething. Lin Yueer's words were a direct affront to Xiao Hee, a severe blow to his dignity. It was utterly disrespectful. If it weren't for the sake of maintaining decorum in front of Lee Momo, they might have already lashed out.

At that moment, Wu Feng stepped in, "No problem. It's quite cramped with so many of us at one table. Old Xiao, I'll join you. It'll be good for us to catch up."

Wu Feng's intervention eased the tension and Xiao Hee's discomfort. His emotional intelligence was commendably high.

"There's no need. You all stay. I have some matters to attend to, so I'll take my leave now," Xiao Hee declined, shaking his head before standing to leave.

"Old Xiao..." Chen Feng and the others sighed as they watched him go, realizing that Lin Yueer's behavior had indeed wounded Xiao Hee's pride.

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