After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C4 Who Is the Big Shot?!
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After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C4 Who Is the Big Shot?!
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C4 Who Is the Big Shot?!

"Do you realize who this gentleman is?" Huang Xuan snorted, brandishing the black card in his hand. He spoke deliberately, "This is one of only ten Supreme VIP cards issued by Fengxing Bank. And do you know the criteria for obtaining one? A net worth exceeding 10 billion and a savings account over 1 billion. How dare you insult such a prominent figure as a mad dog? Even the head of your Qi Family would have to show utmost respect in his presence!"

The noblewoman, along with the affluent bystanders, was taken aback. Had they heard correctly? 10 billion in assets? Could this seemingly destitute young man actually possess such wealth?

Madam Qi, despite her foolishness, wasn't completely oblivious. She realized that this unassuming young man was not someone her family could provoke.

Confronted by Xiao Hee's icy gaze, Madam Qi collapsed to her knees without a second thought, fervently kowtowing and stammering, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, so very wrong. I am worthless, a mad dog, deserving of death. Please, in your generosity, spare me!"

While begging for mercy, Madam Qi slapped herself hard across the face. What did her dignity matter now? Facing a super billionaire with assets over 10 billion, she knew she was insignificant, and so was the entire Qi Family.

"Enough, just go..." Xiao Hee said with a cold laugh.

"Yes, yes, I'm leaving right now!" Madam Qi scrambled out of Fengxing Bank, not daring to linger a moment longer.

The onlookers were relieved they hadn't insulted Xiao Hee as Madam Qi had, fearing they might have shared her fate. This thought left them shaken.

Huang Xuan approached the two security guards, his expression livid with rage. Their condescending attitude and disrespectful words toward Xiao Hee had nearly caused him to commit a grave error. Now, he was seething with indignation.

"You two good-for-nothings, get up this instant and offer a proper apology to this gentleman!"

Huang Xuan delivered a swift kick to each of the security guards who had previously spoken rudely to Xiao Hee, sending them tumbling at Xiao Hee's feet!

The guards were petrified with fear. Who could have guessed that the man in shabby clothes would have such an intimidating background? They repeatedly bowed their heads to Xiao Hee, terrified that he wouldn't forgive them.

"Enough, get out of my sight. I don't want to see you again!"

Xiao Hee regarded them with an icy stare. For someone who preys on the weak and cowers before the strong, this was an act of extreme leniency.

"But... We..."

The two security guards hesitated to leave. They had struggled to secure these positions, and although they were just security guards, their pay was considerably better than at other places.

"Leave now, or do you have a death wish?"

With another kick, Huang Xuan sent them sprawling. They still harbored hopes of keeping their jobs at such a moment? They must be dreaming.

"By the way, I haven't asked for your name yet?"

In Xiao Hee's presence, Huang Xuan was the picture of deference. He wouldn't dare be anything but attentive to such an important figure.

"The surname is Xiao."

Xiao Hee responded tersely.

"Very well, Mr. Xiao, right this way, please!"

With the utmost respect, Huang Xuan led Xiao Hee to his office.

As Xiao Hee departed, calm returned to Fengxing Bank. The day's events would be etched in the memories of all who witnessed them, a truly astonishing turn of events.

From that day forward, no one would dare underestimate another, regardless of their appearance. Even a homeless person scavenging through trash could be a wealthy magnate who prefers to avoid the limelight.

"Mr. Xiao, how much would you like to withdraw? I'll take care of it immediately!"

Huang Xuan inquired, bending over backward to accommodate.

"Let's start with one million. If I need more, I'll be sure to come back to you."

Xiao Hee stated, unfazed by Huang Xuan's attitude. Sometimes that's just how it is; your status speaks for itself, and even if you come across as approachable, your position has already defined how others will treat you.

"Alright, please wait a moment!"

Huang Xuan nodded, accepted the black card from Mr. Xiao's hand, and swiftly exited the office. When catering to such a prestigious client, there could be no room for error.

Before withdrawing the money, Huang Xuan made sure to summon several receptionists to attend to Mr. Xiao.

Previously, if Mr. Xiao hadn't displayed the black card, the receptionists might have been reluctant to serve him, even at the manager's request. However, now they were eager for the chance to attend to him, hoping to catch his eye and ascend to greater heights.

Inside the office, the receptionists were exceptionally diligent, vying with one another to be at Mr. Xiao's side. One particularly curvaceous receptionist even strategically leaned into him.

In the past, Mr. Xiao might have relished their attentiveness, but now, having been betrayed by Zhang Qian, he found their advances utterly repellent.

"Back off! Don't come near me!"

Mr. Xiao's stern rebuke sent a chill through the air, his demeanor icy.

Startled by his outburst, the receptionists quickly dispersed.

Deflated, they left the office, internally grumbling. What's wrong with this man? Aren't wealthy heirs usually receptive to this sort of attention? Or could it be that he prefers men?

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