After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C6 The Exwife in Class
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After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C6 The Exwife in Class
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C6 The Exwife in Class

"Is this any of your business?"

Xiao Hee shot them a cold look and promptly dismissed them.

"Look at this loser, suddenly talking tough, huh?"

The male student who had spoken earlier sneered sarcastically.

"I'd advise you not to mess with me. I'm really not in the mood!"

Xiao Hee turned back with an icy expression on his face.

"Whoa, did you all hear that? Xiao's in a bad mood. I'm shaking in my boots!"

The male student feigned terror, but his eyes brimmed with unmistakable mockery.

The other students laughed along, their laughter laced with derision. In their view, Xiao Hee was just a pushover, always taking their abuse without ever fighting back. So now, hearing Xiao Hee's harsh words, they were utterly unconcerned.

What they failed to realize was that the Xiao Hee who would neither retaliate nor respond was gone. The old Xiao Hee had no choice but to endure, but those days were over—he didn't have to hold back any longer!

A determined glint flashed in Xiao Hee's eyes. He stepped toward the mocking student, ready to confront him, but a voice halted him.

"What are you all still doing here? Don't you realize class has started?"

At the sound of the rebuke, everyone quickly took their seats, indicating the authority of the speaker.

The voice belonged to Teacher Jia, the economics professor known for his sharp tongue and petty nature. He was particularly obsequious to students from influential backgrounds, showing them great leniency. Conversely, he was notoriously harsh toward students from more modest backgrounds, especially Xiao Hee.

Xiao Hee was known at Feng Yun University as someone of limited means, and Teacher Jia never missed an opportunity to make his life difficult.

"Xiao Hee, back to your seat. If you dare disrupt my class, you can forget about earning any credits," Teacher Jia said, pushing his glasses up his nose with a look of disdain as he scolded Xiao Hee.

Upon hearing the remark, Xiao Hee merely offered a slight smile and dutifully returned to his seat, seemingly accustomed to Teacher Jia's targeted behavior.

Teacher Jia, observing Xiao Hee's reaction, lost interest and, with a cold huff, began to take attendance.

Xiao Hee and Zhang Qian, though seated at the same table, appeared worlds apart.

After class, Lin Qi stood at the classroom doorway, clutching a bouquet of roses. Zhang Qian, feigning shyness, affectionately called him "darling" as she approached.

Xiao Hee's complexion turned an unusual shade of pale green at the sight, the memory of catching her in the act at the hotel the previous night still fresh in his mind.

The classmates, witnessing the exchange, largely grasped the situation. Clearly, Xiao Hee had been made a fool of. No wonder he had been scowling all morning.

Some thought to themselves that he got what he deserved for defiling their idol.

Zhang Qian, catching Xiao Hee's stare, purposefully looped her arm through Lin Qi's and smirked in Xiao Hee's direction.

"Xiao Hee, I'm with Lin Qi now. Can you stop clinging to me like a pathetic dog?" she said with a cold huff.

Lin Qi turned, scowling at Xiao Hee, and sneered, "Kid, stop bothering Qian Qian, or I'll have someone take care of you! Why don't you look in the mirror and see what you really are? Qian Qian is way out of your league."

As a wealthy heir with many connections, Lin Qi had little regard for Xiao Hee, whom he considered a loser.

"Me, pester you? Heh, hahaha," Xiao Hee laughed, as if he'd heard the funniest joke in the world.

"What's so funny? Have you lost your mind?" Lin Qi's frown deepened, his irritation growing.

"Let it go, darling," Zhang Qian interjected with a look of contempt. "Don't waste your time on him; he's nothing but a loser," she said, as if she were addressing a beggar.

"Zhang Qian, don't you think you're taking things too far?"

Suddenly, a girl stood up, her expression one of intense agitation, as if she'd been bottling up her emotions for a long time.

"Lu Yao? What about you?"

Zhang Qian looked at the girl with astonishment. Her name was Lu Yao. Before Zhang Qian and Xiao Hee's divorce, the trio had been very close, frequently hanging out and even dining out together.

"I sensed something off about the two of you today. I heard some rumors from our classmates, but I had my doubts. To think it's actually true. Xiao Hee has been so good to you, yet you've done something to betray his trust. Can you really live with yourself? Last night, you mentioned someone asked you out. Was it actually to meet up with this man and book a hotel room?"

Lu Yao's gaze bore into Zhang Qian, filled with indignation.

"How is this any of your business?"

Zhang Qian furrowed her brow, clearly annoyed.

"So, you're admitting it? Xiao Hee has always been nothing but good to you, giving you the very best he had. And now, for money, you've betrayed him, is that it?"

Lu Yao's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, reflecting the hurt she felt on behalf of Xiao Hee.

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