After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C9 Dispersed Without a Happy Ending
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After The Divorce, I Reached The Peak Of My Life/C9 Dispersed Without a Happy Ending
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C9 Dispersed Without a Happy Ending

Old Xiao is actually a really nice guy. He usually spends all his money on his ex-wife, which is probably why he's so frugal. Getting together like this is a kind of destiny. Let's all sit down and have a good chat."

Wu Feng quickly tried to defuse the situation. He hadn't expected that Lee Momo's roommates would know Xiao Hee, let alone be aware of the fact that Xiao Hee had been cheated on by Zhang Qian.

"Yeah, Old Xiao is just too nice, always looking out for everyone else but never for himself. I mean, if you're out of money, you could at least give us a heads up instead of causing such a big misunderstanding," Chen Feng chimed in, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hehe, right. Old Xiao, please take a seat," Zhang Qi said with an awkward laugh.

Xiao Hee didn't react much and just sat down with a calm expression.

However, Lin Yueer stood up. "I think I'll pass on the meal. I've got some other things to take care of. Sorry, Momo." With that, she turned and walked away, her delicate face betraying an unspeakable frustration. She had come here today hoping to find a boyfriend.

Beforehand, she had imagined Wu Feng's dorm would be full of attractive, wealthy men, and she was quite looking forward to it. But the more beautiful her imagination, the greater her disappointment.

Thinking about how she had been anticipating meeting a loser for so long, Lin Yueer felt a sudden surge of irritation.

But as Lin Yueer was about to leave, she bumped into a stranger. The man looked up angrily at first, but his frown turned into a smile upon seeing Lin Yueer.

Despite not being very tall, the man was dressed in the latest fashion, head to toe in designer brands, and even sported a Green Water Ghost watch on his wrist.

"Miss, are you here alone? Would you honor me with a dance?" he asked, offering his hand with practiced ease.

The man seemed cultured and polite, but Lin Yueer could tell that it was all an act. His quick change of demeanor made it clear that if she hadn't been as attractive as she was, he might have reacted very differently.

"Not interested," Lin Yueer said flatly, her expression unchanging. Xiao Hee's situation had already soured her mood, and she certainly wasn't about to entertain the advances of a stranger, especially when she herself was a beautiful, wealthy woman.

"Come on, give me a chance. My friends are all watching. If you don't, I'll be the butt of their jokes."

After Lin Yueer turned him down, the man's face visibly twitched, yet he refrained from making a scene. Instead, he continued to invite her with a half-joking tone.

"Oh? Really? And how is that my problem?"

Lin Yueer scoffed, regarding him with contempt.

At her response, the man lost his temper, "Damn it, you b*tch. Don't play hard to get if you're not interested. Are you trying to act all pure and innocent?"

His outburst clearly startled Lin Yueer, further souring her mood.


Lin Yueer slapped the man squarely across the face.

The man was left dumbfounded by the slap, obviously not expecting this woman to actually hit him.

Wu Feng and the others, witnessing the scene, initially wanted to intervene, but Lin Yueer had already seized the opportunity to leave while the man was still in shock.

Xiao Hee also found an excuse to depart.

Back at his place, Xiao Hee lay in bed, no stranger to the events that had unfolded at the bar.

He felt a pang of guilt for Zhang Qi and the rest. Due to his involvement, they too had faced embarrassment.

"Is it about money again?"

Xiao Hee let out a wry smile, tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

If he had attended the gathering flaunting wealth as a rich heir, what would their reaction have been? Surely not the same as today.

Ultimately, it all boiled down to status. Because he was seen as a loser, he was deemed deserving of disdain.

Reflecting on Zhang Qian's situation, he wondered if she would have divorced him had he been wealthy. Knowing her, she probably would have abandoned all pride and groveled at his feet by now.

Xiao Hee, once an overbearing rich kid, no longer favored that lifestyle. These three years of trials had exposed him to scorn and hardship that the wealthy could never comprehend, yet he had also found genuine friends like Wu Feng.

Still, he questioned his choices. Despite his distaste for the haughtiness of the wealthy, there were times when a bit of arrogance seemed necessary.

Maybe, in the presence of certain people, he ought to embrace a little more of that boldness.

"Nice guys finish last. Sure, being honest might get you things that the children of the wealthy lack, but if I keep this up, I'm really not living up to my identity as a Super Rich Second Generation!" Xiao Hee's mouth twisted into a sly smile. The image of Zhang Qian and Lin Qi's illicit affair flashed through his mind, fueling his rage.

Just then, the dormitory door burst open.

It was Wu Feng and the others coming back.

"How'd it go?" Xiao Hee inquired.

"Ugh, how do you think?" Zhang Qi exhaled deeply and replied, "They barely gave us the time of day. We couldn't get a word in edgewise. We're just not in their league. Us losers shouldn't dream of punching above our weight."

Zhang Qi appeared thoroughly disheartened, his self-esteem clearly taking a hit this time.

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