Alchemist's World/C16 Lies
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Alchemist's World/C16 Lies
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C16 Lies

Chen Xiao admired the cultivation of these two people, especially the pink-clothed girl. His cultivation was so powerful. In the blink of an eye, the pink-clothed woman had already fired several ice bullets.

The ice bullets exploded in the air, forming a cloud of ice dust.

"These are all Tier 3 apothecaries, the ones they forge are ice bullets." Only a Tier 3 Pill Refiner would be able to make this.

The cultivation level of one of the girls was slightly lower than this one. On the pink-clothed woman's hand was the Fire Pearl.

With a wave of her hand, she took out three Fire Pearls.

Being attacked by these two women, the dragon didn't care at all about the attacks of these two people, nor did he care about any of them. Soon the two of them were too tired to go on. Beads of sweat dripped down their bodies, and from the looks of it, they wouldn't be able to last much longer.

"Bullsh * t!" With a loud roar, the dragon was blown into the air, causing the ice dust in front of it to fall down.

The name of this fire attribute is Fire Dragon. For his neck was straight, and was called the Straight Dragon. The dragon's body was so powerful that the scales on its body began to expand and expand.

"This is bad!" The pink-robed woman said, "This guy is relying on his explosive power. We might not be able to control it. If we can't, we'll be swallowed by this guy!"

"Eldest Senior Sister!"

The pink-clothed girl's gaze was anxious. When Chen Xiao saw the situation they were in, it was clear that they were in an extremely dangerous situation.

"Protect the heart lock!" The pink-clothed woman held a sparkling object in her hand that released a very powerful light. In that instant, this light formed a protective barrier that wrapped around the pink-clothed woman and the white-clothed woman.

Chen Xiao had already recognized that they were people from Jade Cloud Peak. From the looks of their cultivation, it was unknown whether they were senior or junior.

Jade Cloud Peak's Protection Heart Lock Pills were very expensive. For example, this Trial of the Protection Heart Lock Pills required 10,000 taels of silver to concoct. This monster only had three to four thousand pills, so they had lost it this time.

"How sad!" Seeing the plight of the two senior sisters, Chen Xiao could not help but exclaim.

The flames spewed out by the dragon followed one after another. The flames burned outside the light barrier and were repelled back quite a bit. This protective shield would block the fire dragon's attack a total of 30 times. After 30 times, the flame would break the 'Protection Heart Lock'.

At this moment, a familiar figure flew over and shot a golden pill from his hand. The pill turned golden and immediately enveloped the dragon.

"Collect!" "Break!" With a loud shout, the dragon's entire body was covered in cracks, and the cracks constantly oozed blood.

"Jin Lie Pill!" Chen Xiao was alarmed.

The person who could only create this level 4 alchemist was none other than Qiao Yue-er.

"Senior Sister!" The pink-clothed woman and the white-clothed woman spoke in unison.

"Yes." Chen Xiao said indifferently, "All of you, don't come to this kind of place in the future. These direct dragons aren't so easy to kill."

"Senior, you're right. If not for the fact that we came from this world, we might not have been able to see you anymore." The pink-clothed woman said.

"Senior Sister, you're here too!" Chen Xiao hurriedly ran out from the bushes. Qiao Yue-er was very happy to see Chen Xiao. She said indifferently, "It's good that you're here."

The dragon had fallen. The two girls were staring at this thing. Wasn't that because there was a beast core on it?

"You can take them all!" Qiao Yue-er could see through their thoughts.

"Thank you, Senior Sister!" The girl was extremely happy and immediately said.

Immediately afterwards, the two immediately packed up the materials that were required by the boss and put them into their bags. All that was left were useless bones and the wreckage.

Just as the two of them left, the ground suddenly started to tremble. Qiao Yue'er was alarmed. "Not good!" That guy is here! " As Qiao Yue'er spoke, she pulled Chen Xiao and ran off.

Right at this moment, an enormous black shadow appeared here.

"I'm not running anymore!" Qiao Yue-er suddenly stopped running and stood still.

Chen Xiao knew that this fellow was not that simple, but he was sure to be some extremely powerful fellow. Otherwise, Qiao Yue-er would not be so nervous.

With Qiao Yue-er so nervous, Chen Xiao was also very nervous.

This sudden turn of events left everyone at a loss. However, after a short period of nervousness, Chen Xiao immediately calmed down.

The vicious huge shadow had already pounced towards him.

This was a dragon beast. Rank 3 demonic beast: 50 defense, 200 attacks, the armor on its body was sturdy. Normal tier 4 alchemist's pills wouldn't be able to penetrate its skin.

Chen Xiao looked at such a powerful dragon and immediately felt uneasy. He was very worried about Qiao Yue-er's safety.

"Roar!" The colossal dragon beast charged forward, its body as huge as an iron tower. Chen Xiao found it terrifying. There was actually such a terrifying animal in this world!

Qiao Yue-er was the first to lift up an ice pearl. This was the ice pearl of a Tier 4 Pill Refiner. It was quite powerful, and as soon as she threw it out, an ice wall was immediately released. This ice wall was extremely thick, and could withstand the simultaneous attack of a Tier 2 Pill Refiner. However, Chen Xiao quickly realized that he was wrong. This thing did not block a single blow. With just a gentle strike from the dragon, the wall formed by the ice droplets was broken through by the dragon.

Qiao Yue-er naturally did not hold much hope for her ice pearl, so when it was destroyed by this fellow, he did not panic at all. On the contrary, he appeared to be very calm.

Chen Xiao was feeling somewhat flustered in her heart, but she did not express it. He seemed very calm. This surprised Qiao Yue-er because she was panicking for a moment.

The huge dragon continued to attack. Its speed was astonishing, its power was astonishing, and its surging aura was capable of scaring everyone.

However, Qiao Yue-er and Chen Xiao did not care at all about how formidable these fellows were. The Violent Yuan Pill in his hand flew out in a flurry.

Chen Xiao did not appear to think that she would do anything to the dragon.

If the Violent Yuan Pill struck the dragon's body, it was equivalent to scratching an itch. The defense of the dragon was extremely strong, so when Chen Xiao's Violent Yuan Pill struck its body, it was as though nothing had happened.

The flames from the Violent Origin Pill fell to the ground one after another, causing sparks to fly in all directions. When they hit some objects, it actually made a "hacking" sound.

"This Savage Yuan Dan can't hurt this dragon!" Qiao Yue-er, who was standing some distance away from him, said.

Chen Xiao now knew how powerful the dragon was. By the time he wanted to dodge, it was already too late. This was because the second wave of attacks from the dragon had arrived.

Flames shot out from the mouth of the dragon beast and immediately enveloped Chen Xiao and Qiao Yue-er within. Qiao Yue-er shot out a flying pill. The pill split open in the air, turning into several small forks. The small forks pierced towards the dragon snake's eyes.

Qiao Yue-er's thoughts were on how powerful the defense of this colossal dragon was. Its eyes couldn't compare with my little forklift pill. Humph! Little Fork Dan was meant to be eye-catching.

Chen Xiao thought: As expected of a woman! And a pill without a human lung!

"Bang bang!" With a loud explosion, those pills were crushed into pieces. However, the eyes of the dragon beast were still unharmed.

Looking at this powerful colossal dragon beast, Qiao Yue'er felt helpless for the first time. She had no other choice.

This was truly depressing!

Although the eyes of the dragon beast were not injured, it still caused him quite a bit of pain. After suffering such a huge loss, they did not care who you were. As long as you angered them, they would definitely retaliate.

This dragon beast's counterattack was very powerful. In the blink of an eye, the entire area had been turned into scorched earth. If it weren't for Qiao Yue-er dodging so quickly, they would have been burnt to a crisp.

This was a dragon beast that ordinary people could not compare with. Even this Qiao Yue-er felt that she was at a disadvantage.

The strength of the colossal dragon beast caused Qiao Yue-er to feel extreme fear. She didn't know why, but a shadow had always been looming over her heart.

These tier 4 alchemists definitely had no battle prowess of these rank 3 demonic beasts.

This was the weakness of an apothecary. However, Chen Xiao was different. The mental cultivation method that he had been taught by the old farmer and the mental cultivation method taught by the elder of the Profound Green Sect were different. This mental cultivation method was a fighting cultivation method that could be used in intense battles.

This was a cultivation method of cultivating pills, and their most primitive ancestor was a doctor. The kind and kind founder of the Dao of Alchemy Division didn't like killing people, so he incorporated everything he had learned into the Dao of alchemy, and thus became the founder of the Alchemy Dao Sect.

It had been a thousand years since this senior began his cultivation. In this thousand years, many things had happened in this world, including the pills that had started to kill people. Some of these pills were extremely powerful, equivalent to an asteroid colliding with another planet's energy and causing an explosion.

If this Martial Ancestor still existed, he would have already been angered to death three hundred times.

Therefore, the cultivation of the Dao of Alchemy and the cultivation of the agricultural sect were really the same. They were both powerful in the advanced stages and were similar in the early stages.

Chen Xiao calmly looked at the dragon beast as it stood in front of Qiao Yue'er.

Qiao Yue-er was momentarily taken aback. She had never expected Chen Xiao to help her block the dragon's attack. A dragon was undefeatable. If one had such a mindset, one would never be able to defeat the monster!

This was what Chen Xiao was feeling at this moment in time. With a loud roar, the veins on his body bulged out, forming lines under his skin like earthworms.

How amazing!

However, Qiao Yue-er was even more surprised to find that there was still something on Chen Xiao's body. This thing was the Clear Sky Shuttle that the Mysterious Blue Sect Elder had given him.

"Go!" At this moment, Chen Xiao was handing out a Violent Origin Pill.

This Violent Origin Pill had been infused with his inner force. This caused his inner force to be extremely strong, showing that he had been cultivating this pill for more than ten years. This was the peasant's mental cultivation method. This farm's mental cultivation method was a way of fighting. As long as one's interest was strong enough, they could bring the user to a new height, where they could deal great damage to their peers.

Boom!" The Violent Yuan Dan that Cui added with his zhen qi was like a cannonball.

However, what happened next greatly surprised Chen Xiao and Qiao Yue-er. Even though the Violent Yuan Pill had caused such a great deal of damage, it had not managed to injure the colossal dragon.

The dragon beast's roaring tongue of flame had already licked Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao was naturally afraid of this power, but the Clear Sky Shuttle on his body suddenly reflected a force. His body suddenly glowed with a purple light as the purple light counterattacked.

"Pow pow pow pow!" The flames continued to burn furiously on the dragon's body. In the blink of an eye, the dragon artifact had been burnt to a crisp.

"My god!" Qiao Yue-er looked at Chen Xiao in astonishment.

Chen Xiao was also dumbfounded. He did not know what was going on either, but he immediately understood. It was the power of the Clear Sky Shuttle that the elder from the Mystic Blue Sect had given him.


Qiao Yue'er did not take the beast's inner pellet and gave it to Chen Xiao.

"Why me? Is there a part of it that helped you out? " Chen Xiao exclaimed.

"I can't take it. You killed it."

"Then, alright!" Chen Xiao said.

Qiao Yue-er wanted to ask Chen Xiao how did you become so powerful all of a sudden, but she managed to choke back the words that were about to come out of her mouth.

"What are you trying to say?" Chen Xiao saw through Qiao Yue'er's thoughts and asked.

When Qiao Yue-er saw that Chen Xiao had seen through her thoughts, she no longer bothered hiding it. She said, "I want to ask you, how did you suddenly become so powerful?"

"Hur hur, this question?" Chen Xiao scratched the back of his head and said, "It's all because of it."

Chen Xiao did not want to say that she had the Clear Sky Shuttle. After all, this was related to her future in the sect. If those people knew, it would not be good. They would make her die a graveless death.

"It?" Qiao Yue-er hesitated for a moment and expressed her disbelief.

Because this is a level one demon beast, how powerful can it be? Could a first level demon beast defeat a third level demon beast? This logic didn't make any sense!

"Hu hu!" Whitey's body flashed in the air and like a white horse passing through time, it streaked across the air and then stood on the spot.

Qiao Yue-er became even more confused. Was this guy …? Its speed was so fast that it surpassed even the colossal dragon beast.

Seeing how formidable Whitey was, she reluctantly believed in what Chen Xiao had said.

Seeing that her senior sister, Qiao Yue-er, believed her words, Chen Xiao forced a smile and said, "Let's go back!"

"Hm!" I'll give you a flying pill, you can fly to the place you want to go, and I still have to find someone, because this place is too dangerous, it's best if you don't stay here. " Qiao Yue-er said.

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