Alchemist's World/C2 Tibetan Meridian Pavilion
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Alchemist's World/C2 Tibetan Meridian Pavilion
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C2 Tibetan Meridian Pavilion

The Ice Mountain Scripture Pavilion was specially made for cultivators or any disciples of the Golden Core Sect to browse through. The Golden Core Sect was ranked 30th in the sect. Although it was not an outstanding sect, it was still a pretty good sect. In this highly competitive Flowing Color Planet, the Jindan Stage had always been ranked at 30. It didn't stop there and continued to stay there for hundreds of years.

The Scripture Tower was located at the back of the Great Qing Hall and was guarded by the elder Daoist Qing Xu.

At dawn, the soft sunlight shone on the door of the library. An old man with a beard and white hair was already standing in front of the door. He was in high spirits and his eyes were filled with life. The first thing he did was to see if his disciple had expected him to not return the book.

"Good morning, Elder. I came here to borrow books!" Chen Xiao was the first to appear as he said clearly. He had nearly scared Elder Qing Xu stiff.

"Kid, did you eat beef with such a loud voice?" Qing Xu looked up from his book and said.

"Hehe, I'm sorry!" Chen Xiao looked like a different person. The previously dull him was now like a clever and clever ghost. This made Elder Qing Xu suspect that this brat was just a duplicate of another person's soul on his body. He would never do something like this before, but that foolish appearance of his really made people worry that he would end up like this for the rest of his life.

"Alright! "As usual, borrowing a book is equivalent to one tael of silver. Reading books inside is free, and you are not allowed to take pen and paper to copy them. These are the sect's secret manuals. Any outsider will be treated as a traitor!" Qing Xu recounted the rules of the Scripture Pavilion to Chen Xiao.

"I got it!" After saying that, Chen Xiao confidently walked in.

The books inside were truly vast, no one knew what to choose. Chen Xiao knew that her foundation was poor, so she was unable to learn a high level of the Alchemy Scripture. She could only start from the basics.

"Bone Yellow Scripture, A and B Scripture, Eight Elemental Scripture, Six One …" Chen Xiao began reading on the bookshelves. He did not know what to choose.

Just as he was confused, he heard a cold voice. This was Qiao Yue-er, who coincidentally went up to the fourth floor. However, since she was about to pass through the fourth floor, she walked over curiously as she saw her father, Chen Xiao, fretting over money in a row of bookshelves. When she discovered that this fellow was choosing a book, Qiao Yue'er smiled and asked, "Yo, it's you. Junior brother, what kind of book are you choosing?"

Chen Xiao raised his head. When he saw that it was his senior apprentice sister, Qiao Yue-er, he felt his heart thump wildly. His face was flushed red, and his speech was not very sharp. After a while, he mumbled, "Senior sister, I, I, I'm reading a book. I don't know what to do with that book."

After holding back for a long time, Chen Xiao finally stammered out a sentence.

"You have a poor foundation, so I'll take this book." As Qiao Yue-er spoke, she pulled out a book and handed it over to Chen Xiao.

"Gu Yuan Sutra …" Chen Xiao looked at the cover of the book that depicted a simple person cultivating. There were many bits and pieces of patterns on it. It appeared to be from some sort of meridian cultivation.

"Mm, you have to train your true qi up. The grade of refining pills will increase." Qiao Yue-er said.

"Thank you, Senior Sister!" However, Chen Xiao did not cultivate zhenqi. He only wanted to concoct pills. As for cultivation, he was not interested.

Qiao Yue'er selected the book for Chen Xiao and left, leaving Chen Xiao to choose the book by herself.

Chen Xiao chose for a while before leaving the book that his senior sister Qiao Yue-er had chosen for him. Then, he chose a < Ancient Spirit Scripture > book on the bookshelf.

This book was the best among the beginner level books. It was the masterpiece of an ancient alchemist king. The wisdom of the people who could read this book was quite good. Normal people wouldn't be able to read this book.

When Chen Xiao placed the book in front of the pavilion elder, the pavilion elder was stunned.

"What? You can learn this book?" The elder sighed, "Youngsters are just too ambitious."

Chen Xiao remained silent as she secretly swore in her heart: All of you are looking down on Owen. I will definitely let all of you see if I can or not!

"This one." Chen Xiao signed the book and left while waiting for the book.

The pavilion elder looked at Chen Xiao's departing back and sighed rather regretfully, "Child, you will know when the time comes that this book is not something you can grasp!"

Holding onto a book, Chen Xiao found a secluded spot and started studying.

This was Sunset Peak, at the back of the ice mountain.

The back mountains of the ice mountain were usually very quiet, but there would be a few snow bears hanging out here occasionally. This snow bear was a Rank 1 demon beast; it would pounce on people if it met them, and they loved to eat people's hearts.

Chen Xiao was doing it for the sake of quietness. No one dared to disturb him. Even though it was dangerous, he was not afraid at all.

"Ancient Spirit Scripture, ghastly the scholars. "Always thinking for themselves, mistakenly entering the side chamber …" Chen Xiao was reading meticulously on the large rock. Although she did not understand it very well, she had a slightly hazy feeling about it. Reading it made her feel as though her head was about to fall asleep.

"You can't fall asleep!" Chen Xiao took out a lump of snow to wipe his face. A cool feeling immediately filled his entire body. He felt like this was too refreshing!

All of a sudden, the tiredness was gone.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a roar. "Roar …" The voice of a wild beast.

"Rank 1 Demonic Beast, Snow Bear!" A shadow immediately appeared in Chen Xiao's heart. It was the Snow Bear's shadow.

Sure enough, behind him stood a snow bear. The snow bear opened its bloody mouth and clawed at its chest. It stood upright and looked like it was about to pounce at Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was naturally scared to death. He never expected that he would be so unlucky to encounter such a thing on his first trip up the back mountain. He was extremely unlucky.

If Chen Xiao wanted to go over, that was impossible. That fellow was blocking his path, and even if he wanted to retreat, he would be unable to do so. There was a massive cliff in front of him.

Just like that, the man and the bear persevered. The bear didn't even bother to come forward and just stood there.

The bear waved its claws, and for a long time it only did the same thing.

"What do you mean?" Chen Xiao did not understand that he did not pounce on me nor did he let me go. She constantly gestured as though she had something to tell me.

"Roar! Roar!" The bear pointed at the hillside. It meant to say to Chen Xiao, "Please go that way."

Chen Xiaodao was stunned. Was he planning to choose a place to eat?

Issuing the certificate is death, so I might just follow it. When it saw that I was very obedient, it let me go and stopped arguing with me.

Chen Xiao was always thinking it through. In fact, what good thing did the world have? However, what awaited Chen Xiao was a good thing. Perhaps the heavens had been foolish enough to arrange for a good thing to be given to him.

Chen Xiao followed the snow bear to the hillside. There was a cliff, and below the cliff was a very shallow cave. Inside the cave, Chen Xiao saw a bear the size of the bear. The bear lay motionless on the ground. It seemed to be in pain.

"Could he be injured?" This bear wants me to help with the treatment? " With this thought in mind, Chen Xiao looked at the Snow Bear behind her. The Snow Bear used its front paws to point at the Snow Bear on the ground and barked twice. It seemed to be asking me to help treat the snow bear. Looking at the way the snow bear was acting, Chen Xiao thought, "This must be a couple."

Chen Xiao helped inspect the snow bear's body. He realized that the snow bear was indeed five months pregnant, and there was also a sharp thorn on its back. The spike was very long, about an inch, and was already deeply embedded into the snow bear's spine.

"No wonder it can't move. This thorn has already injured his meridians. I will pull it out and apply some Golden Sore Medicine on it." After careful observation, Chen Xiao realized that as long as he pulled out the spike, the bear would be fine after applying some Gold Sore Medicine. It was just a small matter.

With this, the mother bear's stinger was pulled out. Chen Xiao took out a bottle of Gold Sore Medicine and applied it to the bear's wound. The bear trembled and let out a soft groan, as though it was saying thanks.

After Chen Xiao had taken care of everything, he said to the Blood Snow Bear that was waiting outside, "I think you should let me go, right?"

"Roar! Roar!" The snow bear did not plan on letting Chen Xiao go. It howled into the sky and said, "You can't just leave like this. I haven't paid you back yet."

Chen Xiao was feeling very depressed. Did these animals know how to repay him?

Chen Xiao thought for a moment. "That's right. I heard from my master that someone saved a turtle before and the turtle came to repay the person who saved it with a pearl."

As a result, Chen Xiao stood there motionless as he waited for the snow bear. Soon the snow bear came. However, there was a very old looking cauldron in its mouth that looked to be full of green stains.

The snow bear placed the small copper cauldron in front of Chen Xiao.

"Aooo!" The snow bear barked twice. Its intention was to give this to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao was feeling extremely depressed. What was this fellow trying to do?

Chen Xiao had to endure for a while before he kept the small copper cauldron.

Chen Xiao picked up the small copper cauldron and examined it carefully. He saw that there were six words carved onto the surface of the copper cauldron: Nine Revolving Yin Yang Treasure Cauldron.

There was a small letter by the side, but the small word, Chen Xiao, did not recognize a single word. That was because the word was not written in modern script.

What kind of master's cauldron was this? As Chen Xiao looked around, she did not know who it belonged to nor did she know what use the cauldron had. She placed the cauldron in her arms and prepared to head down the mountain.

The snow bear had sent Chen Xiao to a safe place before returning.

"It seems like this animal is easier to get along with than humans!" This was what Chen Xiao was thinking. After a while, he thought: I wonder what use this cauldron has. Could it be that the Snow Bear is giving me something bad? As he thought about these things, he unknowingly arrived at the mountain gate.

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