All Mankind Are Gods/C1 Welcome to the League of Legends
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All Mankind Are Gods/C1 Welcome to the League of Legends
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C1 Welcome to the League of Legends

The sky was rent asunder, revealing an abyss of darkness.

Thunder boomed, striking the fragmented earth, turning the viscous blood to a charred brown.

A figure stood silently amidst the air.

"Is this the Divine Domain within me?"

Lin Fann hovered in the void, gazing down at the nearly collapsed land below, his expression complex.

"I had thought that after my rebirth, I would rise to prominence in the Divine Country."

"Yet the original owner's Divine Domain is in ruins."

Lin Fann sighed, realization dawning on him. No wonder he had transmigrated into this unfortunate soul; someone had shattered this man's Divine Domain. A Demigod without an ignited Divine Flame was not long for this world.

Having sifted through the memories in his mind, Lin Fann was utterly despondent about the situation before him.

The Blazing Sun Divine Country was a place of grandeur within the God Realm. Together with the Dark Moon Divine Country and the Purple Star Divine Country, they were known as the three great Divine Countries.

Lin Fann was a citizen of the Blazing Sun Divine Country.

And in the Divine Country, everyone was a deity!

A deity's body harbored its own realm. They drew upon the worship of the Belief Clan within their Branch World to gain Divine Power.

This was tantamount to harnessing the strength of an entire realm to aid their cultivation.

Such a method was not only unique but also exclusive to deities.

When titans clashed, their Branch Worlds would collide. For the Belief Clan, these were battles that determined the fate of their race. Yet, even if every member of the Belief Clan perished, the deities would not face death so long as their Divine Power was sufficient to cultivate the Belief Clan anew.

But should their Divine Domain shatter, particularly the Divine Domain Origin that embodied their divine essence, they would perish.

Lin Fann managed a wry smile.

Just three hours earlier, Lin Fann was a high school student in an internet cafe, exclaiming, "I want to pick Galen!"

But suddenly, he felt dizzy, his heart in agony. He faintly heard someone cry out, "Sudden death."

Then, without explanation, he found himself in the Divine Country, reborn into this Demigod known as Lin Fann.

However, the original owner of this body was a Demigod. If even a Demigod couldn't prevent the Divine Domain from shattering, what chance did a mere mortal like me, freshly transmigrated, have?

"It seems I'm going to die shortly after my arrival."

"But regardless, I've been a deity for a few minutes. I still want to witness the shattered Divine Domain Origin."

With that thought, Lin Fann vanished and the next moment, he materialized at the heart of the continent.

This was the power of the Divine.

In his Branch World, as long as his Divine Power was sufficient, anything was possible.

But immediately, Lin Fann was taken aback.

Not by the Divine Power, but by the sight before him.

A massive Blue Crystal, a hundred meters across and radiating blue light, was slowly revolving atop a simple altar a kilometer wide.

Lin Fann, utterly astonished, blurted out, "Hold on, isn't the Divine Domain Origin supposed to be a foggy mass of gas? Why does it resemble the summoning crystal from League of Legends?"

As an avid League of Legends player, Lin Fann instantly recognized the uncanny resemblance between this Divine Domain Origin and the game's crystal.

"I must have played too many games before crossing over; I'm seeing things," Lin Fann muttered, shaking his head. But then, he froze.

He couldn't take his eyes off the enormous Blue Crystal.

Lin Fann's breaths grew heavier. "The Divine Domain Origin... it's intact?"

"I get it now."

"The Divine Domain Origin is tied to the soul. When the original owner's divine soul was shattered, my soul stepped in to replace it. This means this is my Divine Domain Origin, unrelated to the previous owner's fragmented divine soul!"

Lin Fann looked down at his feet.

The Divine Domain Origin continued its slow rotation, its blue glow casting light upon the fractured earth. The broken ground near the Divine Domain Origin was gradually 'healing'.

Lin Fann was overjoyed.

As long as the Divine Domain Origin remained, the gods would not perish. Even if the Branch World was on the brink of destruction, it could be restored to its former glory!

This meant he could survive!

Moreover, he would continue to live on as a deity within a Divine Country!

Lin Fann took several deep breaths before regaining his composure.

The shattered Divine Domain Origin of this body's former inhabitant had a reason behind it.

"Was it Liu Chuan who shattered the previous owner's Divine Domain Origin?" A cold and haughty face surfaced in Lin Fann's mind.

According to the memories of his predecessor, a Divine Domain pirate, who appeared to have stumbled in by chance, broke the former owner's Divine Domain Origin and then revealed the true instigator behind the act.

The animosity between the two stemmed from Liu Chuan's affection for Lu Manyun, who in turn harbored feelings for Lin Fann.

"I will avenge you."

"However, right now, I have more pressing matters to attend to."

"Next, I should focus on cultivating a Belief Clan." Lin Fann remembered the stringent lessons from his former master.

In the Divine Country, students' education is centered around the Divine Domain.

High schoolers are already capable of becoming Demigods and creating Branch Worlds to nurture Belief Clans. By a stroke of fate, the body's original owner had passed the middle school exams a month prior and joined the freshman class at Blazing Sun No.3 Middle School, Grade One, Class Five.

After a month of study, the previous owner had opened a Branch World and selected the Frog Man Clan as the initial Belief Clan.

Despite the destruction of the Divine Domain, the former owner's memories enabled Lin Fann to fully grasp these concepts.

Initiating a Divine Domain is merely the initial step toward divinity. Without having ignited the Divine Flame, a high school student like Lin Fann is at best a Demigod.

Only by igniting the Divine Flame can he advance through the college entrance exam to university and ascend to true godhood.

At that juncture, he will be able to cast his Divine Domain into the God Realm, effectively commanding countless armies at will. A mere thought from him could summon Divine Domain warriors. A clash between two Low Level Gods could escalate into a conflict engulfing entire worlds, with repercussions felt across the God Realm for thousands of miles.

Yet, this is merely the power of a Low Level God.

Upon establishing a Godhead, a warrior can ascend to the status of a Middle Level God.

A High Level God, on the other hand, must forge a divine temple. At this stage, a warrior's Branch World spans hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and they command legions of followers that even Middle Level Gods would dread.

It is rumored that there are beings even more elusive than the High Level Gods.

The previous owner had watched a recording of a deity descending from the heavens, trailed by the Giant Kun spiraling in the air, with dragons and phoenixes crying out. A host of formidable races with daunting auras advanced like a vast army heading into battle.

And all of this was sustained by an immense amount of Divine Power.

Divine Power is derived from the faith and offerings supplied by the Belief Clan within the Branch World.

Lin Fann took a deep breath, recalling the memories in his mind.

"The initial Belief Clan is of utmost importance."

"In the early stages of development, the demand for the Power of Faith in the Branch World is substantial. These Belief Clans must be capable of providing a significant amount of Power of Faith."

"Therefore, the less intelligent the first Belief Clan, the better. Simpler races are more likely to devoutly worship the gods and continuously provide Power of Faith."

"However, combat strength is just as crucial. According to the former master's recollections, the first monthly exam is tomorrow. I'll have to compete against the other newcomers."

It appears that the Frog Man Clan cultivated by the former master was quite impressive.

They may not be the brightest, but their combat prowess is commendable.

While the Frog Man Clan doesn't match up to the Orc Clan or the Undead Clan, they can hold their own against common races.

Lin Fann pondered his options, already formulating a strategy.

But Lin Fann was uncertain about which race he could cultivate. The Divine Domain Origin would offer choices based on the god's Divinity. Those fortunate might start with the Dragon Clan, while the less lucky might end up with the Carp Clan, destined for a future in the cafeteria or marketplace.

"I hope to be granted a Half-Orc clan or an even mightier race."

Lin Fann inhaled deeply, channeling Divine Power into his hand, and reached out towards the Blue Crystal that glowed softly.

As soon as he made contact, a transparent panel unfolded before him.

Lin Fann was taken aback.

A voice he recognized, yet never imagined he would hear in this place, rang out.

"Welcome to the League of Legends!"

Lin Fann stared at the words on the transparent panel before him, his mind a tangled mess.

Wasn't he in the Divine Country?

Hadn't he ascended to the status of a Demigod?

Why on earth was there a mention of League of Legends here?

For a moment, Lin Fann nearly convinced himself he was immersed in a video game.

"Stay calm. I'm here to select a Belief Clan, not a hero. It must be an illusion," Lin Fann reasoned, withdrawing his right hand that was poised to click the mouse, and took a deep breath to steady himself.

The interface responsible for overseeing the Divine Domain appeared to stabilize, and the text on the screen shifted.

"The Branch World has been established. The system has detected that you lack a Belief Clan. Would you like to cultivate the inaugural Belief Clan?"

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