All Mankind Are Gods/C10 The Monthly Test Had Begun
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All Mankind Are Gods/C10 The Monthly Test Had Begun
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C10 The Monthly Test Had Begun

Lin Fann fingered the card in his pocket, feeling a surge of confidence.

"After the monthly exam, I can start training other Belief Clans."

"With a Rank Two Divine Domain, I can cultivate four Belief Clans. The school will issue one Rank One Race Card. With my remaining Faith Points, I can purchase another Rank One Race Card. Combined with this Rank Two Race Card, I'll have just enough."

"Plus, now that I have the Iron Ore Card, the Big Galens can finally be equipped with weapons and armor."

However, Lin Fann's train of thought abruptly halted as he turned to look at the classroom door.

A tall young man entered, his lips curled into a genial smile. Yet, upon spotting Lin Fann seated, a flicker of surprise crossed his eyes.

The surprise was fleeting, and he quickly regained his composure.

"Liu Chuan," Lin Fann said, his eyes icing over.

Liu Chuan approached Lin Fann and paused.

"Still alive?" Liu Chuan laughed softly. "I'm surprised to see you. Well, it's good you're still breathing. The next monthly exam will be quite entertaining."

"Honestly, I was a bit disappointed that Xiaoman Lu wouldn't witness the gap between you and me."

"But... it's good that you're alive. Make sure to eat and drink plenty."

With that, Liu Chuan made a throat-slitting gesture and returned to his seat, his threat clear as day.

Cao Dahua fumed from the side, "This Liu Chuan is so damn cocky, acting like you're on death's door."

The other students seemed unfazed; the animosity between Liu Chuan and Lin Fann was hardly a secret.

Lin Fann remained stoic.

While some might think Liu Chuan was merely spouting harsh words, the reality was he had already taken action.

"He probably thinks my Divine Domain is shattered and that I won't last much longer," Lin Fann mused with a wry smile. "Well, this makes the upcoming monthly exam all the more intriguing."

Lin Fann glanced helplessly at the girl sitting behind him, who was stealthily watching him.

A beautiful calamity.

The bell rang out, cutting through the whispers and chatter of the classroom.

The once noisy classroom fell silent in an instant.

Yi Rubing, clad in a sharp suit that accentuated her figure, strode into the classroom on high heels. Her long, slender legs moved with a breeze-like grace, and her sleek, straight black hair gave her a clean, crisp look. The eyes behind her black-framed glasses were the epitome of cool composure.

She exuded an air of seasoned professionalism.

Off to the side, Cao Dahua smacked his lips and said, "She's really something. I heard she's fresh from the military. If I were born just ten years earlier, I'd definitely have..."


The crisp sound abruptly silenced Cao Dahua.

Yi Rubing slammed the book in her hand onto the lectern and glanced at him. "Out. Stand in the hall."

Without a word, Cao Dahua left the classroom with practiced ease.

Yi Rubing stood at the lectern, her gaze sweeping the room as she spoke in a frosty tone, "Have I not said that newly promoted Demigods should enter the Divine Domain with the protection of a Divine Sense Connection Bracelet?"

"Did I not instruct you to remain calm when facing an unfamiliar invasion, to strategically plan your tactics?"

"Have I not emphasized that you shouldn't over-rely on the Divine Arts granted by your priesthood, for the true power of a deity lies within the Belief Clan?"

"Last night, I conducted a baseline test on you all."

"The results are in, and they are far from good!"

"You are the most disappointing group of students I have ever taught! It seems my words go in one ear and out the other, don't they?"

"And Cao Dahua, he was so terrified during the invasion that he severed his connection to the Divine Domain, effectively submitting a blank test. He need not bother with the upcoming monthly exam!"

Yi Rubing, known for her stringent teaching methods, began her lecture with a stern rebuke.

Her piercing gaze swept over each student as Divine Power pulsed around her.

Sensing the growing tension, Yi Rubing took a deep breath, her tone returning to a calm steadiness, "However, thankfully, with the exception of Cao Dahua, nearly everyone managed to hold their ground."

"It seems the lessons haven't been wasted."

"Your performance was barely passable. That is my overall assessment."

"Going forward, I'll be keeping a close eye on certain students. You know who you are. Prepare accordingly and don't give me a reason to call you out again."

Although Yi Rubing made her remarks, she wasn't truly upset as she observed the students before her. She understood that these students were merely Demigods who had just established their Divine Domains. They came from modest backgrounds, unable to rival the pedigrees of prodigies from prestigious high schools. No matter their talent or potential, it had only been a month. How could they possibly...

"Except for this one," Yi Rubing mused, her lips curving into a slight smile as she caught sight of Lin Fann. His performance in last night's assessment, from his adept combination of Divine Arts to his tactical acumen and the strength of his Belief Clan, had taken her by surprise. The students, usually silenced by her stern demeanor, noticed her rare smile and turned their gazes toward Lin Fann with curiosity. Yi Rubing was known for her stoic presence, her smile a seldom-seen phenomenon.

"Unbelievable, Yi the Iceberg is actually smiling."

"Does this mean Lin Fann's test results were impressive?"

"Yet, despite acing the theory, his Race Card is just the Frog Man Clan, and his Divine Domain is a mere 30 square kilometers—near the bottom of our class..."

The students were brimming with questions.

Liu Chuan, witnessing the scene, furrowed his brow. Lin Fann's Divine Domain was supposed to be shattered. What was happening?

"No matter," Liu Chuan muttered to himself, glancing at Xiaoman Lu and then back at Lin Fann. He stroked his Divine Sense Connection Bracelet, which flickered with a subtle red light. "I've got a surprise in store for Lin Fann."

"Now, I'd like to take a moment to commend Lin," Yi Rubing continued, pausing to emphasize her point. "In the recent assessment, Lin was the only student whose performance didn't disappoint."

"It's been just one month since the opening of his Divine Domain... I won't go into specifics. The upcoming monthly test will pit you against each other, and perhaps Lin would prefer not to reveal too much just yet."

"Time is of the essence. I'll send out the detailed analysis of this test along with the monthly test later. You can review them on your own time."

"You all know what's expected of you next."

Yi Rubing's voice trailed off, leaving a moment of contemplation hanging in the air.

The classroom air grew tense as the students collectively inhaled deeply, their faces set in expressions of seriousness.

"The first monthly exam for the sophomore class of Grade 10, Section 5, is about to commence!"

Yi Rubing pulled out a roster.

"Based on the preliminary assessment, I've organized you into groups according to your abilities."

"Those called will connect with their designated opponents through the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet for a simulated battle as part of the exam."

"The first pair will be Liu Chuan versus..."

Yi Rubing was just beginning to speak.

"Excuse me!" Liu Chuan suddenly shot his hand up and stood, turning to Lin Fann with a smile. "Teacher, I'd like to volunteer to challenge Lin Fann."

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