All Mankind Are Gods/C11 The Invasion of the Divine Domain
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All Mankind Are Gods/C11 The Invasion of the Divine Domain
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C11 The Invasion of the Divine Domain

"Huh? Why?" Yi Rubing looked at Liu Chuan with curiosity.

Liu Chuan's face broke into a warm smile. "Lin is top of the class in theory, but his practical skills leave much to be desired. I'd like to offer him some guidance."

Yi Rubing's brow furrowed slightly.

Was Lin Fann's ability lacking?

Having sparred with both Lin Fann and Liu Chuan, Yi Rubing had a good grasp of their capabilities.

Indeed, Liu Chuan was a standout among the students, boasting a vast ten-kilometer Divine Domain and the formidable wolf-men of the Belief Clan.

But recalling Lin Fann's performance during the baseline assessment, Yi Rubing couldn't help but wonder where Liu Chuan's confidence in Lin Fann's inadequacy came from.

"There's no need to apply," Yi Rubing shook her head. "You were already slated to face Lin Fann in my roster."

Upon hearing this, Liu Chuan's tension eased. He expressed his gratitude to the teacher and took his seat.

But then, a doubt crept in.

He was already Lin Fann's designated opponent?

Did this mean that, in the teacher's view, he and Lin Fann were on par?

"Lin Fann, with his shattered Divine Domain, he's not supposed to last much longer," Liu Chuan thought.

A flicker of unease crossed his mind, but he quickly scoffed at it.

"Regardless. Lin Fann, your days are numbered."

Yi Rubing completed the roll call.

"Alright, now that everyone knows their opponent, remember that in this exam, the gap in strength between you and your adversary isn't significant. Victory will hinge on how well you perform."

"Also, for those who are concerned, there's no need to worry. Virtual combat won't harm your actual Divine Domain. It simply projects your Divine Domain's data into a simulation, so you can fight without restraint."

"Is everything clear? Bring everything I've taught you into play and excel!"

"Let's begin."

With that, Yi Rubing activated her Divine Domain Connection Bracelet.

She needed to record and analyze the students' combat interactions.

The students followed suit, activating their bracelets and closing their eyes.

Lin Fann also engaged his Divine Domain Connection Bracelet, entering the Divine Domain interface.

"System Notification: The Divine Domain interface is now active."

"System Notification: The examination combat system for Grade 11, Class 5 is now online, and simulation data is uploading."

"Prompt: Data upload complete. Belief Clan model established. Would you like to initiate a battle request?"

"Yes," Lin Fann responded without a moment's hesitation.

"Prompt: Opponent matched - Liu Chuan."

"Prompt: Battle simulation request sent, awaiting opponent's acceptance."

Lin Fann stood above his Divine Domain, gazing down at the hundred Big Galen below him, and slowly clenched his fists.

"Let the revenge begin."

After waiting for thirty seconds, however,

Lin Fann scratched his head in confusion.

"Why hasn't Liu Chuan accepted yet?"

Deciding to take action, Lin Fann shot a message to Liu Chuan: "You were acting tough earlier, what happened? Got cold feet? The All-Mouthy King from Zu'an kindergarten?"

"Brave enough to arrange an assassination but too scared to face me directly?"

In the classroom,

Liu Chuan stared at the message on his panel, momentarily taken aback. He didn't understand the reference to the All-Mouthy King from Zu'an kindergarten.

But the challenge was clear enough.

"A broken man with a shattered Divine Domain dares to provoke me?"

"Heh, don't rush, I'll satisfy you..."

"Let Xiaoman Lu see for herself which one of us is the man she deserves."

A cold smirk played on Liu Chuan's lips as he pressed a modified button on his Divine Domain Connection Bracelet and closed his eyes.

"Reject the battle simulation!"

"Initiate forced entry!"

In that instant, Liu Chuan's bracelet flashed from serene blue to a dangerous red, hidden by his sleeve, unnoticed by anyone around.


Lin Fann stood within his Divine Domain, waiting for Liu Chuan to accept the battle request.

Suddenly, a message appeared on his interface.

Prompt: The other party has declined your virtual battle request.

Lin Fann was taken aback. "Huh?"

What did that mean?

Almost immediately, his panel flashed red, and a piercing alarm sounded, hammering against Lin Fann's heart.

"External force detected invading."

"Godly interference with the Divine Domain connection program identified, exploiting a vulnerability for illegal entry. Application cannot be declined."

"Please select whether to report this to the Divine Domain Security Center. Staff are expected to arrive on-site within half an hour to address this unauthorized intrusion."

Lin Fann was taken aback for a moment, but then he quickly grasped the situation.

"Don't want a virtual battle?"

"A real invasion?"

"Liu Chuan, you're looking for an actual war with me."

"I wouldn't have it any other way!"

Lin Fann resolutely chose to reject the upload.

"By refusing to upload the invasion data, you will face the invasion alone. Please prepare yourself."

Warning: The Divine Domain is on the verge of being invaded.

Warning: The Divine Domain's barrier is crumbling, and the invaders are approaching with hostile intent.

Warning: The invader is about to breach the Divine Domain's defenses. Please take appropriate measures.

Warning: Countdown initiated. One minute and thirty seconds remaining...

As Lin Fann perused the stream of data messages, his smile turned icy.


Very good!

He had initially thought that a virtual battle would hardly count as revenge.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chuan had tampered with the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet to launch an illegal invasion!

If caught, an illegal invasion would result in severe penalties.

But Lin Fann had a plan of his own.

He was determined to personally obliterate Liu Chuan's Divine Domain Origin!

That would be the truest form of revenge!

His gaze intense, Lin Fann could just make out a figure shaped by the howling winds behind the shattered barrier of the Divine Domain—a figure that was Liu Chuan's divine manifestation within the Divine Domain.

He could just discern Liu Chuan making a throat-slitting gesture towards him.

Over two hundred wolf-headed warriors were arrayed in an offensive formation at the edge of the Divine Domain's barrier, howling and snarling, seemingly eager to storm into Lin Fann's Divine Domain and wreak havoc.

Liu Chuan withdrew his scornful look and turned his attention to his Belief Clan, the wolf-headed warriors.

He had great confidence in his wolf-headed warriors.

As a particularly aggressive Half-Orc race, they lacked poison abilities, but their sharp claws and fangs were more than capable of ripping through an enemy's throat.

Moreover, after a month of cultivation, the number of wolf-headed warriors had grown to over two hundred.

They were now armed with iron claws.

Among them were 13 Devout Believers and three Fanatical Believers, who had all advanced to Rank Two during the last simulated battle, their physiques robust enough to don heavy iron armor.

The crucial detail was that these three Rank Two wolf-headed Half-Orcs had mastered Rank Two magical abilities.

Over two hundred Rank One wolf-headed Half-Orcs, plus three Rank Two Half-Orcs clad in heavy iron armor and wielding Rank Two magic skills.

Such power was considered top-tier among newly ascended Demigods.

"Lin Fann's Divine Domain should be devoid of any believers by now. We can march straight in and utterly shatter his Divine Domain Origin..."

"However, let's not be hasty. Let's wait a bit longer."

"We'll wait until the other students have finished their battles... I want Xiaoman Lu to witness Lin Fann on his knees, begging for mercy before me."

Liu Chuan pondered this as he glanced into Lin Fann's Divine Domain.

But then, Liu Chuan paused, taken aback.

"Below Lin Fann... are those members of the Human Clan?"

"That can't be right; his Divine Domain Origin has been shattered..."

"No matter, it's of no consequence. They're just the feeble Human Clan."

Liu Chuan's smile returned, but it was short-lived as his eyes widened in surprise: "The Human Clan is advancing towards my Divine Domain?"

"What's happening? They're not planning to defend, but to invade my Divine Domain?"

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