All Mankind Are Gods/C12 Liu Chuan's Trump Card
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All Mankind Are Gods/C12 Liu Chuan's Trump Card
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C12 Liu Chuan's Trump Card

Liu Chuan's face registered shock, but it quickly gave way to laughter.

"Lin Fann, are you looking to get yourself killed?"

"Even if there are a few weak members of the Human Clan left, how could they dare to stand up to my wolf-headed men?"

"Not only have they failed to defend themselves properly, but they've also taken the initiative to invade?"

Liu Chuan noted that these Human Clan Believers appeared somewhat robust, yet his Belief Clan consisted of the famously strong Half-Orcs!

Moreover, Lin Fann had only 100 Human Clan Believers, not even half his number!

"Interesting," Liu Chuan sneered with a cold laugh. "Well then, I shall oblige you."

"Wolf-heads, prepare to strike!"

At that moment, within Lin Fann's Divine Domain.

Lin Fann stood aloft, surveying the 100 Big Galen below, who were growing uneasy due to the scent of invasion.

"Demacia Power," Lin Fann spoke gently.

"The land beneath you is soaked in blood."

"Once, invaders came and laid waste to this world, slaughtering all the races that lived here. I myself nearly perished."

"Now, they return."

"Demacia Power, what will you do?"

A commanding divine voice boomed from the heavens.

The once restless Demacia Power gazed at the grass-covered ground, still tinged with dark red, then at the crumbling Divine Domain barrier, and finally at the eager invaders beyond.

They gripped their clubs firmly.


"Defend our homeland!"

"Battle for justice!"

"Great Element God Hephaestus, we will defend your name with our lives!"

"As long as we stand, the tower stands!"

"Annihilate those who dare to trespass against our home!"

"For the glory of the great Demacia God!"

"Purge the dishonor!"

One by one, the muscular men raised their clubs high, their eyes blazing with fury as they bellowed their battle cries.

These Galen, ever loyal to the Kingdom of Demacia, held protecting their homeland as their staunchest belief.

Now, in their eyes, Lin Fann's Divine Domain was their Kingdom of Demacia, and Lin Fann himself, the Demacia God.

In the face of the invaders, they unleashed their most thunderous roars.

Moreover, these invaders had once laid waste to this homeland and had even come close to slaying their great Demacia God!

It was a disgrace!

A disgrace that could only be cleansed with blood!

"Demacia Power, annihilate them!" Lin Fann affirmed with a nod.

"Under the guidance of our God, destroy!"

"Obliterate the invaders!"

"Shatter their world!"

In that instant, the Demacia Power, once defenders of their nation, seemed to transform into avatars of ruin, each one brimming with boundless fury.

Without awaiting Lin Fann's command, the Galens charged toward the soon-to-be shattered breach in the Divine Domain barrier.

This time, they abandoned the ignoble tactics of skulking in the underbrush.

Disgrace must be purged with blood!

They were determined to demonstrate to these invaders that the power to defend their nation could also raze a homeland!

In this moment, they were warriors unafraid to confront death itself.

"All forces, charge!"


Liu Chuan observed the hundred burly men, who, despite the gap in the Divine Domain barrier, showed no fear in the face of the wolf-headed beings. Instead, their faces were alight with the fervor of battle, causing his brow to furrow.

"Have the Human Clan lost their minds?"

"But... to pit the Human Clan directly against the wolf-headed beings, Lin Fann, have you lost your mind too?"

"Very well, let me plunge you into utter despair."

The next moment, the two Divine Domains clashed.

The web-like barrier of the Divine Domain shattered in an instant.

The invasion had commenced!

"Wolf-headed beings, attack..." Liu Chuan bellowed.

But before he could finish, a series of gruff cries cut him off.


"Wash away the shame of our God!"

"In the name of justice!"

One after another, the stalwart men didn't wait for the wolf-headed beings to charge; they surged into Liu Chuan's Divine Domain, swinging their hefty clubs at the wolf-headed beings.

A smirk of contempt curled Liu Chuan's lips as he scoffed, "Fools, no matter how muscular, to think they can match the wolf-headed beings in a contest of strength..."


Provoked, the wolf-headed beings tilted their heads back and howled.


A club, unadorned and straightforward, crashed down upon the head of a wolf-headed being.

The howling creature was abruptly silenced, and seventeen or eighteen of them toppled to the ground.

Liu Chuan was taken aback.

"This strength... How can it be?"

"Rank Two wolf-headed men, defend!"

Upon hearing the Sovereign's summons, the three Rank Two wolf-headed men quickly advanced, their iron heavy armor providing an impenetrable defense. The wooden rods wielded by their opponents couldn't inflict any damage.

The war between two Divine Domains wasn't merely a test of racial strength.

Strategy, environment, combinations of Divine Arts, and levels of battle intent all played a role.

Technological advancement, weapon research, and mastery of magic were also critical factors in the outcome of Divine Domain battles.

Lin Fann's Galens, though Rank Two, lacked metal equipment and wielded only the simplest wooden sticks.

In contrast, the wolf-men, having mastered ironwork after a month of development, now fought with iron claws and donned heavy armor that offered exceptional defense.

For a time, they managed to hold off a hundred Rank Two Big Galens, leveraging their equipment and numerical advantage.

Led by three heavily armored Rank Two wolf-men, the Rank One wolf-men mustered their courage and began to counterattack.

But it didn't take long for Liu Chuan to sense that something was amiss.

During the fray, his Rank One wolf-men were falling rapidly.

Yet, none of the incredibly strong humans had fallen!

Liu Chuan witnessed a Human Clan member's arm get shredded, only to see them retreat, rest for a few minutes, and then return to the fight with renewed vigor, their arm fully healed.

"What in the world is happening?"

"This incredible strength, and their rapid healing ability..."

A wave of anxiety washed over Liu Chuan. He hastily selected a Galen to review his stats.

Name: Garen Twenty-seven

Race: Demacia Power

Level: Rank Two

Belief: Demacia God - Element God Bosai - Supreme Deity - Hephaestus (A devoted Fanatic)

Ability Details: Constitution 19 (Strong for Rank Two), Strength 19 (Strong for Rank Two), Speed 14 (Average for Rank Two), Magic 0 (Magic? What is that?)

Combat Technique: Heroic Bronze

As a deity subordinate to the Master God, he couldn't access detailed combat technique data.

Nevertheless, the information made Liu Chuan gasp, a shiver running from his feet to his forehead.

"A hundred from the Human Clan, all at Rank Two?"

"Both their physique and strength at 19?"

"Is this typical for the Human Clan?"

"What on earth is this!"

In that moment, Liu Chuan was truly stricken with fear.

How could Lin Fann command such a Belief Clan?!

Watching his Rank One Half-Orcs getting knocked out by staves, Liu Chuan realized that if this kept up, his end was certain!

"But there's still a chance."

"Lin Fann, do you really believe your Human Clan can defeat me?"

"You'll pay dearly for your overconfidence."

Biting back his pain, Liu Chuan called out with determination.

"Rank Two Half-Orcs, prepare to self-destruct!"


This was the Rank Two magical ability that the three Rank Two Half-Orcs possessed, and it was Liu Chuan's ace in the hole!

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