All Mankind Are Gods/C13 I will Lead the Charge!
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All Mankind Are Gods/C13 I will Lead the Charge!
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C13 I will Lead the Charge!

Alert: The invaders have begun harnessing the power of magic.

Alert: A fearsome power is at play, putting your followers at risk.

Alert: The invader radiates a chaotic and fearsome energy.

On the battlefield, three Rank Two wolf-headed warriors locked in combat with the Galens suddenly froze.


They let out a thunderous howl to the heavens.

A wave of destructive magical energy surged through their bodies, causing their skin to bulge beneath their dense fur.

Yi Rubing, who was monitoring each battle, immediately noticed the shift, her surprise evident. "Rank Two Sacrificial Magic?"

"So, Liu Chuan had an ace up his sleeve as well."

"Even though it's just basic self-destruction within Sacrificial Magic, for a Demigod, that's an immensely powerful skill."

"Lin Fann, what's your move?"

Yi Rubing wasn't worried for Lin Fann.

To her, this was merely a routine simulation test; a loss here was inconsequential.

But the truth was far grimmer.

This was war!

A real, do-or-die battle!


The concept flashed through Lin Fann's mind as he observed the transformation of the three Rank Two wolf-headed men.

His heart skipped a beat.

Magic, with its formidable power, was the domain of only certain unique races.

And among the various forms of magic, sacrificial spells that traded life for annihilation were the most formidable!

"I've underestimated Liu Chuan; he has three wolf-headed warriors enhanced through bloodline modification."

"It seems he's been strategizing from the start."

"The blast radius of a Rank Two self-destruction is about fifty meters, capable of obliterating all Rank Two beings within that area..."

Lin Fann's gaze swept the battlefield. The three wolf-headed warriors were at the vanguard, and all one hundred of his Galens were within the blast zone.

Lin Fann had to acknowledge his oversight.

He had assumed Liu Chuan was merely using the wolf-headed warriors in Heavy Armor as a defensive front, prompting Lin Fann to command his Galen forces to surround and attack them, which now placed all his Galens within the blast radius.

In mere moments, his Galens would be utterly annihilated.

The remaining wolf-headed warriors would then breach Lin Fann's Divine Domain and lay waste to his Divine Domain Origin.

"However," Lin Fann said, the corners of his mouth curling into a cold smirk. "Is this all you've got?"

"Galen's forces, unleash the Fatal Strike!"

Notification: Your follower has utilized Divine Arts—Fatal Strike.

Notification: Your follower has gained a temporary speed boost.

Notification: Your follower's next attack will disrupt magic and inflict a 1.5-second silence effect.

On the battlefield, Galen didn't hesitate. He leaped into the air, his speed surging by 30%, and landed squarely in front of the wolf-headed beings primed to self-destruct. He hoisted his massive club high above his head, a mysterious aura enveloping it.

"Fatal Strike!"

"For justice!"

"For the defense of our nation!"




The three Galens swung their clubs, striking the heads of the three motionless Rank Two wolf-men.

Their heads were knocked askew.

Despite their heavy armor, such a blow could easily cause a concussion.

Witnessing the scene, Liu Chuan's lips twisted into a derisive sneer. "Foolish," he muttered.

"If I were in your shoes, I'd have the entire Human Clan turn tail and run. Perhaps one or two might survive."

"Do you really think you can prevent their self-destruction? Hmm?"

Liu Chuan's expression shifted mid-thought. As the clubs made contact, the chaotic magical aura that had engulfed the three Rank Two werewolves, teetering on the edge of detonation, instantly stilled and then vanished entirely.

The three Rank Two wolf-men were momentarily dazed, but they quickly let out a howl to the heavens and attempted the sacrifice once more.

However, this time, they were met with a shocking realization.

They could not...




The furious magical elements that had been coursing through their blood seemed to have disappeared, forcefully suppressed by an unseen power!

In that moment, the three Rank Two wolf-headed men were utterly bewildered.

Liu Chuan was equally taken aback.

"What's happening?" he exclaimed.

"How can he interrupt the sacrificial magic?"

"That was an irreversible self-destruction!"

"And why can't it be used again?"

Yi Rubing, who had been closely monitoring the fight, paused in surprise. She had been considering that Lin Fann's actions were rash. The wisest course, she thought, would have been for Galen's forces to retreat and save whoever they could.

Interrupting an irreversible sacrificial spell?"

"These members of the Human Clan... quite intriguing."

"Lin Fann, that Stinky Brat, never ceases to amaze me."

Yi Rubing breathed a sigh of relief for Lin Fann.

A mere 1.5 seconds, gone in a flash.

After a brief daze, the three Rank Two wolf-headed men suddenly felt their magic surge back!

They could self-destruct once more!

The three Rank Two wolf-headed men looked up again and let out a howl.



Three more Big Galen leaped up, bringing their clubs down on the heads of the wolf-men.

"Cunning Villain!"

"Root out evil!"

"Fear not, I've arrived!"

Alert: The invader has suffered a Fatal Strike from Divine Arts. Magic disrupted, entering a silenced state.

The bodies of the three Rank Two wolf-headed men, which had just swelled, deflated once again...

Their heads buzzed with the impact.

The ensuing battle was predictable.

Each time the silence wore off, the three Rank Two wolf-headed men would howl to the heavens, gearing up to self-destruct.

But each attempt was met with the three Galen soaring high, clubs descending fiercely upon them.






The pattern repeated itself.

It was as if a hundred Galen were lined up, taking turns to strike at the three Rank Two wolf-headed men. Lin Fann's interface continuously updated with notifications.

The wolf-headed men were left reeling from the blows.

"The battle has lost all suspense," Yi Rubing concluded, witnessing the scene. She turned off the interface displaying the fight between Liu Chuan and Lin Fann to check on the other students' battles.

Indeed, the outcome was now a foregone conclusion.

Despite being clad in Heavy Armor, the three Rank Two wolf-headed men couldn't endure the relentless pounding from Galen's clubs.

Unable to self-destruct, they were reduced to mere punching bags, utterly defenseless.

In the end, the Rank Two wolf-headed men, their armor grotesquely deformed, collapsed, bleeding from every orifice, having sustained severe internal injuries.

With the Rank Two wolf-headed men out of the fight, the remaining Rank One wolf-headed men, even with their iron claws, stood no chance against a hundred Rank Two Big Galens. They were knocked out cold, one by one.

"It's over," Lin Fann declared, separated by the barrier as he looked across at Liu Chuan with a smirk. "You know, I really should thank you for illegally tampering with the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet."

"Now, the tables have turned—it's my turn to invade you."

Liu Chuan's face drained of color. He had someone illegally modify his bracelet to prove himself. But now, the situation had reversed, and it was Lin Fann who was the invader!

"Lin Fann, let's talk this through. We're all classmates. Why can't we sit down and have a calm discussion?" Liu Chuan's voice was hoarse.

Lin Fann couldn't help but laugh in disbelief. "Young man, have you no sense of honor?"

"You were the one who had someone come after me, and then you tried to take me out yourself. Now that you're losing, you want to talk sense?"

"Fine, let's talk sense. Do you think I shouldn't seek revenge?"

Liu Chuan was at a loss for words.

Without giving Liu Chuan a chance to respond, Lin Fann addressed the crowd below, "Demacia Power, commence the destruction!"

"I will lead the charge!"

"Victory is within our grasp!"

"Accept your punishment—justice will prevail!"

"Under the guidance of the Sovereign, let's completely wipe out the invaders!"

A legion of Galens roared as they surged toward the heart of Liu Chuan's Divine Domain, where the Divine Domain Origin was located.

In that moment, facing Lin Fann, Liu Chuan experienced a profound sense of fear.

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