All Mankind Are Gods/C14 The Principal Stepped Forward
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All Mankind Are Gods/C14 The Principal Stepped Forward
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C14 The Principal Stepped Forward

As the Big Galens charged towards his Divine Domain Origin, Liu Chuan watched helplessly from within his Divine Domain. He had no remaining wolf-headed warriors to intercept them.

The wolf-headed warriors had been utterly annihilated!

The Human Clan had eradicated every last one of them!

Left with no other choice, Liu Chuan resorted to his Divine Arts. As the Cold Winter God, he had alternative methods of obstruction.




In an instant, a bitter cold swept through the Divine Domain. Snowflakes as large as goose feathers cascaded from the sky, the ground was sheathed in frost, and fist-sized hailstones plummeted with a howl.

Notification: Your opponent has cast Low Level Divine Arts: Snow.

Notification: Your opponent has cast Low Level Divine Arts: Frost.

Notification: Your opponent has cast Low Level Divine Arts: Hail.

Notification: Your follower is suffering from the severe cold, with reduced speed and rapidly depleting stamina.

Notification: Your follower is experiencing frostbite.

Lin Fann's lips curled into a smile. "The Cold Winter God?"

"I am the Element God!"

With a casual tone, Lin Fann declared, "Low Level Divine Arts, Gale."

"Low Level Divine Arts, Heat."

A scorching gale swept across Liu Chuan's Divine Domain, melting the ice and snow, leaving the ground dry once more.

The Big Galens, previously trembling in the cold, were instantly revitalized. They swung their clubs and bellowed, "Blessed by the Supreme God!"

"Our cause is just!"

"The Supreme God leads us onward!"

Notification: You have expended 500 Faith Points to unleash Low Level Divine Arts: Gale.

Notification: You have expended 500 Faith Points to cast Low Level Divine Arts: Heat.

Notification: The Gale and Heat have combined in a wondrous transformation, creating a Fiery Wind.

Notification: You have banished the chill from your follower.

Notification: Your divine favor has earned the gratitude of your follower, rewarding you with 500 Faith Points.

Liu Chuan was powerless to halt Galen's advance.

He could do nothing but watch as Galen made a beeline for the Divine Domain Origin Altar.

Meanwhile, in the classroom of 11th grade, Section 5.

After more than ten minutes, the skirmishes among the students had drawn to a close. They all opened their eyes and disconnected their Divine Domain Connection Bracelets.

After all, the conflict involving just over two hundred believers would last at most a day or two in the expanse of the Divine Domain space.

The students who had performed well were visibly elated, while those who hadn't were noticeably downcast. Nevertheless, no one was overly distressed; it was, after all, just a virtual test.

"Xiaoman Lu, during your recent battle..." Yi Rubing was giving feedback to a few students who had shown commendable performance, when she suddenly furrowed her brow and turned her attention to Lin Fann and Liu Chuan.

"Why haven't they finished yet?"

"Based on their earlier progress, Lin Fann should have eliminated those wolf-men by now, and the battle should have concluded."

Yi Rubing's frown deepened as she reopened the spectator interface.

To her surprise, she saw Lin Fann's Galen dashing wildly within Liu Chuan's Divine Domain, having reached the Divine Domain Origin Sacrificial Altar!

"This..." Yi Rubing was momentarily taken aback.

This was beyond the scope of the simulation exam.

Why hadn't it ended?

While Yi Rubing was still processing the scene, a Galen halted at the base of the Divine Domain Origin Sacrificial Altar and lifted his club high.


With a resounding "Bang!" the club crashed down onto the rune-covered altar. The club snapped, but the altar also showed a small, instantaneous crack.

Above the altar, the Divine Domain Origin, which had been swirling with vibrant, rainbow light, began to tremble and dimmed slightly.

"This is bad!" Yi Rubing realized something was amiss.

Simultaneously, her spectator panel flashed red, and a piercing alarm sounded.

"Warning, warning."

"A student has been detected making unauthorized modifications to the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet, engaging in actual combat!"

"Warning, warning."

"Immediate intervention is required to prevent the collapse of the Divine Domain."

Yi Rubing's head snapped up as she turned to Liu Chuan.

At that moment, Liu Chuan was still seated, eyes shut, but his body was shaking violently, blood streaming from his nose, his face contorted in agony, veins standing out on his forehead as if he were in excruciating pain.

"Damn it!"

Divine Power surged through Yi Rubing as she blinked to Liu Chuan's side, seized his arm, and yanked up his sleeve.

The Divine Domain Connection Bracelet, which should have been emitting a soft blue glow, was now radiating a stark and ominous red light.

"This bastard!"

"Is he trying to get himself killed? Or is he trying to kill Lin Fann? How dare he tamper with the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet!"

Yi Rubing instinctively tried to yank off the Divine Domain Connection Bracelet, but it was a piece of official equipment designed to protect newly ascended Demigods and was not meant to be easily removed during use. It clung stubbornly to Liu Chuan's wrist.

Moreover, it was made with the unique Divine Steel from the God Realm, far beyond what Yi Rubing, a mere Low Level God, could break.

"This is a grave teaching incident!"

"It's beyond what I can handle. We need the principal to come here personally."

With a grave expression, Yi Rubing vanished from the classroom before she could even issue any orders.

In the principal's office.


A beautiful figure and a shout appeared simultaneously, startling the bald middle-aged man sipping his tea so much that he spat it out.

"What's got you so panicked? How many times have I told you? No using Divine Power on school grounds..." The bald middle-aged man complained as he wiped the table, standing up.

"Baldy Yang, we have a serious problem!" Yi Rubing said through clenched teeth.

The bald middle-aged man paused, "What did you call me?"

"Can't you show a little respect for your principal?"

"Just because there's an issue, doesn't mean you can be so careless and call me Baldy Yang. Is it my fault I'm bald?"

He touched his head, feeling aggrieved.

Yi Rubing cut to the chase, "A student has tampered with a Divine Sense Connection Bracelet, and now he's at death's door!"

"Damn it! Is this some kind of joke at my expense, Baldy Yang?" The bald middle-aged man swore as he bolted from the room, his aura as a Middle Level God unleashed without restraint.

In an instant, he and Yi Rubing materialized in the Grade 1, Class 5 room.

By now, Liu Chuan was coughing up copious amounts of blood, his face deathly pale, though his body's shaking had lessened.

The students, sensing that something was amiss, remained silent, not daring to speak.

As soon as Baldy Yang showed up, he seized Liu Chuan's right hand and examined the Divine Sense Connection Bracelet closely.

"It's been tampered with—a forbidden combat module has been installed."

"This could be lethal!"

"But this fool, he's the one who installed the illegal combat module, and now he's the one nearly getting killed. If you don't have the power, why pretend to be tough..." Baldy Yang mused, scratching his head before turning to Yi Rubing. "What's the state of his Divine Domain now?"

"Take a look for yourself." Yi Rubing brought up the battle interface.

Within Liu Chuan's Divine Domain, a hundred brawny men were encircling the Divine Domain Origin Altar, each showcasing a variety of martial arts skills.

Some were pummeling the altar with their fists.

Others were chiseling away at it with heavy stones.

A few were even furiously stomping on it.

They resembled a demolition crew, having already reduced the altar to rubble.

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